March 1st - September 20th
- 800 cals on eating days, liquid fast every 3rd day
- 1 hr 18 mins exercise daily: 1 walk, 15 min jog in place 2x, couch w/o
- skincare daily: exfoliate/lemon juice alternate, wash face daily, sunscreen daily, icing whenever
- vyvanse every morning(breaks when necessary)
- metamucil regularly
- meditate 20 mins daily
- rebuild wardrobe: throw out old warn out clothes, get new ones
- improve hygiene: shower when room is free, wear sweat pads, wash blankets regularly, hair removal regularly
- grooming: take care of hair daily, fix nails, fix callouses, body hair
- hobbies: 30 min japanese learning, 30 min piano learning, 20 min drawing, regular vocal practice, learn kpop dances
- catch up on content(movies, shows, fanfics, music)
- read more
- edit more(aesthetic edits, youtube content)
- erase or calm tedious obsessive habits: screenshotting, downloading, bookmarking everything, even-touch thing
- house presence: buy more convenient cleaning tools, garbage bins, do a chore every other day
- occupy ur room more
- stop leaving house looking disheveled
liquid diet plan to try out
- 500-600 cal limit
- (halo top) vanilla ice cream for "sweet creamy" cravings
- hot noodle soup seasoning for savory cravings
- small amts of juice
- the usual: low cal drinks, water, tea, gum
- stimulants(obvs)
- metamucil(when done properly) / satiation
- liquid calories
- possible(must test): chewing objects - every hr for 15 mins, along with drink(preferably flavored)