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Posted 24 January 2019 - 04:54 PM

Coffee & bananas, on 24 Jan 2019 - 4:42 PM, said:

How did you lose the 65lbs?

tbh i just got really fucking depressed, i lost it in my junior year of high school when i had this huge crush on this guy. he was 165, i was 225, sort of had a very early mid-life crisis. i had been binging on a regular basis for 10 years by that point. it's actually funny looking back at all my old mpa posts when i was in this phase LMAO. i stopped eating breakfast and lunch and mostly just ate one meal a day after school. if i absolutely needed it, i would have an apple. absolutely tanked my mental state, attempted suicide, got hospitalized twice, and was in PHP numerous times too. it was just sort of a really stressful time in my life, and something just clicked in my brain. suddenly, restricting gave me the rush that binging used to. i still had the occasional binge but it was nothing compared to what it was before.


i gained 10 pounds back after my second hospitalization, lost it, and then gained 15-20 back when my dad died. so i'm trying to lose that again now. :( but yeah if i could give one piece of advice it's to take it slow. losing 65 pounds rapidly gave me a big rush and it made me "feel good" i suppose but the consequences of it had much further implications like i said above. take care of yourself xx

"my name's gary, im 42 years old, and i love eating ass."


my stats if you care to see them:

HW : 225 lbs (BMI 30.5)
CW : i don't fucking know tbh. i smashed my scale in a moment of rEcOvErY wArRiOr mindset and now i regret it bc im relapsing. fuck.
LW : 165.5 lbs (BMI 22.4)
GW1 : 210 lbs  (BMI 28.5)
GW2 : 200 lbs (BMI 27.1)

GW3 : 195 lbs (BMI 26.4)

GW4 : 190 lbs (BMI 25.8)

GW5 : 185 lbs (BMI 25.1)
GW6 : 180 lbs (BMI 24.4)

GW7 : 175 lbs (BMI 23.7)

GW8 : 165 lbs (BMI 22.4)

GW9 : 155 lbs (BMI 21.0)
UGW150 lbs (BMI 20.3)  :wub: :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

^^or less idk anymore tbh^^

imagine how skinny i'd be by now if i stopped binging hahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



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Posted 26 January 2019 - 02:09 PM

Motivation is the only thing that will help you through this, there's no other tricks. You have to restrict to lose weight, even if it's high restriction. The thing people have to remember is if you want to do the opposite of gaining weight, which is easy and requires no effort and includes comfort and indulging, it will also require opposite things like struggle and effort and discipline and being uncomfortable. The minute I accepted that is the minute I started putting in the work. The happiness I feel after each kilo lost is longer lasting then the short lived happiness I get from giving in to a binge.

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