Sunday, February 16, 2025

goals from now on

 goals from now on:

aim for 800 cals a day. maximum limit is 1,600.

weigh every morning

at least 10k steps a day. i used to do this seamlessly but have been lacking so much the past few months

track. track. track. track everything.

find daily motivation

take metamucil more often

focus more on macronutrients + focus more on protein & fiber

vyvanse every other day

gym 2-3x a week. if not that, a youtube workout


skincare + sunscreen 1st thing every morning(skincare needs to be meticulous really)

regular self-grooming

pay more attention to hair health

2-3 hours everyday should be dedicated to doing work

read 10 pgs a day

bed at 11:30-12am everyday

wake up @ 8 am everyday

get back into visualization

live by a daily schedule