Gorilla_Munch's Latest Relapse
Posted 03 December 2018 - 03:50 PM
Yo yo yo my hungry bois! Looks like I'm restricting again and I think I want to try an accountability thread! We'll see how long this lasts . . .
Today I'm 165.5 ish lbs -- I probably have some water weight from being dehydrated as shit though.
I'm vegetarian but usually try to eat vegan.
Breakfast -- 250 cals
- Fruit smoothie, mostly ice
- 1 slice of a chocolate orange
- Black coffee (my first time drinking it black, it wasn't bad)
Skipped lunch -- 0 cals
Dinner -- 350 cals
- Tea with honey
- Bowl of vegetable soup
- Another slice of chocolate orange
Exercise: 1 mile walk
Total calories: 600
Posted 03 December 2018 - 08:29 PM
Walking at night is so cool. Everyone in my neighborhood has their Christmas lights up so it wasn't too dark at first, but then I wandered into this park/forested area and it was pitch black and super creepy. Lowkey disappointed I didn't get murdered
Posted 04 December 2018 - 05:51 AM
Breakfast 12/4:
- Whole apple (100)
- Peanut butter (200)
- Coffee macchiato (50)
- Yet another slice of chocolate orange (50)
- Daily mountain of pills and supplements
Total: 400 cals
That's a lot for breakfast, but hopefully I'll skip lunch, have more soup for dinner, and go running to burn some cals.
Posted 04 December 2018 - 03:11 PM
Update: ate a cookie (100) in class because somebody offered me one and I said yes without thinking. It was a really good cookie but it put me at 500 cals so far for today so I'll have to exercise even more to burn off my dinner.
Posted 04 December 2018 - 06:40 PM
Update: dinner 12/4
- Vegan chili (300)
- Chocolate (200)
Total for today: 1000
I went on a long walk today though, which probably burned about 200-ish calories? That would put me at 800. I'm pretty disappointed, but tomorrow I'll try to stick to my smoothie, tea, and soup.
Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:53 PM
Today I weighed in at 163.6 lbs, which is almost a 2 pound loss! Probably all water weight but it's something. Food for today:
Breakfast--250 cals
- Apple with like half of it cut off bc bruises (50)
- Peanut butter (150)
- Green tea with honey (50)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--250 cals
- Half a ramen packet (100)
- Half avocado (150)
Total for today: 500
I can't believe this restriction is going so well. I know I'll probably start bingeing when it catches up to me but for now I'll try to keep eating 500 calories.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 03:41 PM
Breakfast--250 cals
- 2 gluten-free blueberry waffles (220)
- Raspberry jam (30)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--250 cals
- Oatmeal with frozen blueberries (150)
- Brown sugar (100)
Total: 500 cals
Lots of blueberries today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hopefully I won't eat any more today. I have a lot of homework tonight, wish me luck! (if there's anyone reading this, lol)
Posted 07 December 2018 - 05:22 PM
Bad day today. I had a calculus test so I figured I should eat more, and my dad has been onto me since I started eating less. I ended up eating 2,000 calories total which is way over my BMR and TDEE. I purged a little of it, which I haven't done in years, but I don't think I purged more than 400 calories.
It's weird, because I didn't even binge. I just ate a regular breakfast and lunch and everything. I had cookies after dinner and after that I couldn't stand to keep it down. I guess I'll try to get back on the wagon tomorrow :\
Posted 08 December 2018 - 01:17 PM
So far I've had about 600 cals of mostly Nutella. I weighed in at 162.2 though, which is lower than I expected, so maybe these two bad days will be ok? I don't think I'll eat more than 300 for dinner.
Posted 08 December 2018 - 07:02 PM
Update 12/8:
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--400 cals
- Protein pancakes (200)
- White rice (200)
Total for today: 1000 cals I drank a lot of water though, which is good. Today could have been a lot worse food-wise, but I just lay in my bed all day to avoid eating so it wasn't too bad. My plan for tomorrow is tea for breakfast (0), pancakes for lunch (200), and frozen ravioli for dinner (300). Let's just hope my parents don't make me eat anything stupid.
Only 2.2 more pounds until I'm out of the 160s! That should be a little over a week? Idk
Posted 09 December 2018 - 11:44 AM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--200 cals
- Protein pancakes (200)
So far so good! I've really been trying to drink more water since last night I cut myself and the blood loss made me feel SUPER lightheaded even though it wasn't that much. Legit felt like I was going to die. It was scary.
I need to get homework done today. Ugh.
Posted 10 December 2018 - 03:17 PM
Update 12/9:
- Boba tea (200) I might be underestimating but the tea itself was unsweetened and we were doing a lot of walking at the mall so that probably burned some calories
- Fruit smoothie with some protein powder (300)
Total for December 9th: 700 cals. Not bad, not perfect. I wasn't planning on having the boba tea but it would have looked super suspicious if I hadn't. Plus boba tea is great.
Posted 10 December 2018 - 03:20 PM
Breakfast--200 cals
- One oatmeal packet (200)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--300 cals
- Tortilla (120)
- cheese (100)
- beans (80)
Total: 500
Today I weighed in at 160.2 lbs!!! Which is a shock considering I haven't really been sticking to the 500 calorie limit. I'm so so so so so close to having a "normal" BMI!
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Posted 11 December 2018 - 03:18 PM
Breakfast--200 cals
- 2 frozen waffles (200)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--300 cals
- Refried beans (200)
- Tortilla (100)
Total: 500 I've been feeling really tired lately and I have a few tests this week and finals next week. I'm thinking I should stop skipping lunch at school but then there's no way I'll be able to keep my calories under 500. Decisions, decisions...
Posted 11 December 2018 - 05:33 PM
Update 12/11:
I ended up eating a larger portion at dinner than I had planned because my mom was there and I didn't want to make her suspicious. It was only about 200 extra cals which brings my total up to 700 for today Not too bad though
Also I weighed in at 159.8 today bois! Officially out of the 160s!
Posted 12 December 2018 - 04:55 PM
Slept through breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--300 cals
- Tea with honey (50)
- 2 frozen waffles (200)
- Syrup (50)
Dinner--400 cals
- Plain pasta (350)
- Parmesan cheese (50)
Snack--200 cals
- Crackers (100)
- Cheese (100)
Total: 900 cals
Ended up being sick today and slept until 4:30
Posted 13 December 2018 - 04:44 PM
Breakfast--50 cals
- Coffee (0)
- Soy milk (50)
Lunch--250 cals
- Clif bar (250)
Dinner--400 cals
- 2 slices toast (120)
- Avocado (280)
- 2 tbsp of nutella (200)
- Cheese and crackers (200)
Total: 1100 cals
I could have done much better today but I had a math test so I ate a Clif bar for lunch :/
Posted 15 December 2018 - 08:36 AM
Breakfast--50 cals
- Throat Coat tea with honey (50)
Lunch--450 cals
- Nutella (200)
- Crackers (100)
- Cheese (150)
Dinner--500 cals
- Avocado toast (400)
- More crackers (100)
Total: 1000 Hopefully I don't gain
Gorilla_Munch's Latest Relapse
Posted 16 December 2018 - 11:37 AM
Breakfast--50 cals
- Tea with honey (50)
Lunch--50 cals
- Tea with honey (50)
Dinner--400 cals
- Frozen enchiladas (400)
Total: 500
I did an accidental liquid fast today until like 4:00
I also had a little Nutella (ugh it's so hard to resist) but I went on a 2 mile walk today too so I figured the calories will cancel out?
Today makes 2 weeks of restricting! I'm still fat as heck (I spent like 20 minutes this morning just jiggling all the fat in the mirror, yuck) but I feel skinny because I've been eating like a skinny person? It's weird.
Posted 21 December 2018 - 10:30 PM
12/18 - 12/21:
1600+ calories
I've been really, really sick for a few days and I've been trying to eat more so my body can heal. I still weigh exactly 157.2 lbs though and I don't know if I've actually been maintaining or if it's just bloat from being sick and it's driving me insane
Posted 26 December 2018 - 10:52 AM
Breakfast--300 cals
- Coffee with soy milk
- Christmas cookies
Lunch--400 cals
- Dinner roll
- chocolates
Dinner--700 cals
- Christmas leftovers
Went on a 20-minute run today (-200)
Net cals: 1200
Posted 30 December 2018 - 01:37 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--500 cals
- Oatmeal (200)
- Cookie (200)
- Ice cream (100)
Dinner--500 cals
- Frozen ravioli (300)
- Ice cream (200)
Elliptical for 45 mins--500 cals burned
Total: 500 cals
Posted 31 December 2018 - 01:10 PM
Breakfast--200 cals
- Chocolate protein pancakes
- Bai drink
Lunch--100 cals
- Chips n guac
Dinner--400 cals
- Tortilla (100)
- Guacamole (100)
- Chips (200)
Snack--400 cals
- Chocolates (200)
- Cookies (200)
Total: 1100 cals
Posted 04 January 2019 - 03:58 PM
- Eggo waffle (90)
- Tiny bit of syrup (10)
- Avocado Which Wich (400)
- A few bites of a cupcake (200)
- Spaghetti (350)
- Olive oil and cheese (50)
Total: 1100 cals
I could have done so well today if it weren't for my goddamn family making me eat. I also drank an unearthly amount of diet soda (3 whole cups of Diet Coke at Which Which and 1 bottle or Diet Dr Pepper) and I'm not sure if it will make me lose water weight because hydration or gain water weight because sodium.
Edit at 10:00 PM: Exercised (45 mins on the elliptical) and burned off 500 cals
Net cals: 600 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Posted 05 January 2019 - 11:40 AM
Breakfast--100 cals
- 1/3 cup oatmeal
- Splenda and frozen blueberries
Lunch--150 cals
- 1/2 of a frozen burrito
Dinner--250 cals
- Veggie burger (130)
- Bun (120)
Total: 500 cals
Weighed in at 157.2 today, and that was after eating breakfast and lunch! I'm finally losing weight again, even if it's slow and I'm still a lardass.
I can't believe I've maintained my weight since December 16th. I swear I haven't been that much.
Posted 05 January 2019 - 08:32 PM
Update: I just weighed in at 156.4! I actually lost a WHOLE ASS POUND! That puts me at a 24.5 BMI, so I'm still a lardass, but if I'm lucky I can get under 150 by February!
Posted 06 January 2019 - 12:01 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--300 cals
- Samples at Whole Foods
- 2 vegan tacos
Dinner--500 cals
- Baked sweet potato (150)
- Garlic bread, with the buttery part scraped off (200)
- 2 eggs, mostly the whites--threw away the yolks (50)
- Chocolate (100)
Total: 800 cals
I also went hiking/walking for 30 minutes, which might have burned 100-200 cals? The whole family went on a walk and I had to run to keep up with my mom and sister because they were powerwalking
Posted 07 January 2019 - 03:45 PM
Breakfast--100 cals
- Reese's mini tree
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--400 cals
- Coffee with soy milk (50)
- 2 vegan taquitos (250)
- Pumpkin soup (100)
Total: 500 cals
First day back at school But at least I actually restricted. I don't know if I'll have any friends at lunch to sit with though (I did today but my teacher wants us to eat later). I weighed in at 155.2 but that was after school, and I haven't pooped in a while.
Posted 08 January 2019 - 04:10 PM
Breakfast--50 cals
- Half an apple
- Konjac pills
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--450 cals
- Bean soup (300)
- Half an avocado (150)
Total: 500 cals
Weighed 153.6 this morning! I was so excited but then I saw some old pics of myself when I thought I was fat but was much smaller than I am now. I think I was around 130-140 lbs? Made me feel huge.
Gorilla_Munch's Latest Relapse
Posted 09 January 2019 - 03:27 PM
Wow, third page!
Breakfast--50 cals
- 6 crackers
- Konjac pills
Skipped lunch--0 cals
- 5 Gardein crab cakes (250)
- Trail mix (200)
Total: 500 cals
500 is my calorie goal but I still shouldn't have eaten that trail mix :|
The konjac pills are okay-ish as an appetite suppressant (I can't tell if it's the pills or the anorexia killing my appetite) but they are definitely helping me poop.
Posted 10 January 2019 - 11:53 PM
Breakfast--150 cals
- Trail mix
- Coffee with almond milk
Lunch--100 cals
- Mini pack of skittles
- A few starbursts
Dinner--550 cals
- 5 Gardein crabless cakes
- Half a cupcake
Total: 800 cals
Why the fuck did I have to eat that cupcake? And all the other shit? Tomorrow I'm eating a bowl of oatmeal (100) and whatever my dad makes for dinner (400) and that's it.
Posted 11 January 2019 - 04:03 PM
Breakfast--100 cals
- 1/3 cup oatmeal
- Frozen blueberries and Splenda
Lunch--0 cals
- Monster zero
- breath mints
Dinner--400 cals
- Spaghetti (300)
- Nutella (100)
Total: 500 cals
Posted 12 January 2019 - 07:33 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--500 cals
- Diet Dr. Pepper (0)
- Half of a Veggie stir fry from Thai restaurant (350)
- Rice (150)
Total: 500 cals
I'm a little unsure about the calories in the Thai food but I'm going to stick with 500 because anything over that scares me
Posted 13 January 2019 - 04:37 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--600 cals
- Mexican food: rice (200), beans (200), veggies (50), corn tortilla (50), chips (100)
Total: 600 cals
Posted 15 January 2019 - 06:10 PM
Breakfast--50 cals
- Coffee with sweetened almond milk (we were out of unsweetened)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
- 4 Gardein tenders (180)
- Broccoli (20)
- 1/2 Avocado (150)
- 1 slice of garlic bread (200)
Total: 600 cals
UGH my mom ruined my dinner. She made me eat TWO whole slices of garlic bread AFTER I ate the dinner I had planned...
I was able to shove one whole slice in my mouth and spit it out after dinner, but I had to eat the other one. I don't even know the cals in it so 200 was a rough estimate. And I know the grease on it is going to give me a stomach ache. UGH.
Posted 16 January 2019 - 04:41 PM
Breakfast--350 cals
- Coffee with soy milk (50)
- Dark chocolate covered goji berries (300)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--150 cals
- 3 mini pupusas (100)
- 1 Gardein tender (50)
Total: 500 cals
My mom would have made me eat more, but she left for the gym as soon as I was done heating up my dinner, so only my siblings were watching me eat. I ate a few pieces and threw the rest away.
I also got a chance to weigh myself and I'm 151.6 I know I'm still huge (BMI 23.75, yuck) but I'm almost in the 140s again.
Posted 17 January 2019 - 05:46 PM
Breakfast--100 cals
- Coffee with soy and no sugar
- Half a peanut butter toast sandwich
Lunch--50 cals
- A few crackers
Dinner--450 cals
- Vegan bean chili (300)
- 1/2 avocado (150)
Total: 600 cals :/
Posted 19 January 2019 - 06:36 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--150 cals
- Toast (70)
- Peanut butter (80)
Dinner--650 cals
- Trail mix (150)
- 2 slices of margherita pizza (500)
Total: 800 cals
Bad food day today. I mean, I know 800 calories isn't a lot, but I feel like I ate way more than that. I had to eat dinner with my family again so I couldn't really avoid the pizza.
On the bright side, I weighed 150.0 today! Here's hoping I can weigh myself tomorrow and get into the 140s!
Posted 21 January 2019 - 02:25 PM
Breakfast--0 cals
- Doctor's office coffee with Sweet n' Low
Lunch--400 cals
- Smoothie (200)
- Crackers (100)
- Hummus (100)
Dinner--500 cals
- Huge bowl of pasta (UGH)
Total: 900
Posted 22 January 2019 - 06:27 PM
Breakfast--100 cals
- konjac pills
- 1/2 a Clif bar
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--300 cals
- Pita chips and hummus (100)
- Lentil soup (200)
- c/s garlic bread (0)
Total: 400 cals
Posted 23 January 2019 - 04:37 PM
Breakfast--100 cals
- Coffee with sugar and almond milk (50)
- Handful of cereal (50)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--400 cals
- Lentil soup (200)
- 1/2 avocado (150)
- 1/3 of a bagel (100)
Total: 500 cals
Posted 25 January 2019 - 05:47 PM
Skipped breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--50 cals
- A bite of a PB sandwich and some trail mix
Dinner--350 cals
- Tortilla (90)
- 1/2 can of beans (160)
- Small amount of cheese (50)
Total: 300
Weighed 148.6 today, so I've officially broken my plateau!
I didn't have time for breakfast this morning and pretty much forgot to eat lunch so my intake was pretty low today. Idk how I feel about it. I'm not proud :/
Update: Went on a 2 mile/30 minute walk with my mom and burned somewhere between 100 and 150 cals? That makes my net cals like 200 which is way less than I planned but I'm not hungry so I'm not complaining.
Posted 26 January 2019 - 05:56 PM
Breakfast--0 cals
- Oatmeal (200), which I threw up (-200)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--150 cals
- 1/4 cup avocado (100)
- Toast (50)
Total: 150 cals
Had the stomach bug today. I felt pretty sick and just lay in bed all day, and my parents didn't want me to eat anything because I threw up earlier.
Posted 12 July 2019 - 03:08 PM
Should I start updating this thread again? I'll start today and see if it sticks!
- handful of cereal with my pills (I always do this but don't count the cals or else idk if I would be able to make myself take my meds)
Skipped lunch--0 cals
Dinner--280 cals
- veggie sushi roll from Kroger (gross I know). According to the packaging it's only 280 cals for the whole thing but idk if I trust that. I need a calorimeter lol
Total: 280 cals
So today I went to a show I won tickets to from a radio station contest! I went with my potential college roommate and she was great. Also a good excuse to skip lunch--I just lied and said they had food there.
Posted 12 July 2019 - 03:09 PM
Oh wow I started page 4 of the thread with my new post, what a coincidence
Also I weighed 148.6 today which is right where I left off in this thread! This relapse (which started mid June) my SW was 158 so I've lost almost 10 lbs! There isn't much of a difference though. Clothes fit a tiny bit looser.
Posted 13 July 2019 - 08:18 AM
Weighed 148.2 today!
Breakfast--0 cals
Lunch--130 cals
- half a frozen bean and cheese burrito
Dinner--1000 ish?????
- waaaaaaay too much chips and guac at a party
- veggie burger (140)
- burger bun (140)
Exercise: 20 minutes of elliptical (-200)
Total: 930???
Posted 14 July 2019 - 01:24 PM
Gained weight after the dinner disaster yesterday 148.6 today. Nothing that can’t be undone, though.
Lunch--240 cals
- Dad made me eat a frozen spaghetti meal
Dinner--320 cals
- Caesar salad from Panera
Exercise--202 cals
- 20 minutes of elliptical
Total: 358 cals
Hopefully I'll be back down to 148.2 tomorrow.
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