change of scenery. everyday i'm not at school, i will go to the library at different time periods
typically 11:20-2:30
and 5:20-7:50 pm
school will take up my 2:30-5:30 hours on Monday and Wednesday
in doing this, I will basically force my brain to get used to long hours of no eating
thus, hopefully regulating my appetite and decreasing cravings
schedule may be changed depending on job status
Sunday: to library/park- 11:20-2:30 pm
Monday: school - 2:30-5:15 pm
Tuesday: to library - 5:20-7:50 pm
Wednesday: school - 2:30-5:30 pm
Thursday: to library/park- 11:20-2:30 pm
Friday: to library - 5:20-7:50 pm
Saturday: to library - 2:30-5:30 pm
MW: 200.0(-2.2)
B: -- (null always)
Cals: --
L: apple, egg
Cals: 160
S: --
Cals: --
D: simple choice basil chicken, 1 s'mores poptart
Cals: 415
9:00: 1 pb & banana toast, turkey burger w/ egg & ketchup (bite of bread)
Cals: 545
Exercise: walking - less than 10k
Extra: hot pocket(290 - at 10:50 am, isn't that lovely?) tangerine, apple, bites of cracker w/ cottage cheese, 1 s'mores poptart, peach, ice cream sandwich(150)
Week Goal: 195-197
Month Goal: 192-193
Overall Goal: 114