not losing quickly enough this relapse🥲
Posted 03 June 2022 - 12:11 AM
Posted 03 June 2022 - 12:24 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I've relapsed HARD and I just can't seem to lose weight. I'm fasting 12-24 hours each day, taking my laxative after meals, and exercising everyday. I'm barely ticking down in mass, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. The only difference I've noticed is that I am becoming full faster when I do eat, so I KNOW there's progress in my body, but my GOD, I need this to go faster. I wish I had an answer or advice for you, truly I do.
Posted 03 June 2022 - 04:33 AM
QueenGlitterbutt, on 03 Jun 2022 - 12:24 AM, said:
I know exactly how you feel. I've relapsed HARD and I just can't seem to lose weight. I'm fasting 12-24 hours each day, taking my laxative after meals, and exercising everyday. I'm barely ticking down in mass, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. The only difference I've noticed is that I am becoming full faster when I do eat, so I KNOW there's progress in my body, but my GOD, I need this to go faster. I wish I had an answer or advice for you, truly I do.
this is so shitty i’m losing my mind idk what to do other than weigh once a week as to not fixate on it but god this is getting to me😭😭
After 8 long years “recovered” and even getting liposuction, i am back
Posted 30 May 2022 - 01:05 PM
went into forced recovery said fuck no and came back. passed my ugw and still thought i was a whale, nearly died and thought okay maybe i should stop.
tried recovering for myself this time. was the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do. was even the worse on my mental health than living was an ed was. i gained so much weight i was failing uni i hated my life. nearly died again (at my own hands this time). isolated myself from everyone. didn’t want anyone to see me and how i looked.
said ill stick it out for a month and if i don’t feel better ill give up and live w the fact that ill be like this forever. tried my hardest. after gaining weight and eating “normally” everything i tried to digest came up involuntarily. i was secretly happy. but again i stuck through it. i went to the gym got a personal trainer and tried to lose weight healthily. it worked but i still wasn’t happy w how i looked. so i started restricting and said to myself as long as i’m still eating a lil and not throwing up i’m fine. i wasn’t. it was my ed mind talking.
years go by and my weight is yo-yo’ing. my family think i’m okay now bc i’m not skin and bones. who’s gonna tell them i fantasise about dying more often than i ever did. at least when i was skinny i wanted to live to be skinny. i just didn’t want the pain. now it’s everything. i hate everything.
i was complimented for having my “womanly figure” back. i felt disgusted. but i guess i’m very easily influenced by society and trends. i did want a rounder butt. i wanted to be skinny everywhere else though. so after saving i saved money i got a fat transfer from my stomach to my butt. i thought i’d be happy but no. during that recovery process i lost weight on my stomach but i gained it on my arms. they’ve never looked this fat. seeing myself in the mirror triggers me. seeing old beautiful skinny pictures of me triggers me. i hate that i did this to myself.
now i’m back in the worst era of my life. looking hideous. 8 years older, not wiser. wanting nothing more than to be skinny and happy.
recovery for me wasn’t happy. i thought i’d leave this and never look back. i thought as i left my teen years as i got older i’d be happier. i couldn’t be more wrong.
i respect people who have gone through recovery and came out stronger on the other side. for a few short years i thought that was me. i thought i beat my ed and my disordered way of thinking but looking back i just picked up worse habits. i may have stopped b/p-ing daily but i still restricted under the guise of a “diet” or “cleanse”.
i don’t know what recovery is. i’m not recovered. i was paused. and now i don’t know how to push forward. i don’t think i ever will be.
sorry for this being so long, i haven’t spoken about this for so long and i’m only coming to terms with it myself.
Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:17 PM
For me, I felt best getting on an antidepressant, cutting out toxic people/moving out, and lots of therapy. Just recently relapsed hard but I’m trying to be.. “reasonable” in weight loss this time. Lol what a joke.
I hope you feel better

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Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:50 PM
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen
Sorry but those lyrics are exactly what came into mind when I read your post... I totally get you and if you need anything please pm me.I understand the pain and honestly when you get a very low weight and you have an ed once they take it away from you ,you get depressed. I just will tell say one thing to you like the other person said cut off toxic people. Even if it's family. At the end of the day the only one who knows you better and truly loves you even tho if it has an ed is yourself. Take care!
Posted 30 May 2022 - 08:01 PM
I attempted suicide at my HeALthY weight too.
Everyone thought I was recovered but really I was still sick. I kept myself at a BMI of exactly 18.5 for 8 years just to keep everyone quiet. Little did they know I still suffered and I still had to starve sometimes to keep my weight there all those years and I was still obsessed with body checking and calories.
I just want to say that I hear you and you are valid and I for one don’t give a f*** what you weigh because I know we still feel the same inside regardless of what our weight is.
You are suffering and I wish I could take that pain away from you.
I wish I had better advice but I don’t because I’m stuck in the same shit boat as you. And I relate to your story a lot. You are not alone.
Posted 31 May 2022 - 01:29 PM
Jazz56, on 30 May 2022 - 7:17 PM, said:
I feel you man. I was here quite awhile back too, like.. 2014/2015 starting? Lol I was 19 then
For me, I felt best getting on an antidepressant, cutting out toxic people/moving out, and lots of therapy. Just recently relapsed hard but I’m trying to be.. “reasonable” in weight loss this time. Lol what a joke.
I hope you feel better
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thank you so much i feel exactly the same. id like to think now i know what to “avoid” to know effect my long term health but truthfully i can’t get passed just wanting to lose the weight.
i feel the same about the being “reasonable” this time around lmao it’s funny. i’m just taking it week by week and will tweak things accordingly. right now i’m trying hard not to count calories too harshly and at least try and keep a few of the lessons i’ve learnt over the years to not fall too deep.
i hope this works out the best for both of us x
Posted 31 May 2022 - 01:40 PM
Wanttobethatskinnyagain, on 30 May 2022 - 7:50 PM, said:
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen
Sorry but those lyrics are exactly what came into mind when I read your post... I totally get you and if you need anything please pm me.I understand the pain and honestly when you get a very low weight and you have an ed once they take it away from you ,you get depressed. I just will tell say one thing to you like the other person said cut off toxic people. Even if it's family. At the end of the day the only one who knows you better and truly loves you even tho if it has an ed is yourself. Take care!
exactly. i feel like an imposter. i can’t even open my mouth to explain that i’m struggling bc i dont “look” it anymore. i feel disgusting. 8 years on and i’ve moved out and keep a distance between me and my parents, a few phone calls here and there maybe meet up once in a while. it’s both a blessing and a curse living alone. i have no one to hide anything and it’ll be easier to live as i want but i can easily fall back in my destructive patterns. there’s a few things in my new life i want to keep such as my job and i’m hoping and praying this doesn’t ruin me like it’s ruined me and every relationship i’ve ever had in the past.
i know it’s naive of me to think ill have a handle on it now but god i hate losing control. if i fall back into the b/p hellhole i know i won’t make it out😭😭
Posted 31 May 2022 - 01:50 PM
Posted 31 May 2022 - 02:07 PM
GraveMortal, on 30 May 2022 - 8:01 PM, said:
I relate so much to this. It was 8 years ago for me too when I was at my thinnest and I remember all the comments I got from my family when I gained the weight back how they all thought I was better but secretly I felt the same inside.
I attempted suicide at my HeALthY weight too.
Everyone thought I was recovered but really I was still sick. I kept myself at a BMI of exactly 18.5 for 8 years just to keep everyone quiet. Little did they know I still suffered and I still had to starve sometimes to keep my weight there all those years and I was still obsessed with body checking and calories.
I just want to say that I hear you and you are valid and I for one don’t give a f*** what you weigh because I know we still feel the same inside regardless of what our weight is.
You are suffering and I wish I could take that pain away from you.
I wish I had better advice but I don’t because I’m stuck in the same shit boat as you. And I relate to your story a lot. You are not alone.
thanks so much for your kind words, i’m glad to know i’m not alone. we can both get thru this!
this feeling sucks so bad. i feel like a fraud. i feel too ugly and at a normal weight to be disordered.
even through “recovery” my brain was always fucked up. i dont know how that is ever fixable. how do people fully recover? is it even possible? i was just jumping from toxic coping mechanisms to toxic coping mechanisms. i don’t know what i’m doing anymore.
i’m just gonna do me now and live my truth. no more living for anyone else. if i’m gonna be sick i might as well look it. at least ill be pretty
Posted 31 May 2022 - 02:09 PM
z9ey, on 31 May 2022 - 1:50 PM, said:
I am so scared of this. I'm in my second hospitalisation and I want to cling to restriction harder than anything. I might just have to kms when I'm out, they want me to be fat and I have to just sit there and let them do it before I have any freedom.
it’s the worst feeling. i hope you’re looking after yourself mentally:( pls don’t kys! you’ve got shit to look forward to even tho it fucking sucks rn. recovery is painful and you’ll get thru this. just think of how much you’ll be in control once you’re out x
Posted 31 May 2022 - 08:11 PM
horcrux, on 31 May 2022 - 1:40 PM, said:
I totally get you and I know that you can't trust people through the internet but you can vent tho:) You won't fall into b/p.We are here for you and you are valid no matter what ed you have ,every each of them is difficult (tbh bed is the worst ) but if you need literally anything you can always vent.And please I'm telling you this one more time be careful who you trust even if they are friends in real life because they me pretend to care about your health but they don't owe you good. Take care🥰exactly. i feel like an imposter. i can’t even open my mouth to explain that i’m struggling bc i dont “look” it anymore. i feel disgusting. 8 years on and i’ve moved out and keep a distance between me and my parents, a few phone calls here and there maybe meet up once in a while. it’s both a blessing and a curse living alone. i have no one to hide anything and it’ll be easier to live as i want but i can easily fall back in my destructive patterns. there’s a few things in my new life i want to keep such as my job and i’m hoping and praying this doesn’t ruin me like it’s ruined me and every relationship i’ve ever had in the past.
i know it’s naive of me to think ill have a handle on it now but god i hate losing control. if i fall back into the b/p hellhole i know i won’t make it out😭😭
Do I look like my BMI is 16.6?
Posted Yesterday, 03:28 PM
You look more like BMI 16.0. Don't know who told you that you appear bigger, but they needa get their eyes checked stat. There's no way you do not look very underweight even if you were wearing 15 layers of clothing.
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Posted Yesterday, 03:31 PM
Honestly you look smaller than your bmi and you're surrounded by idiots.
I'm sorry
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Posted Yesterday, 03:33 PM
Honestly would have guessed lower, like 15. I love your chest piece by the way.
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Posted Yesterday, 03:34 PM
𝐴𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑒, on 08 Jun 2022 - 3:28 PM, said:
You look more like BMI 16.0. Don't know who told you that you appear bigger, but they needa get their eyes checked stat. There's no way you do not look very underweight even if you were wearing 15 layers of clothing.
It really did happen and I was just like okay… 😂
Posted Yesterday, 03:48 PM
GraveMortal, on 08 Jun 2022 - 3:34 PM, said:
if it makes u feel any better, at bmi 10-11 i was told by a heavy girl that i looked so good and didnt need to gain any weight bcz i wasnt that skinny anyways (even tho she knew i was anorexic and was literally dying) ppl say shit just to say shit, those who u call a menace to society bcz they love seeing the world burn. so pls disregard all what they said and cut em off bcz u dont need that sorta negativity in your life and if u cant cut em off, let them know and set boundariesIt really did happen and I was just like okay…
- 𝐴𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑒, LanaDeLAna and Menfukuro like this
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Posted Yesterday, 04:05 PM
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Posted Yesterday, 04:13 PM
GraveMortal, on 08 Jun 2022 - 3:34 PM, said:
Thanks…. Maybe because I have more muscle from cycling like a maniac and weight lifting
If anything, that is making you look even smaller because you can very much see that you have little to no fat on you. Plus, you have that signature bobblehead look that is a giveaway for someone being severely underweight.
Posted Yesterday, 04:57 PM
𝐴𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑒, on 08 Jun 2022 - 4:13 PM, said:
If anything, that is making you look even smaller because you can very much see that you have little to no fat on you. Plus, you have that signature bobblehead look that is a giveaway for someone being severely underweight.
Signature bobble head made me lol, one way to put it!
OP you definitely do, I’d guess 16.0 or 15s, you look very toned and small. People are ridiculous with body comments I swear 🥲
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Posted Yesterday, 05:50 PM
Onryo, on 08 Jun 2022 - 4:57 PM, said:
Signature bobble head made me lol, one way to put it!
OP you definitely do, I’d guess 16.0 or 15s, you look very toned and small. People are ridiculous with body comments I swear 🥲
Haha it made me laugh too. Most people would take that as an insult but as a disordered person it’s a compliment.
Thank you. I know I don’t understand it :/
- Onryo and 𝐴𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑒 like this
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Posted Yesterday, 05:51 PM
Picklegurl, on 08 Jun 2022 - 4:05 PM, said:
i would definitely have guessed 15s. but more importantly you are so beautiful. i think you would look fabulous and still lean/slim even if you gained quite a bit because you look as though you are very active and have a lovely shape. please stay safe!
Thank you so much 🥺
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Posted Yesterday, 07:10 PM
I would have guessed lower. I am convinced people only say shit like that to make themselves feel better because I don't think anyone rational would think you were anything but underweight.
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Posted Yesterday, 09:26 PM
Posted Yesterday, 10:34 PM
i feel like we have very similar body types so i can def tell you're uw
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Posted Today, 12:43 AM
Female • 29yrs • 5’2 • EDNOS
TDEE 1253 kcal
BMR 976 kcal
Quod me nutrit me destruit
•Gastroparesis + Slow Colon
•Autonomic Dysfunction
• HW 54kg • LW 38kg • GW ? < 40kg (88.2lb) •
Weight Loss
• 44kg 97lb • 43.5kg 95.9lb • 43kg 94.8lb • 42.5kg 93.7lb • 42kg 92.6lb • 41.5kg 91.5lb • 41kg 90.4lb • 40.5kg 89.3lb • 40kg 88.2lb • 39.5kg 87.1lb • 39kg 86lb • 38.5kg 84.9lb • 38kg 83.8lb • 37.5kg 82.7lb • 37kg 81.6lb • 36.5kg 80.5lb • 36kg 79.4lb • 35.5kg 78.3lb • 35kg 77.2lb • 34.5kg 76.1lb • 34kg 75lb •
Do I look like my BMI is 16.6?
Posted Today, 06:12 AM
xxRho, on 09 Jun 2022 - 12:43 AM, said:
I would get your height remeasured because you look easily in the 15s
I’ve taken it a few times and I’m definitely 5’ 7” but I do have scoliosis so if I ever had surgery to straighten my spine I would actually be taller. Probably 5’ 8”?
So it’s possible I actually am taller in actuality but you can’t tell because my spine is shaped like an S 😂
Posted Today, 06:17 AM
Reiben17, on 09 Jun 2022 - 04:19 AM, said:
(It’s not a short answer because I’m complicated)off topic...but how fast are you losing?
has the weight loss slowed down,
how long does it take you to lose 2 pounds?
Well last Friday I started a 3 day fast and ended it on Sunday evening. Since then I’ve been eating 400-700 calories a day on a mostly plant based keto diet. I was already in ketosis from fasting and didn’t want to break it because it kills cravings and decreases your appetite.
Prior to that I maintained the same weight for 8 fricking months because I was stuck in a terrible binge/purge cycle after losing the initial weight that got me from BMI 18.5 to 17.
It hasn’t been a week of the plant based keto diet yet so I feel I can’t really comment on how fast I’m losing long term. After fasting my weight went from 110-106 lbs and it’s been the same every single morning since then which I find odd since I’m restricting so low. It could be that I am losing but the weight of the food added into my system is causing it to level out on the scale for now. Hoping for a “whoosh” soon.
Typically though to lose 2 lbs it will take me 1 week if I’m restricting below 500, or 2 weeks if I’m high restricting around 1000. My TDEE is 1,450 without exercise. I lift weights and cycle 8+ hours every week.
*Mostly* Plant Based Keto Summer Shred
Posted 27 May 2022 - 04:51 AM
I always lose weight when I stop binging and purging so I’m making this in hopes of helping to motive myself to stop and get back into it.
I know I can do it, I just have to be strong and hold myself accountable. It isn’t all about weight either. I like my teeth and would like to keep them. I’m sick of wasting money on binge food and having fat swollen salivary glands.
Height: 5’ 7”
CW: 110 lbs (I was 107 lbs yesterday wtf)
BMI: 17.2
Waist: 22”
Hips: 35”
Bust: 35” I got big ones
Lowest BMI: 14.8 in 2014
Goal BMI: 15 (96 lbs)
Ultimate Goal BMI: 14 (89 lbs)
Age: 28 (for anyone curious)
Day 1:
I binged and purged everyday this week so later I’m going to the store for some fruit and pedialyte. I’d love to fast on some days but I know that’s a bad idea today because I feel very weak and like I need electrolytes desperately.
I’m starting the day with a lot of water for now, Garcinia Cambogia and Saffron Extract pills (they reduce your appetite) and fiber powder in my water. I took a laxative yesterday like an idiot so I have terrible cramps and know a bowel movement is on the way soon. Gross.
Calories: 30
To distract myself from my usual antics of preparing food to vomit like a clown I have a couple triggering books recommended by people here. Also pictured are two additives that help me drink lots of water. Flavor drops and cold tea infusions.

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 08:21 AM
Vegan coconut milk yogurt mixed with 1/2 scoop vegan protein powder, 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup strawberries, 2 servings of grape pedialyte, fiber powder supplement
Lunch: 190 cals
One can of Progresso garden vegetable soup
It’s so weird eating food and actually keeping it down. I think I’m going to aim for around 800 calories today. I feel hungover and so crappy from puking so much.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 08:55 AM
I’m trying not to panic because I have had this happen before on my period and it always goes away. My measurements are exactly the same so who knows. I also retain water like crazy when I stop binging and purging.
I might just stop weighing myself for a few days because it isn’t helping me.
Yesterday I did good I had 850 calories. Today I’ve had an iced coffee with oatmilk from Starbucks (no classic syrup) and might have a can of soup later. I’m not feeling hungry praise the heavens.
Total calorie intake: 420 cals
•12 piece grilled nugget from Chick Fil A with Buffalo sauce
•Sliced strawberries
•Oatmilk in Starbucks unsweetened iced coffee (I guess 1/2 cup oatmilk for that but I could be off. I know they use Oatly oatmilk which isn’t low cal)
•Fiber powder supplement and green tea gummies
Posted 29 May 2022 - 05:16 AM
I’m going on a hike today which is good I’ll burn some calories. Yesterday we walked around at a huge zoo for several hours so I probably at least burned off the strawberries.
I feel so fat and like a failure.
Posted 29 May 2022 - 04:09 PM
I honestly don’t know how many I burned today but I was very active. We went on a three hour long hike up and down hills (my legs were shaking by the end of it) and then I cycled on my stationary bike for 40 minutes.
Maybe 200? I don’t fucking know 🥲 I have so much anxiety keeping all this food down and I’m so bloated too. I’ll probably weigh even more tomorrow from the weight of the food. FML.
Estimated total including exercise: 780 calories
I had two small pink lady apples, 3/4 cup vegan yogurt, 1 can of Progresso lentil soup, a frozen banana and PB2 peanut protein shake, fiber powder supplement, a cup of Ripple plant milk in iced coffee, and 1 cup cooked rice.
I want to puke so bad.
Posted 30 May 2022 - 06:51 AM
I’m having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. A big one though with several scoops of protein and several cups of nondairy milk. I mixed Chike’s vanilla iced coffee protein powder with Planta’s vanilla protein and Ripple’s pea milk. Pea milk sounds disgusting but it’s actually so good and has 8g of protein per cup.
345 calories and 49 grams of protein (Damn!). I’ll sip on it until the afternoon.
I’ll snack on apples or strawberries and have more vegetable soup for dinner and/or possibly a black bean veggie burger patty with hot sauce.
Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:00 AM

Here’s me on our hike yesterday. I actually like my butt because I work really hard for it and it took years to get it that shape. The reason I weight train so hard while in a deficit is because I’d like to keep as much of the glute muscles as possible while losing fat.
I want my arms much smaller. My arms are the bane of my existence. I hate the muscle on them.
Posted 30 May 2022 - 01:53 PM
More than I wanted but oh well. I had two spicy black bean burger patties with hot sauce (they are soooo good) and two small honey crisp apples with cinnamon on top of that giant protein shake I had for lunch/breakfast.!
My legs are so sore I can barely walk. I definitely over did it yesterday.
Posted 30 May 2022 - 06:12 PM
My husband is home so when he went into our bedroom to change I snuck the bag into the bathroom and ate them in there with the shower water running. Then I got in the shower and puked them up.
The worst part is it was stupid easy to get them up. It’s like my body wanted to purge because it’s so used to it. With it also came some of the black bean burger patties from lunch. How was any of that still in my stomach??? I ate those over 4 hours ago.
I hate myself so much. What am I supposed to do?? I thought restricting high would help me not want to binge but it doesn’t. I’m still hungry. I fail at anorexia and bulimia. FML. This is embarrassing but this is called the accountability thread for a reason… I have to be honest.
Damn it. Summer shred my ass. More like Summer eat however much you want you’re still going to binge and purge and maintain.
Posted 05 June 2022 - 10:52 AM
I am going to end a 72 hour fast in 4 hours. Praise the heavens above I f***ing finally did it. It wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
I legitimately don’t even feel hungry now BUT I’m experiencing some scary symptoms so I know I need to break it. They say you’re not supposed to fast at all when you’re underweight (even just mildly underweight like me) but idgaf I wanted to do it.
I’m going to break my fast slowly with a 345 calorie meal broken into segments with an hour between portions just to be safe. Apparently being underweight also puts you at risk for refeeding syndrome and people have experienced it even after just 24 hours of fasting when malnourished and/or underweight.
I binged and purged like crazy in the days leading up to my fast so that doesn’t help.
I’m switching to a *mostly* vegan keto diet. Fat really does give you energy and it keeps you in a state of ketosis (as long as you stay under 20g carbs per day). I’ve done keto before I am no stranger to it.
My current weight is 108.6 lbs but I’m fully aware some of that is water weight. The most I can lose fasting 3 days with no exercise is 1.2 lbs because my TDEE is 1,400.
345 calorie fast breaking meal:
-14g Nuts (7g Almonds & 7g Pecans)
-32g Raw Almond Butter
-15g Lily’s Salted Almond Milk Chocolate Bar
Posted 06 June 2022 - 05:20 AM
It’s still nice to see.
Today’s Intake: 600 cals, 16.5g Net Carbs, 36g Protein
Attempting to stay in ketosis because I legit have zero appetite. That’s what happens for most people in ketosis. Im hooked.
Breakfast: 100 cals
14g pecans
Lunch: 170 cals
37g Orgain Simple Plant Protein Vanilla
6oz Ripple Plant Milk Unsweetened Vanilla
Dinner: 290 cals
32g Natural Almond Butter
15g Raw Walnuts
I wanted to intermittent fast today but last night I was having severe chest pain. When I woke up my heart was beating so slow… like once every five seconds. I’m going to the store soon to get some potassium tablets. I’ve been taking a multivitamin and calcium, magnesium & zinc blend supplement as well.
I am going to drink at least eight glasses of water too.
Posted 07 June 2022 - 10:30 AM
Today’s Intake:
529 Calories • 17g net carbs
Breakfast: Nothin but wata
Lunch: 8 oz Ripple Unsweetened Vanilla Plantmilk, iced coffee, 1/2 tbs Walnut Oil
Dinner: 1 scoop Planta Banana French Toast protein powder, 3/4 cup Ripple plant milk, 1 Love Good Fats Lemon Mousse Keto Bar
2 scoops preworkout
Burned 100 at the gym. No appetite. I love it.
Posted Yesterday, 08:10 AM
Breakfast: 200 cals
1 cup Silk Next Milk Plant Milk 2%
1 Cup Cold Coffee
30g/2 Scoops Chike Pumpkin Spice Protein
Lunch: 190 cals
Love Good Fats Mint Chocolate Chip Nutrition Bar
Dinner: 297 cals
1 Hard Boiled Egg
1 Slim Fast Fat Bomb Keto
Still in ketosis. Still not craving shit. This is amazing.
Normally I don’t eat 2 nutrition/protein bars in a day but my husband and I are moving this weekend so we are busy packing and I don’t feel like cooking.
I am aware eggs aren’t vegan. Hence why I say *mostly* plant based and don’t call myself a vegan. Eggs, salmon and nutrition bars are the extent of anything not vegan I allow myself. The protein powder I had this morning is not vegan but I only have a little bit left and don’t want to waste it.
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Posted Yesterday, 06:58 PM
GraveMortal, on 30 May 2022 - 07:00 AM, said:
Here’s me on our hike yesterday. I actually like my butt because I work really hard for it and it took years to get it that shape. The reason I weight train so hard while in a deficit is because I’d like to keep as much of the glute muscles as possible while losing fat.
I want my arms much smaller. My arms are the bane of my existence. I hate the muscle on them.
You look amazing! Do you do a specific workout routine? I used to live in a mountain town and walked everywhere and unintentionally had a killer ass and now it’s completely deflated. I’ve never really stuck with intentionally working out but now that I’m working a tiring full time job I feel like there’s no other way I can actually get fit, I’ll have to force it into my schedule.
Posted Yesterday, 07:16 PM
katezwa, on 08 Jun 2022 - 6:58 PM, said:
You look amazing! Do you do a specific workout routine? I used to live in a mountain town and walked everywhere and unintentionally had a killer ass and now it’s completely deflated. I’ve never really stuck with intentionally working out but now that I’m working a tiring full time job I feel like there’s no other way I can actually get fit, I’ll have to force it into my schedule.
Thank you I appreciate it. Yes I do the exact same thing every single time I work out. Weighted V Ups (these hurt like a b*tch), the hip abductor machine using as much weight as I can handle, hip thrusts and I cycle 8+ hours a week (unless I’m fasting then it’s less) on level 6 resistance. I’m constantly sore
Posted Today, 07:11 AM
105.6 lbs this morning finallyyyy
Breakfast: 245 Cals
•30g Chike Pumpkin Spice Coffee Protein
•8oz Silk Unsweetened Extra Creamy Almond Milk
•7g La Tourangelle Roasted Walnut Oil

I love having protein coffee for breakfast. It doesn’t leave me feeling heavy and bloated and gives me lots of energy. This is how it looks when it’s all shaken up. I add the oil in with it. Adding oil or butter to coffee is popular among the keto crowd. You can research the benefits if you want.
Iprefer walnut oil because it tastes amazing and is proven to lower cholesterol. My doctor said my cholesterol is high. Idk how the f*** it is when I rarely eat anything with cholesterol in it but ok 🥲💔
ANY WHO it’s so good. I added a pinch of cinnamon and imitation vanilla extract as well and shaked in a protein shaker until it got frothy. Chefs kiss 💋
- frozenyogurt likes this
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lucas's HSGD accountability . . .
Posted 20 May 2022 - 12:00 AM
i weighed in .. 50kgs even thoe i know at least 1-2kgs are water weight dipping into the 50s whatsoever is kinda terrifying, so i decided to start this diet after seeing others success. fighting lol
✧ rules ✧
1. eating between 9 am - 9 pm OR 9 am - 4pm when possible.
2. getting in as much activity as possible
3. NOT weighing everyday ..
4. actually drink water
5. sleeping enough (7-10hrs)
6. always do as much activity as possible.
7. avoiding sweet foods in the first meal
+ whatevers too obvious 2 b said
what ill count / not count
count: fruit, veg, everything (even the 10 cals in a diet pepsi LOL)
not count: toothpaste, exercise most of the time, cinnamon
✧ goals & stats ✧
starting weight : 50.3kg
goal weight : 45kg
chart / pic 4 self reference
i hope being a girl isnt a side effect but tbh if it means ill b skinny im not upset
'm gonna head to bed now zzz wishing the best 4 tomorrow
Posted 25 May 2022 - 01:10 PM
509 / 800cal
activity: 7 minutes stairs, 11 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes extremely light yoga, 50 min walk
burnt: ???#?$)$)
morning weight: 47.9kg at first i only saw the 9 and thought and gained but 🎉🎉🎉
gonna try actually eating 900 2day
Posted 26 May 2022 - 12:37 PM
may 25 / day 3
intake; 401/900cal
activity: literally nothing
weight: the scale kept flashing between 48.1 and 47.9? but i feel really bloated even in my face right now so...
i think ill eat around maintence for a day, i feel really energy deprived and cant remember simple words.. also my heart rate dropped to 40 idk its not that low but it scares me sometimes
Posted 27 May 2022 - 02:46 AM
intake : 70/1000
even opening a door was too much energy for me. idk y. ive done 2-3 day fasts yet still had more life in me than now. genuinely felt like i was gonna die🤦♂️
mid day weigh in: 47.5kg
im not gonna weigh myself for a minute after this.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 12:22 AM
intake: ???/950
i ate at around maintence.. mayb even more. it wasnt a binge whatsoever but the end feeling im having feels a lot like one if that makes sense. anyway i have more energy now i guess?
tomorrows 1100🙍♂️ ill work hard 🙏
Posted 29 May 2022 - 03:35 AM
intake: 945/1100
activity: 15 minute ??? workout, 10 minutes stairs
i fear im underestimating the calories in the last thing i ate because i feel so full and gross rn LOL
i think thats another reason y whole foods are better. its easier 2 be exact about the caloric info
also.. i was craving avocado so i had some on 4 corn cake/thins .. it was so bad
but whatever, i just got a bunch of fruit n veg so i have good feelings abt tomorrow

Cringe proana interview podcast TW
Posted 17 May 2022 - 11:19 AM
I stumbled on this podcast and it was honestly really hard to get through. I’ve never heard anyone encourage anorexia and be so for anorexia than this girl interviewed. Even though this is a proana website, no one ever encourages anorexic behaviour or thinks it’s completely normal and fine to do! Hope this link works for you. If you listen to it what are your thought? I would NEVER promote anorexia! Everything about this is so wrong!
Posted 17 May 2022 - 11:41 AM
cw: 56.5kg
lw: 46.3kg
hw: 70kg
ugw: 48(?)
height: 166.5cm
‘My life is actually empty, so I feel like I'm lying to everyone by pretending to be happy on the outside.’ -Sulli
Posted 17 May 2022 - 11:46 AM
BRUH. ik i sound mad hypocritical for this but people that are proana should not have a platform LOL. like, i wouldnt want to make more people suffer the way we do
*~ayyyeeeeee its ya boi,, uhhhhhhh skinny 🅱️enis~*
Height: 5'1"; 155.45 | Chest: 30in; 76.2cm | Waist: 24in; 60.96cm | Hips: 34.5in; 87.63cm | Inseam: 29in; 73.66cm
CW: 120lb; 54.4kg ( | HW: 120lb; 54.4kg | LW: 92lb; 41.7kg | GW: 80lb; 36.2kg
"In this world, dismembered children buried beneath juniper trees can rise and speak, made whole once again"
Posted 17 May 2022 - 01:21 PM
- death is imminent., Newlove2020 and Water11 like this
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Posted 18 May 2022 - 12:11 AM
This illness is slowly killing me and I didn't realize how fucked up I was until my medical stats hit me and my doctor told me I was in danger. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, let alone random people on the internet lmao. I have yet to hear the whole podcast but I have heard a summary.
Posted 18 May 2022 - 12:14 AM
~mist~, on 17 May 2022 - 11:41 AM, said:
Just started it. Not great. Idk it feels like her struggling to explain her point of view kinda shows that she’s becoming aware of how disordered she rlly is in real time almost? Idk
This tho, like she's realizing we are actually ill and not having as much control of ourselves as she thinks. It's like a debate when the other team starts getting stuck with no more arguments and starts talking gibberish to try and save it.
Posted 18 May 2022 - 01:03 AM
Unexplained weight gain (I know CICO)
Posted 31 October 2021 - 11:40 AM
It’s been over a month now and my weight won’t go down or goes up. I didn’t even gain weight gradually. I gained 10lbs over 2 nights without chainring the way I ate. I thought maybe water retention but it stayed. And I kept getting bigger and it’s been over a month. No diet change. My measurements have doubled as well. My arms are at least an inch bigger and my thighs have doubled in size. I had my kidneys checked and my electrolytes and they were fine. I usually don’t eat anything through the day and will have a prepackaged salad for supper. It is making me so distressed and ashamed of my body. I feel so fat! The only other explanation could be that I am in between switching medication. I am coming off Zoloft and introducing Efexor. But efexor isn’t known for weight gain. If anything it has been helping me restrict because I am not hungry. Please help me! Anyone with similar experience. I am beginning to think it’s not just water retention and is real weight. The fact that it’s visible and my measurements are clearly bigger is making driving me insane.
Posted 31 October 2021 - 11:47 AM
You're probably constipated. Restricting usually makes us "go" less. It's probably just taking longer for you to go to the bathroom and less often too.
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"If I Can't Be Beautiful, I'd Rather Just Die" -Jeffree Star
"You Might Party, But I Party Until I'm Homeless, We Are Not The Same" --Anonymous
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." --Revelation 21:4
Height: 5'7
BMI: 15
Pants size: US 0
Waist: 23.5 inches
Ultimate Goal: Recovery. BMI 17.5-18 and HAPPY with it
Spirit Animal: Stingray
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Bleach blonde with blue extensions
Favorite music genres: Punk, Rap, Metal
Favorite movies: Casino, Kingpin, A Bronx Tale, Wolf of Wallstreet
Posted 31 October 2021 - 12:01 PM
PaperThinGangster, on 31 Oct 2021 - 11:47 AM, said:
You're probably constipated. Restricting usually makes us "go" less. It's probably just taking longer for you to go to the bathroom and less often too.
No that’s not the problem. I am pretty regular lol.
and that wouldn’t cause my measurements to change
Posted 31 October 2021 - 12:01 PM
I gained 6 lbs while in a deficit and it has stayed on and my pants are tighter. The only possible explanation for my case is overexercise and inflammation from eating foods my body doesn't handle well- could it be something similar for you?
undiagnosed restrictive bs
BMI 23 22 21 20 19 maintenance
fasting accountability
Posted 31 October 2021 - 12:20 PM
kissmyabs, on 31 Oct 2021 - 12:01 PM, said:
I gained 6 lbs while in a deficit and it has stayed on and my pants are tighter. The only possible explanation for my case is overexercise and inflammation from eating foods my body doesn't handle well- could it be something similar for you?
I also have this experience, I do overexercise most days, it drives me crazy because medically it seems impossible to gain on a deficit but here I am, 5 lbs heavier than I was last month. But hey, you once lost them, you can do it again, let's not loose hope. Tomorrow's new month, let's try again. <3
Posted 31 October 2021 - 12:54 PM
I really really doubt you can put on real fat in just 2 days, at least not that amount
you got your kidney and electrolytes checked too... there are many more things that could cause water weight though, such as overexercise like others said, or hypothyroidism or something, did you get bloodwork done recently?
it could be related to your low BMI too, I think it's easier to get edema/water retention the more underweight you are
Posted 31 October 2021 - 01:06 PM
astronomy, on 31 Oct 2021 - 12:20 PM, said:
I also have this experience, I do overexercise most days, it drives me crazy because medically it seems impossible to gain on a deficit but here I am, 5 lbs heavier than I was last month. But hey, you once lost them, you can do it again, let's not loose hope. Tomorrow's new month, let's try again. <3
sorry of this seems tmi but are u gonna start exercising less? im active in general but ive been doing more workouts lately and ive been eating in a defecit - ive barely lost weight compared to how i barely exercised and was eating in a defecit, it rlly sucks
Posted 31 October 2021 - 01:36 PM
That’s so strange because I’m not exercising currently. I used to over exercise but since getting a full time job I haven’t exercised in over a year. I might see about getting other blood work done to check things out.
Posted 01 November 2021 - 12:15 PM
kimjunmyeon, on 31 Oct 2021 - 1:06 PM, said:
sorry of this seems tmi but are u gonna start exercising less? im active in general but ive been doing more workouts lately and ive been eating in a defecit - ive barely lost weight compared to how i barely exercised and was eating in a defecit, it rlly sucks
I have to stick to my plan, whether I like it or not. I go to high school that is like 7 km away, sadly there's no other way I can get there as they shut down the city transport. I need to walk to a fast food to eat lunch everyday as well, that's like another 5 kms, not to count all the steps I take in the school. I know for some it's no way near overexercising but as I am a lazy pig, burning over 1.000 calories a day is pretty much a big difference from what it was like in summer. I kind of wonder if it would make any difference if I lowered my intake and stayed as active as I am. I really can't believe the weight gain so maybe when I restrict more, the weight fall off. However, if you're thinking about lowering your workouts, I suppose that might help too.
I've been thinking a lot about this and tbh its very hard to find the solution for the problem.
Posted 01 November 2021 - 02:56 PM
astronomy, on 01 Nov 2021 - 12:15 PM, said:
I have to stick to my plan, whether I like it or not. I go to high school that is like 7 km away, sadly there's no other way I can get there as they shut down the city transport. I need to walk to a fast food to eat lunch everyday as well, that's like another 5 kms, not to count all the steps I take in the school. I know for some it's no way near overexercising but as I am a lazy pig, burning over 1.000 calories a day is pretty much a big difference from what it was like in summer. I kind of wonder if it would make any difference if I lowered my intake and stayed as active as I am. I really can't believe the weight gain so maybe when I restrict more, the weight fall off. However, if you're thinking about lowering your workouts, I suppose that might help too.
I've been thinking a lot about this and tbh its very hard to find the solution for the problem.
i do take some rest days (unintentionally) but i am slowly losing weight - 5km sounds like a lot but to me thats a dream loool the amount of cals i would burn w that i eat like a pig bc i love food - but the whole eating a lot and exercising a lot has worked for me. i think drinking lots of water helps ur metabolism too
Posted 02 November 2021 - 11:40 AM
kimjunmyeon, on 01 Nov 2021 - 2:56 PM, said:
i do take some rest days (unintentionally) but i am slowly losing weight - 5km sounds like a lot but to me thats a dream loool the amount of cals i would burn w that i eat like a pig bc i love food - but the whole eating a lot and exercising a lot has worked for me. i think drinking lots of water helps ur metabolism too
Yeah!! I do actually enjoy that, didn't mean to make it a bad thing lol. It just messed me up at the beginning and I ended in a binge cycle, luckly out of that, so yeah I'm nowhere near to complain haha.
Posted 02 November 2021 - 11:48 AM
could the new medication cause extreme water retention?
I would def talk with your psychiatrist about your symptoms and if they can be related / what to do about it
Posted 02 November 2021 - 11:59 AM
do you have periods? my weight goes up some when I get mine.
maybe it’s a combination of factors? It seems very strange regardless. hopefully it’ll resolve itself soon
What day do you consider the hardest?
Posted 24 May 2022 - 03:46 PM
If I'm not on a multiday fast, I'm doing OMAD with a maximum of 1000-1200 calories. I don't do keto anymore because it was messing with my hormones but fasting is pretty usual for me so the first day is a breeze, the second day is a little harder and I try to go to bed early to get through it. The third day I usually wake up feeling really tired and mentally foggy but by that evening things are better. The fourth day is when I really start to feel light and empty and happy.
Posted 25 May 2022 - 08:48 AM
day 3 was hell for me too. I had horrible nausea from day 2 in the afternoon and felt horrible until the morning of day 4. Now, I'm fine and excited to continue.
undiagnosed restrictive bs
BMI 23 22 21 20 19 maintenance
fasting accountability
Posted 25 May 2022 - 03:46 PM
Posted 25 May 2022 - 03:58 PM
- I'm a black rainbow likes this
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5'5 166 cm
HW: 153 HW: 69.5 kg
CW: 135.8 CW: 61.7 kg
LW:120 LW: 54.4 kg
153 152 151 150 69 68 67 66 65
149 148 147 146 145 64 63 62 61 60
144 143 142 141 140 59 58 57 56 55
139 138 137 136 135 54 53 52
134 133 132 131 130 .
129 128 127 126 125 .
124 123 122 121 120 .
119 118 117 116 115 .
Goal Range: Goal Range:
maintain 115-120 maintain 52-55
Binge-Free Days: 0
Fasting Record: 360 hours (15 days)
Accountability link: https://www.myproana.../#entry77653829
Stats updated weekly
Only 3 more months of summer to go
Posted 30 May 2022 - 02:43 PM
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Posted 30 May 2022 - 03:06 PM
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Posted 30 May 2022 - 05:23 PM
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Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:20 PM
Sadly, where I live, Summer doesn't end until mid October
So, I've still got like...4.5 months.
But yesss, the fall is my favorite. I HATE feeling sweaty or sticky. I hate that the heat and humidity gives me constant headaches. I wanna wear my sweater dresses and knit sweaters againnnn
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Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:27 PM
Idc I am loving this summer. either way I have to cover my SH scars :/ i used to be really bothered by the heat but now i just suffer sweatily
ok the warm oatmeal on a cold day can come back though yum
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Binge cal average
Posted 03 June 2022 - 04:39 PM
i dont count cals, but i would say anywhere from 15k to 20k cals is within reason for me
as for how many calories i absorb even with purging, the answer to that is: not enough to make me gain more than 1.5lbs overnight at the most and that's good enough for me. peace
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please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 03 June 2022 - 04:45 PM

I’m never sure if 4 or 5 , 1-2 minute active purging sessions is enough to get about 3000 calories out . It’s not as simple as seeing it coming out as the heavier deserts sink to the bottom of stomach so I just get a mixture coming out and can’t use different foods as markers for this reason. Also never sure if it’s the end of if it’s just blocked / not coming up anymore …. Aghh I hate the uncertainty. My suspicion is that I’m not the most effective purger …. Also I’m never sure if it just seems like a lot of food coming up as I drink so much inbetween purge stints. LOL what is my life
Posted 03 June 2022 - 04:57 PM
Brokengirl1997, on 03 Jun 2022 - 4:45 PM, said:
Thank you for answering
. I suppose it just depends on how effective one is at purging as well?
I’m never sure if 4 or 5 , 1-2 minute active purging sessions is enough to get about 3000 calories out . It’s not as simple as seeing it coming out as the heavier deserts sink to the bottom of stomach so I just get a mixture coming out and can’t use different foods as markers for this reason. Also never sure if it’s the end of if it’s just blocked / not coming up anymore …. Aghh I hate the uncertainty. My suspicion is that I’m not the most effective purger …. Also I’m never sure if it just seems like a lot of food coming up as I drink so much inbetween purge stints. LOL what is my life
effectiveness definitely plays a major role, if not the sole role. im pretty brutal in my approach to make sure i get everything out. i know the uncertainty though , is really scary. you'll definitely drive yourself crazy if you think too much into it , so even though i know it's hard , try to just trust your gut instinct (literally) and not fall too deep into that pattern of obsessive thinking. i used to do the same thing , and i still struggle w it from time to time , but nowadays i'm pretty chill about it and am a lot less lenient.
Brokengirl1997, on 03 Jun 2022 - 4:47 PM, said:
How long do you purge for ? Do you reckon volume coming out is about twice the volume of the food in its original form ?
so. i'm usually able to get mostly everything up within like 5 minutes. but i can get really lazy and like , take breaks to go eat a couple more things and then come back again. and this can last for a little while LOL. but when i'm not lazy , i'm in and out of the bathroom within like 20 minutes. as for volume it depends on the kinds of food and how much i drink and how much i chew. something like a bunch of crunchy cookies, even if i eat a whole pack of them, will come up as very little bc they become like nothing once i chew them down. but if i eat like a huge pot of pasta , which weighs more and is hard to reduce down to mush in your teeth no matter how much you chew , then that's gonna come up pretty much in line with how much pasta i ate to begin with.
hopefully this clears things up. this is just my experience with it tho. everyone is unique. just make sure no matter what your experience is like you're reducing the amount of overall damage you're doing where you can. stuff like rehydrating after and replenishing electrolytes as needed, resting for a little while after, making sure you chew well to reduce choking hazard-- all that fun stuff. hope this helped <3
- Brokengirl1997 likes this
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please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 03 June 2022 - 05:03 PM
Posted 03 June 2022 - 05:51 PM
in terms of calories it usually is around 5-10k, and for the amount that is absorbed, i usually will only gain .5-1lb overnjght if i don't lose, so probably not alot
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Posted 03 June 2022 - 06:11 PM
Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk
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✧˚₊‧ Kez | 16 | ENTP 7w6 ‧₊˚✧
I like listening to music, writing and fashion
diagnosed anbp, e-bpd, c-ptsd, adhd
╭────── stats · · · · · ♡
HW: 53kg, bmi 23 (11/20)
CW: high 14's
waist: 21 inches
gw: 30kg
╰━━━━━ ☆ ━━━━━╯
Posted 03 June 2022 - 08:53 PM
2000-2500 per binge, I usually b/p 1-2 times a day, I usually lose, I don't weigh myself until the end of the week so can't really tell you if anything's absorbed per se but when I'd weigh myself after b/p's it'd end up being water weight.
I also exercise purge so that usually factors into me losing since I'd probably end up burning anything absorbed anyways.
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Posted 04 June 2022 - 08:08 AM
Gesendet von meinem M2007J17G mit Tapatalk
Posted 05 June 2022 - 01:03 AM
Posted 05 June 2022 - 02:12 AM
Probably around 5000-8000kcal, I usually purge a couple of times in between eating so it's over a period of say an afternoon or evening. Not sure on calories absorbed because I don't weigh the next morning but I'm not gaining and recently have been losing again as B/P has replaced 'reactive' hunger for me so I'd say i'm absorbing minimal calories from it. also worth noting I don't b/p every day, usually only once or twice a week.
Today I learnt that toddlers require 1000-1400 calories
Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:00 PM
A sedentary toddler requires 1000 calories.
That’s it, that’s the post
- Dark.photographer, LedaFae and GloriousThorn like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:04 PM

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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:07 PM
that always reminds me of that one supersize vs superskinny episode with the dude who only drinks energy drinks lol
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:17 PM
lainiwakura, on 10 May 2022 - 4:07 PM, said:
that always reminds me of that one supersize vs superskinny episode with the dude who only drinks energy drinks lol
Laughing that we probably all know exactly what you're talking about
- v!wvuv, kudamonolisa, Em0ch1 and 1 other like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 05:38 PM
Which means if you are a teenager or adult, your calorie requirement is likely even higher. Mine is about 1600 if Im sedentary, but most people are walking around and are at least a light exercise level.
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 06:22 PM
- Cymmetry, pastafreak, eingeschneit and 2 others like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 06:22 PM
- Cymmetry, LittleCoat, imaskinnybitchyall and 1 other like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 07:15 PM
And like another poster said, toddlers arent sedentary. They are usually skipping or hopping or jumping or climbing or perhaps throwing a tantrum. They dont stop unless they are asleep!
- notslimkindashady likes this
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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:57 AM
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:00 AM
that's an interesting trivia though. sometimes i like seeing how much different animals eat/need.
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Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:23 AM
skelliebelle, on 11 May 2022 - 05:00 AM, said:
that's an interesting trivia though. sometimes i like seeing how much different animals eat/need.
My 15 pound cat eats needs at least 300 calories a day, but I think he eats closer to 500
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:25 AM
But you cannot compare them to us. She runs around all the time, starts to eat with fork and knife, starts to talk, use the potty..their brains just require soo much energy all day long.
My accountability:
HW: 69 kgs - 152 lbs
after I tried recovery with the help of medication, and I really, really tried
LW 1: 38 kgs - 84 lbs
as a minor
LW 2: 42 kgs - 92 lbs
as an adult
GW: 47 kgs - 103 lbs
Height: 166 cm - 5.4 feet
- AN-R diagnosed at the age of 9
- AN-b/p diagnosed at the age of 13
- since then a mix of AN and B
- 37, mom of two, healthy BMI
- I suffer, I am not on a diet!
After two days and 15 hours of b/p (fainted out the third time during a session) smart brain kicked in:
Trying to maintain BMI 19 at the moment.
Posted 11 May 2022 - 09:15 AM
x_Samantha_x, on 11 May 2022 - 05:23 AM, said:
aw my kitty is big too but he's close to his healthy weight. the vet calculated the calories for me and gave me special food for him, i threw away the bag but i think it was around 300-400.My 15 pound cat eats needs at least 300 calories a day, but I think he eats closer to 500
i think their heartbeat is faster, maybe their metabolism is higher than ours even if they're lazy like mine lol.
i think on ss v ss they did a comparison to an animal once for someone with very low intake. to me that's as valid as comparing to a toddler like thanks for the fun trivia but it's not a direct comparison so pretty meaningless.
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:46 PM
Brokengirl1997, on 11 May 2022 - 4:24 PM, said:
The op never mentioned anything about a comparison
. It was just an interesting fact.
I agree with this b it also
I’m laughing at the fact folks here are ARGUING over 1k thru 1.4k like “THEY MOVE A LOT MORE akwjebwjwodj”
A 4’10” sedentary woman weighing 70 lbs maintains on 1.1k, ya’ll cannot justify eating as you do
You’re unhealthy, that’s fine
It’s unhealthy to be sedentary or have an eating disorder yet here we all are
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Just ordered a Big Mac with no bun, cheese, lettuce, pickles, onions or meat
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:08 PM
Big Mac Sauce
I crave Big Mac sauce
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Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:13 PM
one time someone ordered 100 Vegemite (australia aye) from mcdonalds and we just gave them the box they come in instead of individually counting it out
you will be the same memory for those poor workers
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Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:15 PM
adalive, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:13 PM, said:
one time someone ordered 100 Vegemite (australia aye) from mcdonalds and we just gave them the box they come in instead of individually counting it out
you will be the same memory for those poor workers
I would not be upset with this, I really like the sauce
Was it hard, is it hard for them if I do this
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:17 PM
veronica b., on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:15 PM, said:
I would not be upset with this, I really like the sauce
Was it hard, is it hard for them if I do this
not really tbh, its just kind of a "what, oh lol, hey mike come look at this" kinda thing
taking things away isnt really hard unless theyre like wired into the process, like asking for fries with no salt because you have to make a new batch specifically for 1 person
- I'm a black rainbow, veronica b. and altoid like this
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Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:43 PM
idk if you live in the US but walmart's great value brand has a "secret sauce" thats essentially the big mac sauce
please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:48 PM
lunoct, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:43 PM, said:
idk if you live in the US but walmart's great value brand has a "secret sauce" thats essentially the big mac sauce
Having a sauce called 'secret sauce' is so ominous. Like why does it say top secret? Why is it a secret? Are we hiding this from someone? What's in it? Secrets????
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 171.1 (BMI 28.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS) - ADHD~
Suspecting/Currently Working on Diagnosis:
~Autism, Bipolar 1/Seasonal Mood Disorder~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Piercing
140- New Binder
130- Short Haircut!!!
120- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 6.07.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:50 PM
Aimless!, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:48 PM, said:
Having a sauce called 'secret sauce' is so ominous. Like why does it say top secret? Why is it a secret? Are we hiding this from someone? What's in it? Secrets????
u try to look at the ingredients on the back and they shoot u dead
- I'm a black rainbow, coffee zombie, altoid and 1 other like this
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Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:51 PM
Aimless!, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:48 PM, said:
Having a sauce called 'secret sauce' is so ominous. Like why does it say top secret? Why is it a secret? Are we hiding this from someone? What's in it? Secrets????
inside the sauce is where the united states FBI keeps the jfk assassination case files. and boy, youre not gonna believe the shocking twist on page 549......
- I'm a black rainbow, Aimless!, altoid and 1 other like this
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please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:53 PM
adalive, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:50 PM, said:
u try to look at the ingredients on the back and they shoot u dead
You're taken to a secret location called "MockDonalds" then they take you out back and shoot you point blank while chanting 'secret sauce, secret sauce, secret sauce'
- I'm a black rainbow, secret_shadow, lunoct and 4 others like this
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~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 171.1 (BMI 28.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS) - ADHD~
Suspecting/Currently Working on Diagnosis:
~Autism, Bipolar 1/Seasonal Mood Disorder~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Piercing
140- New Binder
130- Short Haircut!!!
120- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 6.07.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:55 PM
lunoct, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:51 PM, said:
inside the sauce is where the united states FBI keeps the jfk assassination case files. and boy, youre not gonna believe the shocking twist on page 549......
I can't believe John F Kennedy had a secret affair with a garden gnome
#shocked and confused.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 171.1 (BMI 28.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS) - ADHD~
Suspecting/Currently Working on Diagnosis:
~Autism, Bipolar 1/Seasonal Mood Disorder~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Piercing
140- New Binder
130- Short Haircut!!!
120- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 6.07.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:56 PM
Aimless!, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:53 PM, said:
You're taken to a secret location called "MockDonalds" then they take you out back and shoot you point blank while chanting 'secret sauce, secret sauce, secret sauce'
this reads like a nightmare from a benadryl-induced slumber
- I'm a black rainbow and beAbody like this
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please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:57 PM
Aimless!, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:55 PM, said:
I can't believe John F Kennedy had a secret affair with a garden gnome
#shocked and confused.
what was truly scandalous was that jackie KNEW...... and she was kinda into it
please do not PM me if you are under 18
lunoct / coda | 23 | she/her
epic bulimic* who really likes video games.
also really into politics, being a debate lord, and trolling.
♡ Christian, aroace, autistic (prof-dx), pizza luvr. ♡
BMI is a myth based on eugenics and racism.
*i'm not AN b/p.
Romans 15:13
Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:58 PM
lunoct, on 07 Jun 2022 - 7:57 PM, said:
what was truly scandalous was that jackie KNEW...... and she was kinda into it
Well, it was a pretty sexy garden gnome-
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 171.1 (BMI 28.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS) - ADHD~
Suspecting/Currently Working on Diagnosis:
~Autism, Bipolar 1/Seasonal Mood Disorder~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Piercing
140- New Binder
130- Short Haircut!!!
120- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 6.07.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Today I learnt that toddlers require 1000-1400 calories
Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:00 PM
A sedentary toddler requires 1000 calories.
That’s it, that’s the post
- Dark.photographer, LedaFae and GloriousThorn like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:04 PM

- babybluee, Brokengirl1997 and rikuumi07 like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:07 PM
that always reminds me of that one supersize vs superskinny episode with the dude who only drinks energy drinks lol
- pahdme, GloriousThorn, hide-yourself and 3 others like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:17 PM
lainiwakura, on 10 May 2022 - 4:07 PM, said:
that always reminds me of that one supersize vs superskinny episode with the dude who only drinks energy drinks lol
Laughing that we probably all know exactly what you're talking about
- v!wvuv, kudamonolisa, Em0ch1 and 1 other like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 05:38 PM
Which means if you are a teenager or adult, your calorie requirement is likely even higher. Mine is about 1600 if Im sedentary, but most people are walking around and are at least a light exercise level.
- eingeschneit likes this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 06:22 PM
- Cymmetry, pastafreak, eingeschneit and 2 others like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 06:22 PM
- Cymmetry, LittleCoat, imaskinnybitchyall and 1 other like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 07:15 PM
And like another poster said, toddlers arent sedentary. They are usually skipping or hopping or jumping or climbing or perhaps throwing a tantrum. They dont stop unless they are asleep!
- notslimkindashady likes this
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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:57 AM
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:00 AM
that's an interesting trivia though. sometimes i like seeing how much different animals eat/need.
- Cymmetry, natimorto and Yallbappleing like this
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Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:23 AM
skelliebelle, on 11 May 2022 - 05:00 AM, said:
that's an interesting trivia though. sometimes i like seeing how much different animals eat/need.
My 15 pound cat eats needs at least 300 calories a day, but I think he eats closer to 500
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:25 AM
But you cannot compare them to us. She runs around all the time, starts to eat with fork and knife, starts to talk, use the potty..their brains just require soo much energy all day long.
My accountability:
HW: 69 kgs - 152 lbs
after I tried recovery with the help of medication, and I really, really tried
LW 1: 38 kgs - 84 lbs
as a minor
LW 2: 42 kgs - 92 lbs
as an adult
GW: 47 kgs - 103 lbs
Height: 166 cm - 5.4 feet
- AN-R diagnosed at the age of 9
- AN-b/p diagnosed at the age of 13
- since then a mix of AN and B
- 37, mom of two, healthy BMI
- I suffer, I am not on a diet!
After two days and 15 hours of b/p (fainted out the third time during a session) smart brain kicked in:
Trying to maintain BMI 19 at the moment.
Posted 11 May 2022 - 09:15 AM
x_Samantha_x, on 11 May 2022 - 05:23 AM, said:
aw my kitty is big too but he's close to his healthy weight. the vet calculated the calories for me and gave me special food for him, i threw away the bag but i think it was around 300-400.My 15 pound cat eats needs at least 300 calories a day, but I think he eats closer to 500
i think their heartbeat is faster, maybe their metabolism is higher than ours even if they're lazy like mine lol.
i think on ss v ss they did a comparison to an animal once for someone with very low intake. to me that's as valid as comparing to a toddler like thanks for the fun trivia but it's not a direct comparison so pretty meaningless.
Posted 11 May 2022 - 05:46 PM
Brokengirl1997, on 11 May 2022 - 4:24 PM, said:
The op never mentioned anything about a comparison
. It was just an interesting fact.
I agree with this b it also
I’m laughing at the fact folks here are ARGUING over 1k thru 1.4k like “THEY MOVE A LOT MORE akwjebwjwodj”
A 4’10” sedentary woman weighing 70 lbs maintains on 1.1k, ya’ll cannot justify eating as you do
You’re unhealthy, that’s fine
It’s unhealthy to be sedentary or have an eating disorder yet here we all are
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standard 7 day fast
Posted Yesterday, 12:52 PM
i completed 6 day fast in the past, so i'm positive this one will be success.
water, coffee, tea, electrolytes, zero sugar energy drinks or other zero sugar drinks, gums - allowed. maybe some broth if i feel really bad.
feel free to join.
Posted Yesterday, 01:14 PM
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- violetskeletonfairy likes this
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fasting to gw 🌸
Posted 07 June 2022 - 09:21 AM
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ intro ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sw: 129 lbs (22 bmi)
gw: (may go lower): 98 lbs (16.8 bmi)
height: 5'4"
basically as the title says, im going to be fasting to my gw and i WILL be sticking to it.
however, if i have to hang out with friends, i'll eat normally around them. i very rarely go out, so these wont happen often! (also i have the excuse of not having a lotta money lul)
im allowing myself to have the following: zero monster energy, tea, black coffee, and water
ill be updating tomorrow!
Posted Yesterday, 09:30 AM
☆.。.:* day 1 .。.:*☆
35 hours fasted
cw: 126.8 (-2.2 lbs)
total lost: 2.2 lbs
·̩̩̥͙** •̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙ * ˚ * •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ *˚*·̩̩̥͙
i know 35 hrs isn't that long, but i'm really proud of myself for fasting for this long because the longest i did was 32 hrs before.
also im really surprised but i have no urge to binge/eat either and i just dont really have an appetite.
i feel like it helps that i have a lot of things that i want to do to distract myself, plus i have no food in my house other than monster energy lol
so far, i havent been feeling dizzy at all but its probably cause i had a mini binge before starting.
i really feel like i can keep this up
Posted Today, 08:00 AM
☆.。.:* day 2 .。.:*☆
60 hours fasted
cw: 124.5 (-2.3 lbs)
total lost: 4.5 lbs
·̩̩̥͙** •̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙ * ˚ * •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ *˚*·̩̩̥͙
ok the hunger started hitting me yesterday.
i walked 10k steps and i feel like that was a huge mistake cause i woke up today feeling so sick and dizzy...
i think i have to eat something cause i just feel so bad and i cant do anything.
i really didn't think i'd give up this early.
Maybe ill eat one small thing and go back to fasting cause i still feel motivated to continue.
i have never ever fasted for this long, so maybe it was dumb of me to think i could go for so much longer
im not giving up though, im gonna try again
edit: LOL its so funny how my day one thoughts are so optimistic like "im feeling great! i can keep going" and my day 2 thoughts are like "i feel like shit i can't do this" lmfao

Posted Today, 04:30 AM
Starting June 10th 12am
Ending September 18th 12am
Im also allowing any 0-10 sugar free/calorie drinks and up to 50 cals of sugar free jello, cause I heard it doesn't break a fast if its under 50 cals
Posted Today, 04:33 AM
Any one know anything about this??
Posted Today, 04:55 AM

Posted Today, 07:44 AM
Y’all reckon this breaks a fast?
Posted Yesterday, 12:51 PM
Pronouns: they/she (they/them preferred)
Lw: 90 lb (BMI 15.0)
Hw: 200 something, fuck if I know
SW: 173.6 lb (BMI 28.9)
CW: 200 something, fuck idk
Gw1: 125 lb (BMI 20.5)
Gw2: 100 lb (BMI 16.6)
Ugw: 90 lb (BMI 15.0)
Height: 5'5"
23 years old
Diagnosed depression, anxiety, dyslexia, Dyscalculia ADHD, OCD, PTSD, bipolar 2 traits, borderline and anorexia (w/ orthorexiaa), schizophrenia, alexithymia, Autism
Diagnosed Ibs-m, orthostatic hypotention and NF1
self-harm (cutting, scratching) Days clean: 14
Last sh date: 5/25/22
On vyvanse 50 Paxil CR 50mg, ablify 15mg, lamictal 150mg am and 150mg pm, Trazadone 300mg, ambien 5mg
~Take my hand and give me a reason to start again~
My silence is my loudest cry for help
oh i wish that i could fly
way up in the sky
like a bird so high
oh i might just try
oh i might just try
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