bmi 19 before i graduate high school
Posted 01 January 2022 - 10:20 PM
hi everyone, i'm back after a long hiatus due to the first semester of my senior year of high school. i went into semi-recovery when school started in order to do well in my classes, but inevitably i'm back here
i know it's so cringe to start an accountability for the new year, but oh well.
a little bit about me:
17 years old (turning 18 this month!)
5'7" (171 cm)
cw: 132ish lb
gw1: 124 lb // bmi 19.4
gw: 121 lb // bmi 18.9
i'm not expecting it to take me until graduation (june 10) to reach my gw, but i want to give myself plenty of time since my family is sort of suspicious of my eating habits.
i would really like to reach my first gw by the end of january because i'm turning 18 on january 25th and i'm getting a tattoo to celebrate
i will add in my starting measurements tomorrow!
Posted 02 January 2022 - 08:42 AM
starting measurements:
weight: 133.4
bust: 34 in
underbust: 29 in
arms: 11 in
waist: 27.75 in
hips: 27 in
thighs: 21.5 in
here are my goals for each day:
1,000 or less calories
meet all 3 goals on my apple watch (set at 600 calories burned, 30 exercise minutes, 12 hours standing)
drink at least 72 oz of water
Posted 03 January 2022 - 06:21 PM
january 3, 2022
cw: ? forgot to weigh myself this morning
calories in: 911
water: 85 oz
calories burned: 810
exercise minutes: 110
stand hours: 15
another good day i had gym class today which is why my exercise minutes are so high. also, i was offered an alumni interview today from Princeton University! apparently they try to interview every applicant but i'm still super nervous because this could be a deciding factor of whether or not i'm accepted
if anyone is reading this, please feel free to reply to this thread! i love talking to people and knowing they are reading
Posted 04 January 2022 - 09:33 PM
january 4, 2022
cw: ? forgot again
calories in: 915
water: 80 oz
calories burned: 780
exercise minutes: 82
stand hours: 17
i need to start setting myself a reminder to weigh in the morning before school i keep forgetting oops
other than that, i'm happy with today
Posted 05 January 2022 - 09:16 PM
january 5, 2022
cw: 133.4 lb (+/-0)
calories in: 1427
water: 45 oz
calories burned: 665
exercise minutes: 51
stand hours: 16
(i’m updating from my phone so i’ll add the colors later)
not a good day today, but oh well it could have been worse…
i got my nose pierced today and i love it! it hurt way more than i thought it would though lol
also one of my friends tested positive for covid today so i took an at-home test but it was negative! i was super worried though because covid is RAMPANT at my school right now tbh i kind of hope that my school decides to go back to virtual classes because over 25% of the students have been contact traced or are quarantining after winter break right now. plus i just like virtual because i can restrict easier lol
Posted 06 January 2022 - 08:58 PM
january 6, 2022
cw: 134.0 lb (+0.6) not surprising since i went over my limit yesterday
calories in: 1034
water: 65 oz
calories burned: 682
exercise minutes: 81
stand hours: 16
since i went over my limit by such a small amount i'm not too unhappy with it, but it's still over so i'm marking it red.
today was pretty good otherwise, i had a nice workout and i have a snow day tomorrow i'm going to do the iu diet tomorrow, which if you don't know is:
1 sweet potato
1 apple
1 protein shake
so my calories will be around 400. it will be easy since i'm home tomorrow but i still have schoolwork to do so i'll be nicely distracted if i get hungry.
i feel like i should have lost at least a tiny bit of weight this week? that's why i'm doing the iu thing bc i ALWAYS lose weight on that diet.
a bit of a longer post, anyways i hope if you're reading this you had a nice day today! <3
Posted 07 January 2022 - 07:43 PM
january 7, 2022
cw: 133.0 (-1.0)
calories in: 747
water: 95 oz
calories burned: 750
exercise minutes: 102
stand hours: 16
i followed the iu diet until dinner, but then i had to eat with my family. my intake is still a bit lower than usual though so i don't mind too much.
i had a nice day today because it snowed for the first time this winter! plus shoveling snow burns a surprising amount of calories.
i'm also glad to see that i've lost a net of 0.4 lb now! i think i might have been retaining water or something.
i'm going to try reallyyyy hard to restrict as much as possible tomorrow, but i'm visiting my grandmother and having lunch with her, so we'll see how well it goes. she usually serves comfort food-type stuff, but i'm vegetarian so that usually gets me out of eating most of it.
Posted 10 January 2022 - 10:53 AM
i feel like i haven't fully laid out my rules for this accountability yet, so here are my rules for now until march 1: (some of these are different from when i started this thread)
measurement rules:
- weigh every day and record on scale app
- take measurements every 2 weeks
food rules:
- less than 1,000 calories in
- no takeout/restaurant food unless my parents make me
- 72 oz water or more
exercise rules:
- burn 600 calories or more from exercise
- run at least 1 mile
- stretch every day
- 60 exercise minutes
- 12 stand hours
new post format:
calories in:
water intake:
calories burned:
exercise minutes:
stand hours:
Posted 10 January 2022 - 07:32 PM
january 10, 2022
cw: 133.4 (+0.4)
calories in: 998
water intake: 100 oz
calories burned: 688
run: 0.5 mi
exercise minutes: 70
stand hours: 16
not too bad day today, except i'm still sick so i stayed home from school. i don't think i have covid because it's only been 36 hours since i started feeling bad and i'm starting to feel better again.
i'm hoping that my weight increase is also because i'm sich, but it could also be because i think my period is about to start. i did manage to workout today, but i couldn't manage a full mile so i did half instead.
Posted 14 January 2022 - 08:53 PM
january 13, 2022
cw: ?
calories in: 934
water: 60 oz
calories burned: 255
run: none
exercise minutes: 0
stand hours: 12
i'm finally starting to feel better, so hopefully i will be able to start working out again tomorrow or saturday! i feel so weird not doing my normal workouts
Posted 18 January 2022 - 08:41 PM
omg i'm getting so bad at updating this i'm so so busy with school right now since it's the end of our second semester, but i'm really going to try to update every day!
january 18, 2022
cw: 132.4 lb (-1.0)
calories in: 918
water: ?
calories burned: 604
run: none
exercise minutes: 82
stand hours: 15
i got my period yesterday so my cw listed is from a few days ago, i don't really ever weigh myself on my period because i'm always bloated and a few pounds heavier than usual.
school is kicking my ass lately, but i need to work on still making time for runs.
Posted 19 January 2022 - 09:12 PM
january 19, 2022
cw: ?
calories in: 978
water: 64 oz
calories burned: 694
run: 0.5 mi
exercise minutes: 76
stand hours: 18
not too bad of a day today, my no 1 goal for tomorrow is to do a real run though. maybe like 1.5-2 miles because my running has been severely lacking lately
also i need to hardcore restrict these next few days because my birthday is next tuesday and the thought of going out to dinner (which i know my family is going to want to do) is already stressing me out.
my goal is 130 lb by my birthday i think i can do that
Posted 20 January 2022 - 08:40 PM
cw: ?
calories in: 1000 exactly hahaha
water: 84 oz
calories burned: 740
run: 1.5 mi
exercise minutes: 84
stand hours: 16
(all green, i’m updating from my phone so i’ll add color later)
good day today! i’m so happy i got to run

Posted 23 January 2022 - 08:18 AM
january 21, 2022
cw: 131.8 lb (-0.6)
calories: 1216
water: 72 oz
calories burned: 604
run: 1 mi
exercise minutes: 69
stand hours: 17
today was my birthday dinner with my grandparents (my actual birthday is the 25th) so i had to eat a little more than usual it was super fun though and i had a really good wokout afterwards
Posted 23 January 2022 - 08:25 AM
january 22, 2022
cw: ?
calories: 995
water: 40 oz
calories burned: 1291
run: none
exercise minutes: 285
stand hours: 16
my mom and i went shopping today because i asked to go shopping instead of having a birthday party, and we went to this huge mall and i logged the whole thing as a walk which is why i burned so many calories today it was so fun and i got so many new clothes, plus we went to a salad place for lunch and i got the best salad i think i've ever eaten in my life i could eat it every day until i die
Posted 24 January 2022 - 08:19 PM
january 23, 2022
cw: 131.2 lb (-0.6)
calories in: 923
water: 48 oz
calories burned: 316
run: none
exercise minutes: 16
stand hours: 13
Posted 24 January 2022 - 08:19 PM
january 24, 2022
cw: ?
calories in: 991
water: 92 oz
calories burned: 677
run: 1 mi
exercise minutes: 85
stand hours: 16
tomorrow is my birthday, so i think i'm going to allow myself 1400 calories for the day so that i can enjoy dinner with my family. it makes me nervous just thinking about it, but one day won't ruin my progress
Posted 26 January 2022 - 08:56 PM
january 26, 2022
cw: ?
calories in: 637
water: 40 oz
calories burned: 633
run: none
exercise minutes: 72
stand hours: 15
Posted 31 January 2022 - 08:30 PM
sorry for not updating this the last few days! i've been super busy with the end of my semester and everything. but the last time i weighed myself (jan 29th) i was 129.8 lb! yay!
also since it's almost february, i want to adjust my daily goals for this thread a bit:
less than 900 calories in
burn 600 calories
drink 72 oz water
sleep 7.5 hours
less than 4 hours of screen time
also my prom dress arrived in the mail today and it's so pretty i love it! now i have even more motivation to restrict and work out
Posted 21 February 2022 - 08:43 PM
i completely forgot about my accountability for a month! so this is my new one! that i hopefully will not forget about!
anyways hi! here's a little bit about me:
18 years old
cw 130 lb
ugw 118 (i think)
my original goal was to reach 121 lb by june 10, but i think i can do it before then. so now my goal is 123 lb by april 1 and 118 lb by may 1. that way i can gradually stop restricting before i take my exams at the end of the year.
here are my "rules":
700 calories per day
fill apple watch rings (600, 45, 12)
i'm going to start out doing the iu diet for as long as possible because that always works for me, but after a week or so it gets way to restrictive. i'm going to try to stick to it until march 2, then i'm going on a college visit for 5 days, and i'm just going to restrict as much as possible while i'm traveling. once i get home, i'll either keep going with the iu diet, or i'll just restrict to 700 calories a day
non-weight goals:
26" waist
34" bust
thigh gap
more muscle definition
weight tracker:
130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118
Posted 23 February 2022 - 08:31 PM
day 1 - feb 23
weight: 131.6 lb
what i ate: 583 cals
4 strawberries (23)
1 cup soup (90)
1 soft pretzel (330)
1 protein shake (140)
apple watch stats: 893, 80, 14
notes: not a bad day! i didn't follow the iu diet at all but i'm happy with my intake.
i think the 1.6 lb weight gain is because i'm about to get my period i hope that it will go away once i reach my gw
Posted 26 February 2022 - 08:08 AM
day 3 - feb 25
weight: 131.0 lb (-0.8)
what i ate: 502 cals
1 small sweet potato (99)
chia seed oatmeal (183)
tortilla chips (150)
vegan burger patty (70)
apple watch stats: 409, 15, 14
my apple watch malfunctioned and didn't record my workout, but i'm pretty sure i would have filled all of my rings
i scheduled an appointment for my first ever tattoo i have more motivation than ever to lose weight now
Posted 01 March 2022 - 04:52 PM
day 5 - feb 27
weight: 129.2 lb
what i ate 1462 cals ewwwww
chocolate overnight oats (220)
vegetable fried rice (270)
grilled cheese sandwich with french fries (972)
apple watch stats: 521, 91, 15
had to go out with my family for dinner and the sandwich and french fries made me soooo sick lol i think i'm lactose intolerant
Posted 10 March 2022 - 04:00 PM
a little update:
my college visit trip was AMAZING and i decided that i'm going to go there
i agreed to run a half marathon in august with a family member so i just started training for that, i might include my progress for that on this thread.
also something random i just realized as i was looking through my weight and measurement logs: in the past ~18 months, i've only lost about 7 pounds total which sounds really sad, but i've lost 4!!! inches off my waist. that's crazy!!! working out has make such a bigger difference than i thought!
anyways, i'm going to start updating daily again
i have 3 weeks to fix everything
Posted 19 May 2022 - 04:26 PM
hi so i have 3 weeks until my high school graduation and i need to be 123 lb or less by then. and then of course summer starts and i need to be skinny for that too... my cw is 128 lb. i am going to restrict hardcore for the next three weeks to get as low as possible. my goals are to eat less than 700 calories a day and burn over 600 calories a day.
i'm going to follow a diet sort of like this:
no breakfast
for lunch: half cup fruit, half cup vegetable, any protein bar under 200 calories
for snack: oatmeal
for dinner: either a protein shake or soup (or something similar in calories and volume)
i'm also going to do 30 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength training every day.
sooo ya. this is probably going to be very messy but i'm committing to updating every day.
Posted 21 May 2022 - 06:20 AM
day 1: may 20
calorie total: 949
exercise total: 603
my parents had a dinner party so i had to eat dinner with everyone i didn't have time to workout, but my afterschool job is very active so i was able to still meet my exercise goal
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