Saturday, November 6, 2021


#38 Icanbeskinnytoo

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    Posted 29 September 2015 - 01:01 PM

    1. Fast   I had 18 kcal today and loads of water. Large cup of green tea (about 8 kcals) and two Glucomannan pills (5 kcal each)

    2. 200    Had 198 kcal - burned about 300 kcal at my TRX workout
    3. 250    Had 138 kcal - going to bed soon. Done with this fucking day.. I don't feel too hungry throughout the day yet, but I did get insaaane stomach pains during work today
    4. 300    Had 301 kcal. Fuck me. Ate most of them for dinner and now I'm feeling uncomfortably full - trying not to purge as I don't want to mess up this diet
    5. 350    Had 91 kcals today
    6. 400    I've had 140 kcals - ate an orange for breakfast(86), then went to work, had a cup of green tea(12) and ate 50 grams of carrots (40) then had a coke zero (1).
    7. 450    Had 371 kcals. Had an orange and a cup of chamomile tea for breakfast(91). Burned 563 kcals at the gym and then had 1 proteinshake (133) and some tuna (147)
    8. 500    Had 495 kcals. Haha, not eating anymore for the rest of the day! Burned 300 kcal at the gym. I feel like I ate too much today, and I just wanna purge
    9. Mono Binging bells, binging bells, binging all the waaay. Kcals=1000+
    10. 500




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      Posted 30 September 2015 - 11:03 PM


      Okay so to sum it all up:

      Starting weight: 178,5 lbs
      Ending weight:  163,2 lbs

      Overall lost:         15,3 lbs


      Did it Fix It Fast? YES




      My long-ass journey towards happiness:



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