Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 10, 2023 (productive visualization day)

vyvanse + 1 tablet of l-glutamine



- small eating training ideas: healthy snacks every other/every 3rd craving, 1 bite every 1-10 minutes, slower chewing + CHEW TOY | HALF PORTIONS (or 1/4th) especially for outings | I:F | forced restriction outing!

- vyvanse every morning, metamucil (most) nights @ 7pm

B: --

Cals: --

L: tea w/ lemon & acv

Cals: 0

S: tea w/ lemon & acv

Cals: 0

D: leftover rice cup, 4 strawberries

Cals: ~300(i hope)

9:00: hot water, hot lemon water, or crystal light

Cals: 0

- drank some crystal light earlier in the morning

- chewed 2 slices of gum

-  ate veggie straws and cereal after my cravings had already been quenched by veggies straws, a sip of soup, and a bite of fish

-  ate a few more pieces of bunches

Total:  ~300 ~800-900/400-1,500

800 a day = ugw by Oct. 22

April 10 - 15: 300 a day omad

Exercise: walk 2x, couch w/o

Extra: veggie straws, bite of fish/soup, cereal, melatonin

Week Goal: 194

Month Goal: 184

Overall Goal: 114

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