misscarolina's vegan low restriction thread
Posted 14 March 2021 - 06:50 AM
Let’s doooo this!
I’m trying to lose as much as possible before August 2021.
No job or school = no need for brain power = no need for calories. I would be trying an extended fast if I didn’t live with my sister. This is the first time I’ve been jobless in many years and (hopefully) I won’t get another opportunity like this to lose weight.
The term “low restriction” is subjective. I’m just trying to eat as little as possible w/o alerting my sister or feeling completely deprived.
The theme is: it’s now or never!
Posted 14 March 2021 - 07:02 AM
Saturday, 3/13/21: 193.6 lbs
Lunch: 4 pieces of lemon poppyseed mandelbread (236) and lentil dahl (120) with 1/2 cup white rice (120)*
Dinner: 8 shots of vodka (783) with diet sprite ("0")
*calories are estimated because this was restaurant food
Total intake: ~1259 calories
15,054 steps
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:15 AM
Sunday, 3/14/21: 192.6 lbs ( -1 lb)
Dinner: vegan mac n cheese sandwich (580)
Drinks: 8 shots of vodka (783) with diet soda ("0")
6 cigarettes
Total Intake: 1363 calories
13,046 steps
30 minutes of yoga
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Posted 16 March 2021 - 01:26 AM

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Posted 16 March 2021 - 06:34 AM
BloatedMess, on 16 Mar 2021 - 01:26 AM, said:
I’m also trying to quit smoking completely. I smoke significantly less when I don’t drink. I went from like a half a pack to 1 or 2 and can barely finish them. Good luck. It gets easier
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Thank you!! I just properly measured the amount of vodka I pour in my mixed drinks and realized I'm drinking way more than I thought I'm definitely going to cut down or even stop drinking. Good luck to you too! Cutting down to 1-2 cigs/day is already impressive.
Posted 16 March 2021 - 06:48 AM
Monday, 3/15/21: 193.4 lbs ( +0.8 lb)
Dinner: thai drunken noodles (1200)*
Drinks: 12oz of vodka (783) with diet soda ("0")
*calories are estimated because this was restaurant food
7 cigarettes
Total Intake: 1983 calories
14,580 steps
30 minutes of yoga
My sister pointed out that this is a good thing bc I should lose weight much easier now by cutting out alcohol but the issue was I was kind of replacing binge eating with drinking.
After much deliberation I did go back and edit the calorie count on the previous two^ entries.
Oh well, there's no use getting upset over it. I have the information now and will adjust accordingly.
Posted 17 March 2021 - 05:57 AM
Tuesday, 3/16/21: 193.6 lbs ( +0.2 lb)
Lunch: monster energy (10)
6 cigarettes
Total Intake: 10 calories
22,393 steps
My sister offered me two slices of pizza tonight but I turned it down I was going to throw it away then realized how stupid that was. Now I have dinner for tomorrow
I am very conscious of my spending right now because I don't have a job. I've just been living off of cupboard food and my sister's leftovers for the past ~2 weeks. My biggest spending problem is restaurant food.
My feet hurt so bad after walking today which is frustrating because I didn't even walk THAT much :/ I have nice New Balance shoes so I'm wondering if it's my socks that need to change. They're pretty thin and cheap. But I don't want to shell out the cash. Maybe my feet will just get used to walking more and if not I'll bite the bullet and buy new socks.
Refraining from drinking was easier than expected today. A major trigger for my drinking is the sun going down, and it was daylight savings a few days ago so the sun sets much later. I spent more time outside walking and didn't get home until ~7pm whereas I'd usually stop around 4pm. This meant I only had to avoid drinking for a few hours before I went to bed
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Posted 18 March 2021 - 06:28 AM
Wednesday, 3/17/21: 191.8 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
Dinner: 2 slices of vegan plain cheese pizza (495) and a clementine (45)
4 cigarettes
Total Intake: 540 calories
16,082 steps
Posted 19 March 2021 - 05:49 AM
Thursday, 3/18/21: 190.8 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
Dinner: 307g russet potato (236) with 1/4 cup salsa (20) and two clementines (70)
4 cigarettes
Total: 346 calories
18,316 steps
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Posted 20 March 2021 - 08:08 AM
Friday, 3/19/21: 190.2 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
Dinner: Gardein saus'ge gumbo (210) and a clementine (45)
Drink: 6oz of vodka (392) with diet sprite ("0")
4 cigarettes
Total: 647 calories
16,296 steps
My knee really started acting up when I was walking today. I used to walk about 8k steps/day so I thought I just needed to get used to walking more, and maybe that is the case, but I also need to switch to flatter ground. Right now I'm using walking trails in my local park which are pretty uneven.
My hair and nails have gotten brittle. I always heard about that but never knew what it would actually look like. Now I know and it sucks, especially since my hair is the one part of my body I really like. I wonder how much of it is nutritional (I've been restricting this time around since January and before that I had an unhealthy diet anyway) and how much is the smoking.
Good news: STIMMY CAME IN TODAY!!! Must . . . spend . . . must . . . support . . . economy . . . .
Posted 21 March 2021 - 06:26 AM
Saturday, 3/20/21: 189.4 lbs ( -0.8 lbs)
Lunch: mediterranean sandwich without cheese from Potbelly (470)
Drink: 6oz vodka (392) with diet soda ("0")
Late-night snack: 20 whole-wheat crackers (280)
5 cigarettes
Total: 1142 calories
21,016 steps
Reminder to self: this is the only time in the foreseeable future I will have an opportunity like this. I do not have a job or go to school so I do not need the calories.
Posted 21 March 2021 - 06:49 AM
Week of 3/13 Summary
Saturday, 3/13: 193.6 lbs
1259 calories
Sunday, 3/14: 192.6 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
1363 calories
Monday, 3/15: 193.4 lbs ( +0.8 lbs)
1983 calories
Tuesday, 3/16: 193.6 lbs ( +0.2 lbs)
10 calories
Wednesday, 3/17: 191.8 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
540 calories
Thursday, 3/18: 190.8 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
346 calories
Friday, 3/19: 190.2 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
647 calories
Saturday, 3/20: 189.4 lbs ( -0.8 lbs)
1142 calories
Avg daily weight loss: 0.53 lbs/day
Total calories: 7,290 calories
Avg daily calories: 911 cals/day
According to losertown, if I eat like this every day I would be 130 lbs by August 15th, 2021.
This week, I realized just how many calories are in my typical alcoholic drink and decided to cut back significantly. I was surprised by how easy it was the first few days, but by Friday and Saturday I was really itching to drink more.
I also became much more conscious of how many cigarettes I smoke per day and went from ~7/day to ~4/day.
Next week my goal is to continue cutting back on the alcohol: I plan not to drink at all and if I really need some, I will not exceed 6oz of vodka in one day.
Also, from now on my weekly summaries will summarize Sunday through Saturday and will be posted each Sunday. I didn't plan well when starting this thread. Again, thank you so much to everyone reading!
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Posted 22 March 2021 - 05:54 AM
Sunday, 3/21/21: 189.8 lbs ( +0.4 lbs)
5 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
18,872 steps
Posted 23 March 2021 - 09:13 AM
Monday, 3/22/21: 187.8 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
Dinner: one-third of a portion of thai drunken noodles (400) - calories are estimated because this was restaurant food
4 cigarettes
Total: 400 calories
18,796 steps

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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:53 AM
Tuesday, 2/23/21: 187.2 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
Lunch: monster energy (10)
Dinner: two slices of pizza (495)
4 cigarettes
Total: 505 calories
18,070 steps
I was planning to have another baked potato with salsa for dinner but then my sister offered me 3 slices of her leftover pizza again. I only planned to have one, but a few hours later the cravings hit hard so I got both out of the fridge, ate another one, and just stared at the final piece feeling so conflicted until I put it back in the fridge. Another few hours later, the cravings hit hard again, so I opened the fridge but then noticed the oven clock and thought "I only have one more hour until I go to bed. I only have to hold out for one more hour" which was like a lightbulb moment in my head and I closed the fridge again.
tldr: I have dinner for Thursday I pretty much live off my sister's food these days lol she also buys me the thai noodles just because it gets her free delivery on DoorDash. I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth!
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Posted 25 March 2021 - 08:13 AM
Wednesday, 3/24/21: 187.0 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
Dinner: one-third of a portion of thai noodles (~400) then a can of Gardein chick'n noodle soup (200)
Late-night snack: slice of pizza (248) then a cup of Gerber puffs (50)
5 cigarettes
Total: 898 calories
10,953 steps
I was really disappointed in myself even though rationally I know a ~190 pound person shouldn't be fretting over the difference between 400 and 800 calories. Also, as a former daily binge-eater I know it was a good thing I avoided a full binge. At the same time, this really does feel like my last chance to lose weight so quickly and I don't want to blow it.
Posted 26 March 2021 - 05:09 AM
Thursday, 3/25/21: 186.8 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
18,583 steps
Posted 27 March 2021 - 11:20 AM
Friday, 3/26/21: 185.6 lbs ( -1.2 lbs)
Breakfast: three watermelon ring candies (100)
Dinner: one third of a portion of thai drunken noodles (~400)
Late-night snack: 3 servings of Gerber puffs (75) and two clementines (70)
6 cigarettes
Total: 645 calories
16,744 steps
The extra cigarettes were from driving; I had two on the way to work and two on the way home.
Posted 28 March 2021 - 05:49 AM
Saturday, 3/27/21: 185.4 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
Dinner: 309g russet potato (238) with 6 tbsp of salsa (30) and a clementine (45)
2 cigarettes
Total: 313 calories
17,757 steps
Potatoes are incredible. I feel so full after eating just one and combining it with hot salsa (which has been shown to reduce hunger) fights the cravings for several hours. By the time I was craving food again, it was almost time for bed and I was able to hold out. I need to eat this meal more often because tbh I felt more satisfied eating that^ than eating an entire 1200-calorie portion of noodles.
This is the least number of cigarettes I've smoked in a day in . . . maybe a year? My throat was really sore because I didn't sleep with my humidifier, so even when the nicotine cravings came I was able to get past them by focusing on how damn sore my throat was. i'm basically a health guru lol jk
Posted 28 March 2021 - 06:14 AM
Week of 3/21 Summary
Sunday, 3/21: 189.8 lbs ( +0.4 lbs)
0 calories
Monday, 3/22: 187.8 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
400 calories
Tuesday, 3/23: 187.2 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
505 calories
Wednesday, 3/24: 187.0 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
898 calories
Thursday, 3/25: 186.8 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
0 calories
Friday, 3/26: 185.6 lbs ( -1.2 lbs)
645 calories
Saturday, 3/27: 185.4 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
313 calories
Avg daily weight loss: 0.57 lbs/day
Total calories: 2,761 calories
Avg daily calories: 394 cals/day

This week I struggled a few times with post-dinner snacking especially after I ate those thai drunken noodles (my favorite restaurant food). I'm still not entirely sure what to do about that; I don't want to completely cut it out of my diet because my sister buys it for me and I need to spend as little as possible. I definitely can't keep having it three times a week though. On a similar note, I realized that a baked potato with salsa is my #1 meal for fighting food cravings/hunger and will try to incorporate it more in the future.
I didn't drink at all this week and was surprised by how easy it was. Any time I had the cravings I just remembered how many calories are in my favorite drink and was immediately put off. Disclaimer: I understand how lucky I am that this is the case and I am in no way trying to minimize the intense struggle many people face with alcohol. Every body is different and I'm extremely lucky that my body & mind were kind to me in this regard.
My cigarette count was a bit higher this week until Saturday, when I used my sore throat to resist smoking. Definitely useful knowledge for the future. I plan to quit smoking by the end of April.
Next week: something that has been hanging over me for awhile is that I'm going to be visiting my mother from 4/1-??? and I'm really nervous. Tbh this is what 99% of my notes are going to be about this week so I won't go into it too much here, but pretty much every time I visit her I just overeat nonstop until I leave. But now I have the time pressure of August as well as this accountability thread keeping me on track. So, my goal for this week is just to continue eating as little as possible wherever I am.
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misscarolina's vegan low restriction thread
Posted 28 March 2021 - 08:18 AM
you did awesome this week!! good luck staying with your mom, i hope you have fun!
- misscarolina likes this
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Posted 29 March 2021 - 12:07 PM
Sunday, 3/28/21: 184.4 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
1,559 steps
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Posted 29 March 2021 - 12:07 PM
green.tea.aquarius, on 28 Mar 2021 - 08:18 AM, said:
you did awesome this week!! good luck staying with your mom, i hope you have fun!
thank you!!
- green.tea.aquarius likes this
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Posted 30 March 2021 - 11:26 AM
Monday, 3/29/21: 182.8 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
Dinner: 316g russet potato (238) with 6 tbsp of salsa (30) and a clementine (45)
3 cigarettes
Total: 313 calories
10,411 steps
So excited to be in the 182's! My lowest weight since 2017/18 was 182.2 lbs so I can't wait to pass that.
Posted 30 March 2021 - 12:02 PM
phaenon, on 30 Mar 2021 - 11:57 AM, said:
good call for skipping the second walk! sore throat from exercise is the worst, ugh. hope you're feeling better now, take it easy.
(also omgg salsa is so good i seriously need to start buying it more frequently)
tbh i never used to experience that it's only now that I'm going on two walks per day and yesss i'm about to start putting salsa or at least hot sauce on all of my meals lol it's so satiating
Posted 31 March 2021 - 10:37 AM
Tuesday, 3/30/21: 182.6 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
Dinner: Gardein "beef" and vegetable soup (230) with an almond sea salt Kashi bar (130)
4 cigarettes
Total: 360 calories
17,621 steps
Posted 01 April 2021 - 06:51 AM
Wednesday, 3/31/21: 181.6 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
Dinner: 271g russet potato (209) with 1/2 cup salsa (40) mixed with 3 tsp minced garlic (15), and a clementine (45)
6 cigarettes
Total: 309 calories
20,695 steps
As for April, there is a part of me that wants to try for another 20 pounds but I know that weight loss slows down over time and it's already going to be so much harder when visiting my mom. In any case, I would like to continue restricting to around 500 calories per day, preferably less. I also may incorporate more fasting in the last two weeks of April.
Finally, my #1 goal for April is to stop smoking after I return from my mom's house. I've already bought nicotine patches and I've been practicing some alternatives like reading and journaling. My biggest motivation will be consuming anti-smoking information. I've already checked out several websites and found some great resources. Ngl, I'm a little concerned by how it might affect my weight loss (smoking speeds up metabolism by increasing heart rate & a couple other ways) so I might increase my walking.
As always, thank you so much to anyone reading this!
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Posted 01 April 2021 - 07:40 AM
20 lb in a month is super impressive! great job!
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Posted 01 April 2021 - 07:41 AM
misscarolina, on 01 Apr 2021 - 06:51 AM, said:
Wednesday, 3/31/21: 181.6 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
Dinner: 271g russet potato (209) with 1/2 cup salsa (40) mixed with 3 tsp minced garlic (15), and a clementine (45)
6 cigarettes
Total: 309 calories
20,695 steps
Notes:SpoilerSince it's the last day of March I'd like to do a little monthly review. I weighed 201.8 lbs on 3/1 and weighed 181.6 lbs on 3/31 for a total weight loss of 20.2 lbs in March. I'm super happy with this especially since I was restricting to ~1200 cals the first two weeks and only brought it down in the last two weeks of the month. I'm so glad I started this accountability; it's been a great way to keep me motivated.
As for April, there is a part of me that wants to try for another 20 pounds but I know that weight loss slows down over time and it's already going to be so much harder when visiting my mom. In any case, I would like to continue restricting to around 500 calories per day, preferably less. I also may incorporate more fasting in the last two weeks of April.
Finally, my #1 goal for April is to stop smoking after I return from my mom's house. I've already bought nicotine patches and I've been practicing some alternatives like reading and journaling. My biggest motivation will be consuming anti-smoking information. I've already checked out several websites and found some great resources. Ngl, I'm a little concerned by how it might affect my weight loss (smoking speeds up metabolism by increasing heart rate & a couple other ways) so I might increase my walking.
As always, thank you so much to anyone reading this!
Damn, that’s awesome sauce! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ you got this, both the restriction and the anti smoking stuff!
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Posted 01 April 2021 - 08:42 AM
yess hurray for trying to drop smoking in april!!
so ready and here to support you, i'm glad you're taking this step (: you got this, i know you do!!
- misscarolina likes this
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Posted 02 April 2021 - 04:33 AM
green.tea.aquarius, on 01 Apr 2021 - 07:40 AM, said:
20 lb in a month is super impressive! great job!
thank you!! your interactions with my thread has been a big source of motivation
hollow-moon, on 01 Apr 2021 - 07:41 AM, said:
Damn, that’s awesome sauce! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ you got this, both the restriction and the anti smoking stuff!
phaenon, on 01 Apr 2021 - 08:42 AM, said:
yess hurray for trying to drop smoking in april!!
so ready and here to support you, i'm glad you're taking this step (: you got this, i know you do!!
ah thank you both so much! i didn't think anyone would really care about the smoking stuff (not in a mean way, just because MPA is about EDs/food/weight) and it warms my heart to see people being so kind <3 <3 <3
- inactive and green.tea.aquarius like this
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Posted 02 April 2021 - 04:39 AM
Thursday, 4/1/21: 181.0 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
13 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
18,603 steps

As for food, I told my mom that I had a huge meal on the drive over
Posted 02 April 2021 - 07:06 AM
misscarolina, on 02 Apr 2021 - 04:33 AM, said:
thank you!! your interactions with my thread has been a big source of motivation
stop omg you're too sweet <3
- misscarolina likes this
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Posted 03 April 2021 - 10:02 AM
Friday, 4/2/21: 179.8 lbs ( -1.2 lbs)
B: 5-hour energy (4)
L: 114g red grapes (79)
D: BBQ cauliflower (420)
Binge: bag of sweet chili doritos (1500), most of a tub of Ben n Cherry's chocolate ice cream (680)
10 cigarettes
Total: 2683 calories
6,476 steps
- I was tired -> take a nap and/or go to bed early
- The food was sitting out on a TV tray in my line of sight -> put it in a kitchen cupboard
- My mom kept offering -> politely ask her to stop the FIRST time she offers
- We were watching a TV show I used to watch while binging, in the room I used to binge in -> change the channel and/or leave the room
Ultimately, the #1 reason I binged was because even though I was kind of nervous about it, in my heart of hearts I didn't truly believe I was actually going to binge when visiting my mom so I didn't plan for it at all. By failing to plan, I planned to fail. I tried to grit my teeth through the cravings without using any of the safeguards I have available. So, here is my straightforward step-by-step plan the next time the cravings get that bad:
- Remove myself from the environment by going on a walk. This will not be a strenuous walk aiming to burn calories; it will simply get me away from the environment, surrounded by nature, and release some endorphins.
- While walking, listen to some motivational videos I've saved on youtube. This should stop the cravings.
- If not, when I return home I will go to the guest room, make a similar list to that^ one, and determine if there's anything simple I can do to address the cravings (e.g. a nap).
- If not, I will stay in the guest room, journal, read my motivational books, go through my ED tumblr blog, and re-read this accountability thread.
This will not happen again. It's now or never!
- green.tea.aquarius likes this
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Posted 17 April 2021 - 09:50 AM
Friday, 4/16/21: 184.4 lbs ( +4.6 lbs from 4/2)
Monster energy (10)
5 cigarettes
Total: 10 calories
24,412 steps
Posted 18 April 2021 - 08:14 AM
Saturday, 4/17/21: 182.2 lbs ( -2.2 lbs)
Dinner: pasta arrabiata (1500) with two kashi bars (260)
5 cigarettes
Total: 1760 calories
25,212 steps
Posted 18 April 2021 - 08:30 AM
Week of 4/11 Summary
Sunday, 4/11: unknown weight
Monday, 4/12: 192.4 lbs ( +10.8 lbs from last weight)
Tuesday, 4/13: 185.0 lbs ( -7.4 lbs)
Wednesday, 4/14: 185.4 lbs ( +0.4 lbs)
Thursday, 4/15: 185.0 lbs ( -0.4 lbs)
Friday, 4/16: 184.4 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
10 calories
Saturday, 4/17: 182.2 lbs ( -2.2 lbs)
1760 calories
TOTAL WEIGHT CHANGE FROM 4/3 TO 4/17: +0.6 lbs
Things I'm doing to get back on track: walking more, engaging only with media that I know will motivate me & not trigger me to eat, journaling, and eating as little as possible. Also, as much as I hate the idea of food waste, I had to throw out a couple of things that are just too easy to eat like those kashi bars :/ which is a shame because normally those wouldn't even tempt me. Finally, I cannot visit my mom for such a long period at least for the rest of the summer. My sister and I are planning to stay for the weekend of Mother's day (5/9) but I'm definitely not staying an entire week again.
Posted 19 April 2021 - 08:04 AM
This seems like you're doing well! Definitely going to follow along for inspo.
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misscarolina's vegan low restriction thread
Posted 19 April 2021 - 01:40 PM
green.tea.aquarius, on 18 Apr 2021 - 8:49 PM, said:
you're back!! i missed you <3
Infatuated, on 19 Apr 2021 - 08:04 AM, said:
This seems like you're doing well! Definitely going to follow along for inspo.
Thank you both the thought of anyone reading my thread has been a big motivation to get back on track
- green.tea.aquarius likes this
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Posted 19 April 2021 - 01:43 PM
Sunday, 4/18/21: 182.8 lbs ( +0.6 lbs)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
25,068 steps
Posted 20 April 2021 - 01:56 PM
Monday, 4/19/21: 181.8 lbs ( -1.0 lbs)
5 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
25,134 steps

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Posted 21 April 2021 - 11:16 AM
Tuesday, 4/20/21: 180.2 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
5 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
25,892 steps

- inactive and green.tea.aquarius like this
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Posted 22 April 2021 - 12:54 PM
Posted 22 April 2021 - 01:05 PM
Wednesday, 4/21/21: 177.6 lbs ( -2.6 lbs)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
21,080 steps

- inactive and green.tea.aquarius like this
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Posted 23 April 2021 - 11:24 AM
Thursday, 4/22/21: 175.6 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
Lunchtime: 0.5 tsp of salt dissolved in a glass of water (0)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
25,631 steps
My anxiety is getting worse every day and it's frustrating because whenever I google any version of water fasting + anxiety all I get are tons of articles from people claiming that water fasting immediately cured their anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, depression, OCD, suicidal thoughts, etc after like 23 hours of fasting sure it did. sorry i'm getting snippy blame it on the fast lmao
That said, I should NOT be complaining so much. I wouldn't have had to do this fast in the first place if I didn't screw up so much at the beginning of April and I'm so grateful the fast is effective
Posted 23 April 2021 - 11:55 AM
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Posted 23 April 2021 - 05:35 PM
hey i'm vegan as well. you're doing so good, following!
- misscarolina likes this
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Posted 24 April 2021 - 11:38 AM
Friday, 4/23/21: 173.8 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
Dinnertime: 1/2 tsp Lite Salt dissolved in water (0)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
27,888 steps

Posted 25 April 2021 - 10:20 AM
Saturday, 4/24/21: 173.0 lbs ( -0.8 lbs)
5 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
29,936 steps
Notes (Warning: Gross)
Posted 25 April 2021 - 10:40 AM
Week of 4/18 Summary
*I water-fasted every day this week & will not bother writing "0 calories" for each day Instead, I'll put step counts.
Sunday, 4/18: 182.8 lbs ( +0.6 lbs)
25,068 steps
Monday, 4/19: 181.8 lbs ( -1.0 lb)
25,134 steps
Tuesday, 4/20: 180.2 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
25,892 steps
Wednesday, 4/21: 177.6 lbs ( -2.6 lbs)
21,080 steps
Thursday, 4/22: 175.6 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
25,631 steps
Friday, 4/23: 173.8 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
27,888 steps
Saturday, 4/24: 173.0 lbs ( -0.8 lbs)
29,936 steps
Avg daily weight loss: 1.3 lbs/day
Total calories and avg daily calories: 0 calories
I love doing all this walking! Basically it takes ~20 minutes to walk to my local park and then I just do laps around this giant park & the way I adjust my step count is by adjusting the number of laps I do. I added another lap on Friday and then another lap to that on Saturday. I'm going to stick with this ~29k routine for awhile as I don't want to push myself, injure myself, and then be unable to walk at all. Once I get used to that, though, I think I'll keep adding; I really want to see how far I can push the walking.
In regards to food, I've given up on trying to hide it from my sister. She definitely knows something is up but has seemingly decided that it's one of the things we just don't talk about which is a massive relief. If she does bring it up I'll admit that I'm water fasting and talk about all the health benefits.
Thank you so much for reading this thread!!
- inactive and green.tea.aquarius like this
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Posted 26 April 2021 - 08:50 AM
Sunday, 4/25/21: 171.6 lbs ( -1.4 lbs)
4 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
29,730 steps
Posted 27 April 2021 - 01:22 PM
Monday, 4/26/21: 170.0 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
3 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
20,683 steps
30 minute indoor step challenge on youtube
Posted 28 April 2021 - 02:06 PM
Tuesday, 4/27/21: 168.0 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
2 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
28,949 steps
I will complain about the fact that my breathing is a mess. I've been getting short of breath on my walks for a couple of days but today it was absolutely unbearable and I had to stop & sit down multiple times, only for the shortness of breath to pick right back up the second I stood. I know it's allergies because the pollen is crazy right now and my breathing is 1000x worse when I'm outside. I might have to stick to indoor workouts until the pollen calms down which is a shame :/ happy spring everybody!
Posted 29 April 2021 - 01:09 PM
Wednesday, 4/28/21: 166.2 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
4 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
8,325 steps
Indoor step challenge x2 (youtube link)

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 03:41 PM
this is my favorite tea with caffeine: https://www.teavana....de-citrus-mint/
they're pretty expensive but sooo worth it imo (plus if you like it, amazon sells it in bulk for a little cheaper!)
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Posted 30 April 2021 - 02:12 PM
green.tea.aquarius, on 29 Apr 2021 - 3:41 PM, said:
this is my favorite tea with caffeine: https://www.teavana....de-citrus-mint/
they're pretty expensive but sooo worth it imo (plus if you like it, amazon sells it in bulk for a little cheaper!)
oo thank you! citrus mint sounds perfect right now cause the fast is giving me a bad taste in my mouth XD
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Posted 30 April 2021 - 02:18 PM
Thursday, 4/29/21: 166.0 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
4 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
2,542 steps
30-minute step challenge x5.5

Posted 30 April 2021 - 02:28 PM
By the way my username & profile picture are exactly the same on EDC; right now i rarely use it but i am completely prepared to jump ship if MPA goes down <3 we'll get through this<3
Posted 02 May 2021 - 12:42 PM
Friday, 4/30/21: 164.4 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
4 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
2,981 steps
30-minute indoor step challenge x6
So, in April I lost 16.6 lbs which I'm happy with, but again I can't help but think about how much weight I might have lost if I hadn't screwed up so much the first two weeks. At the same time, this gives me hope for how much I can lose in May. I want to lose at least 20 pounds in May which should be possible if I continue fasting like I have.
I really enjoyed fasting this much in April. Yes, it gave me mood swings and there were plenty of times I was downright miserable but just looking at all the weight I lost in those two weeks is incredible. I don't actually want to die though so I will be taking a break from fasting when I visit my mother from May 6th through the 9th. I hope to eat close to maintenance (maybe ~1700 cals? idk) in that time which will hopefully give me enough nutrition to jump right back in to extended fasting. I don't want to binge again but honestly after what happened the last time I visited, I'm not too hopeful. This is why I'm keeping it to only a 4-day visit this time instead of an entire week. Happy May everyone!!
Posted 02 May 2021 - 12:49 PM
Saturday, 5/1/21: 163.8 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
1 tab of acid ("0")
7 cigarettes
Total: 0 calories
1,809 steps

Posted 02 May 2021 - 01:01 PM
Week of 4/25 Summary
Sunday, 4/25: 171.6 lbs ( -1.4 lbs)
0 calories
Monday, 4/26: 170.0 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
0 calories
Tuesday, 4/27: 168.0 lbs ( -2.0 lbs)
0 calories
Wednesday, 4/28: 166.2 lbs ( -1.8 lbs)
4 calories
Thursday, 4/29: 166.0 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
4 calories
Friday, 4/30: 164.4 lbs ( -1.6 lbs)
4 calories
Saturday, 5/1: 163.8 lbs ( -0.6 lbs)
0 calories
Avg daily weight loss: 1.3 lbs/day
Total calories: 12 cals
Avg daily calories: 1.7 cals/day

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Posted 03 May 2021 - 02:05 PM
Sunday, 5/2/21: 162.6 lbs ( -1.2 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
3 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
30-minute indoor step challenge x4
1,667 steps
Notes (rambling more about my menstrual cycle lol i'm sorry):

ah well, I'm going to control what i can. I'm breaking my fast so soon that i might as well just stick to the plan. maybe eating again this weekend (especially eating close to maintenance) will freak out my body enough that i'll start losing weight at the same rate as before. a girl can dream!
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Posted 04 May 2021 - 02:24 PM
Monday, 5/3/21: 162.2 lbs ( -0.4 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
3 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
30-minute indoor step challenge x6
997 steps
Posted 05 May 2021 - 02:33 PM
Tuesday, 5/4/21: 162.0 lbs ( -0.2 lbs)
5-hour energy (4)
3 cigarettes
Total: 4 calories
30 minute indoor step challenge x6
1,225 steps
Posted 06 May 2021 - 08:07 AM
Wednesday, 5/5/21: 161.6 lbs ( -0.4 lbs)
B: 5-hour energy (4)
L: amy's chunky vegetable soup (130)
D: 297g russet baked potato (276) with one tbsp margarine (80)
5 cigarettes
Total: 490 calories
30 minute step challenge x4
1,672 steps
Many people describe a sort of ~orgasmic~ taste when they finally eat after an extended fast but I didn't get that possibly because of all the 5-hour energies I've been drinking. Also, that soup was way too processed and salty to break a fast so I'll need to think of something different next time. One unexpected side effect is that my throat starting hurting when swallowing towards the end of lunch but thankfully that went away after about two hours. The baked potato was the perfect option for dinner. It was delicious, warm, savory, filling, just . . . ugh. Everything about it was so good.
I had very little digestive movement after lunch but I started to feel stuff move around about half an hour after dinner. I had some nausea and sharp abdominal pain while smoking a cigarette about an hour after dinner but there were no bowel movements at all today. I'm kind of nervous for that three-hour car ride tomorrow . . .
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