Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10, 2023

21:3 fasting today
welp i ate @ 9 - 9:30 ish lmaoo still won't eat anymore till 6 tho
took vyvanse
Library 1pm-5pm
- stayed at starbucks for like 1-2 hrs instead

MW:  x (weigh-in after 10 days of ~800 cals so May 19th )


Tuesday: OMAD

Wednesday: 21:3 fasting plan (6-9 pm)

Thursday: add-don’t-subtract solely


Because I'm impulsive and can't stick to anything:

(Possible) Fasting Training!

Thursday: vyvanse hours 7-2/3 | eat either 2 or 3 | 5 hrs natural fasting 2/3 - 7/8 (eat whtvr after fast but eat slowly and include healthy foods)

Friday: vyv. hrs ~12-5/6 | eat @ 5/6 | 5 hrs natura fasting


Friday: intuitive 1500

Saturday-Sunday: 41:7 fasting plan

Monday: listen to stomach hunger only!

Tuesday-Friday: 400 cal meals @ meal times (12-6-3 structure) 800-1200 cals a day


Decide which one is best. Every eating plan should follow some degree of slower eating/add don’t subtract

B: --

Cals: --

L: none

Cals: none

S: none

Cals: none

6-9 eating window!

D: tall iced white choc mocha w/ cold foam, some of the dynamite roll, like 4 takoyaki's


^ ate b/t 6 & 7... probably a bite or so at 8 as well. was too lazy to heat up dynamite roll and it was past 9 by the time i actually decided to so i ate relatively low... lol #naturallyskinnytingz




Total:    / | 600-1,400

Exercise: walking (12.8k steps)

Extra: 2 dates (140), banana popsicle (80)

Week Goal: GIRL IDK

Month Goal: -sigh-

Overall Goal: 114

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