Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

MW: 193.4 (+/-0.0 - that overexercise bro)


- small eater training: healthy, minimally processed foods for most cravings 

- 1 bite every 1-10 minutes, slower chewing + CHEW TOY

-  HALF PORTIONS (or 1/4th) especially for outings | I:F | forced restriction outing! | VISUALIZATION

- vyvanse every morning, metamucil here and there

B: --

Cals: --

L: turkey burger w/ spinach & lettuce (and a drop of ranch), 2 tangerines - took me like 4 hours to eat lolz

Cals: ~260-280



D: yogurt, tangerine, spaghetti

Cals: ~400

9:00: ^


Total:  ~1,000/ | 600-1,400

Exercise: walking (16.1k steps)

Extra: cookie(75)

Week Goal:

Month Goal:

Overall Goal: 114

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