UPDATE: my old scales were, in fact, 14lb off.
Posted Yesterday, 09:05 PM
edit to add: the unhappy update is in the newest post ^^
[ falling deeper everyday as the gravity calls my name ]
163cm (5'4) // 52kg turns out i'm 57.8kg...
[ accountability ]
have a good day ♡
Posted Yesterday, 09:08 PM
okay i think i should give more context than just the title but:
i bought myself some new electronic scales to replace my 8+ year old mechanical ones. these new scales are a standard model for $15 but tbh i couldn't bring myself to spend more than that.
they show my weight as 58.5kg while my mechanical ones show me as 52kg.
there's not really any zero-ing/calibration measure for the electronic scale, but i tested it with a 2kg weight and it showed 2.0kg on the dot. i changed the batteries + moved it around to different locations; still 58.5kg
i am now panicking... i didn't think i was that heavy... i was making progress in calming down my BDD and thought i didn't look too big only for this to happen...!
also it brings up the question: which set of scales am i meant to trust??????? either i trust the new ones & get a massive confidence loss, or i trust the old ones and live in eternal panic + waste my $15 ;w;
[ falling deeper everyday as the gravity calls my name ]
163cm (5'4) // 52kg turns out i'm 57.8kg...
[ accountability ]
have a good day ♡
Posted Yesterday, 09:09 PM
You got this, not a problem! Doesn't matter what the scale says, your self worth shouldn't change. Sending comforting vibes your way ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )人( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
- bellesfleurs and liliaceae like this
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Posted Yesterday, 09:21 PM
Posted Yesterday, 09:22 PM
I tried to change my scales a while ago, and showed me heavier. I stuck with my trusty old mechanical scale in the end lol
Posted Yesterday, 09:24 PM
I mean obviously you looked 52 if you didnt think anything was off with it. If my scale showed me as 5kg lighter i would not trust it at all and get a new one bec i dont look 5kg lighter. But obviously you do, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. Lotsa people look thinner than they are, just means you can look bmi 14 at bmi 15-16.
- ArmyPrincess and liliaceae like this
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Posted Yesterday, 09:37 PM
is your old scale accurate with the weights as well? regardless, you’re still just as small as you were before, just a higher arbitrary number than you thought. I completely understand how horrible that would feel though sending hugs <3
Posted Yesterday, 09:41 PM
bunnyboop, on 20 Jun 2022 - 9:37 PM, said:
is your old scale accurate with the weights as well? regardless, you’re still just as small as you were before, just a higher arbitrary number than you thought. I completely understand how horrible that would feel though
sending hugs <3
yes, that's the odd thing- my old scale is also accurate with the weights! holding the same 2kg weight shows me from 52kg -> 54kg...
and thank you <3 i'm at a loss of what to do right now, but i'll probably figure something out in a bit ^^
[ falling deeper everyday as the gravity calls my name ]
163cm (5'4) // 52kg turns out i'm 57.8kg...
[ accountability ]
have a good day ♡
Posted Yesterday, 09:45 PM
BabaaYayga, on 20 Jun 2022 - 9:09 PM, said:
You got this, not a problem! Doesn't matter what the scale says, your self worth shouldn't change. Sending comforting vibes your way ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )人( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
HazelWitch, on 20 Jun 2022 - 9:21 PM, said:
I know the higher number seems scary, but don’t let it get to you! You’re no bigger than you were before you got the new scales, and I guarantee you still look good. I always try to weigh myself first thing in the morning (naked and after I pee) for the ‘truest’ reading, but water weight and hormonal changes can still lead to fluctuations as much as 5lbs. Just keep an eye on things from now on, maybe once weekly, and watch yourself continue to maintain or go down. You’ll be OK! Much love to you xx
sleepyfaefae, on 20 Jun 2022 - 9:22 PM, said:
I tried to change my scales a while ago, and showed me heavier. I stuck with my trusty old mechanical scale in the end lol
adalive, on 20 Jun 2022 - 9:24 PM, said:
I mean obviously you looked 52 if you didnt think anything was off with it. If my scale showed me as 5kg lighter i would not trust it at all and get a new one bec i dont look 5kg lighter. But obviously you do, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. Lotsa people look thinner than they are, just means you can look bmi 14 at bmi 15-16.
thank you for your comfort! honestly idk what's going on either- my old scale is also accurate in the shift when i hold the 2kg weights. i think that tomorrow i'll go see if i can use a free public scale (maybe at a pharmacy?) and see what that one reads to get a third opinion...
it's mainly just a little devastating for me... like i know i have definitely lost weight as the old scale showed change.
but i think it hurts because 52kg was one of my goal weights... and the reward was to get a new scale... only for that scale to show i was NOT at 52kg and 6.5kg above that! talk about irony!
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[ falling deeper everyday as the gravity calls my name ]
163cm (5'4) // 52kg turns out i'm 57.8kg...
[ accountability ]
have a good day ♡
Posted Today, 12:31 AM
In my experience a mechanical scale always shows a few kg lower, but mostly that's like 2 kg, not 6.5
Perhaps both are off a bit?
Is the mechanical one on 0 if you don't stand on it? It happens that it's below 0 (at least, the mechanical scales I know)
But don't worry, this doesn't change your appearance, nor your progress
In a way it's nice to weigh more than you look like (speaking from someone who always gets guessed multiple bmi points lower than I am)
That way, if you ever have to go to treatment and gain to a healthy weight, you'll still look underweight
Also, scales differ massivly, I once had a day where I was on 4 scales, inpatient, my own, hospital, and gp
And they wildly differed (even taking clothes and drink and food weight in to account)
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Posted Today, 02:00 AM
If you had the old one for that long it's likely the springs were stretched, that happens to mechanical scales with time
Posted Today, 06:42 PM
here's the update- spoiler, it's not a good one:
i didn't sleep much, if at all- but regardless i went to my nearest pharmacy and got weighed there- i weighed 58.9kg (with clothes on + food today), so my new scale's reading of 57.8kg this morning is likely accurate.
my old scales were, in fact, 6kg off.
i'm devastated. it sucks to realise that my 'body dysmorphia voice' that i tried so hard to counter actually ended up being the correct one. i feel like i was deluding myself and now i'll never trust my 'self-compassionate' thoughts again .
i got home and stared at the mirror for a while. my face is so round and my thighs are hideous. even though my body didn't change overnight it sure felt like it did...
(also i can't even try to say that i still look good- i got my bf% tested too and it read 29.5% which is the border of healthy/over so uh.)
there's just so much going through my head right now. i don't know if it's feasible for me to lose that much all over again- the thought of just giving up and committing ''''unalive'''' has come back full force too... my heart was so happy then immediately shattered into a million pieces. this can't be good for my mental health lmao
i'm sorry that this wasn't a good update.
P.S i know someone out there will read this and begin to grow paranoid over their scales, so i'll remind you that mine were at least 9 years old- and that a weight difference of 6.5kg is certainly an (unwelcome) rarity.
[ falling deeper everyday as the gravity calls my name ]
163cm (5'4) // 52kg turns out i'm 57.8kg...
[ accountability ]
have a good day ♡
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