Friday, December 6, 2024

nov. 26 --> dec. 5

nov. 26

- recap: taquitos? marshmallows? + ritz crackers? tall iced matcha w/ sweet foam

nov. 27

- recap: marshmallows? + ritz crackers? 

nov. 28(thurs)

- recap: mac & cheese, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, apple cider, wine, coke zero, stuffing, irish cream liquor (little bit), ritz crackers + marshmallows

nov 29(fri)

- recap: thanksgiving leftovers, popcorn, coke zero, and other stuff probs

nov 30(sat)

- recap: thanksgiving leftovers, ritz crackers + marshmallows, other stuff

dec 1(sun)

- 1/2 grapefruit, mashed potatoes(w/ a lil bbq sauce), rib meat

-  ritz crackers, cereal?

- small portion pasta, coke zero, apple

- doritos, grandma creme cookies, twix

dec 2(mon)

- "fast" till 6:14 / pb cracker, and a pc of candy? 

- meal: small-ish mac & cheese, 2 pretzel bites, green apple, small coffee w/ dairy free creamer & 2 sweeteners

- (i think) ritz crackers? i can't remember what i ate or if i ate after the "omad". i probs did.

dec 3

- candies: tootsie fruit chews

- cafeteria: salad w/ shredded carrots, chicken, ranch, & slight small spoon of (reddish?)beans

- nutrigrain, motts gummies 2x(3x?), tootsie lollipop 2x, mini candy cane (2x?)

- pudding milk tea drink, braised beef soup noodles

- ritz crackers

- taco bell: chicken quesadilla, beefy burrito

dec 4

*fasting 26 hrs*

- protein shake (150)

~ plan ~ [intentional triggering]

4:30ish: metamucil w/ acv & lemon


- taste of pb

broke fast @ 1:58am: bites of spam, cheese pizza slice little ceasars

dec 5

- salad w/ chicken, tofu, shredded carrots, reddish beans, bit of quinoa, few chickpeas + topped with some caeser dressing

       + small portion of cookies n cream ice cream cake

- protein shake (drank half at first then the rest later)

- nutragrain

- plate of 2 saucy chicken pieces, small portioned mashed potatoes, beans&beef&rice, small portioned pasta, coke zero 

       + xtra small cheese tortilla/quesadilla(?)

- container: sauce chicken, beef/beans/rice, grapes & pineaple (ate a bit than finished @ around 11:30ism pm)

- self-made trail mix (just nuts & small dried strawberries)

- welch gummies 3x

- 4:30am ish: taste of pb

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