Minecraft & Meds
Posted 04 April 2022 - 09:54 PM
I have no idea how to resize images, so I apologize for how large this Minecraft chicken is.
Minecraft & Meds, an Accountability/BC thread by Cabin.
I've always been envious of how put-together some of yalls accountability looks, so this is a rehash of my previous accountability, "Skinnyfat To Skinnyfit."
Every day I will have three sections, one where I display how my Minecraft Hardcore world is going (as seen in the first photo, I don't have much yet, but I do have a chicken) - I will have a section just chatting about my day, and then a third section for my weight, calories, etc.
For those that missed my last accountability (no worries, you missed nothing) I am Cabin, and various other usernames. I've had anorexia & been on this website for 8 years or so. I swear I said 6 the other day but I keep counting up to 8. Bit brain foggy, sorry.
I am 20 years old. As of today, I'm a waitress, but very soon I will be a medical assistant. I got the job! I have no experience or education, but they promise to train me. I'm very nervous.
I'm also a homesteader, I have ADHD, and I can't remember anything else remotely interesting about me. Not that having ADHD is interesting per-say, but then people understand why I act the way I do.
Starting Weight (at beginning of relapse:) 122 LBS
Current Weight: 116.6
Lowest Weight: 95 lbs (or 70 lbs, but that was when I was 12 and anorexic so doesn't count as much.)
Height: 5'6
Goals: Fit, not death-skinny. No judgement to those death-skinny amongst us. I want to look extremely thin by societys standards but with abs, basically.
And I need to do it before August, when I will meet my LDR boyfriend of 3 years for the first time. We are in a serious relationship, we haven't met yet due to different issues such as money, college, etc. His parents disapprove of me which doesn't help matters. They disapprove because their son is very bright, in one of the best colleges, and (in my opinion) rich. He swears he's not rich, but he has a maid.
Meanwhile I'm a "country hick" living in the woods, away from society, foraging food and living the cottagecore dream. I'm poor, can't/didn't go to college, and just not good enough for their son. Which I agree with them there, but I love him too much to leave. He swears I'm good enough, and that's what matters I suppose.
Most current BC:
I didn't count calories today, but I didn't eat much either.
I had a handful of grapes, one pickled boiled egg, and a slice of berry tart. I have no idea how many calories are in that, but I assume a lot.
I forgot to mention that I don't want to be low restricting, or really restricting much at all, but eh. It's been difficult to eat even somewhat normally. I had half a latte yesterday and felt so fat.
EDIT: Chicken image re-added because it vanished. Just like my energy
Posted 05 April 2022 - 02:38 PM
Lesson learned: Do not play without sound on...
Frustrating but at least I wasn't too far into the world; and yes, I will get Pickle and Purge the chickens in the next world.
Today I feel very unwell and weak. I've been trying to get things done, but I'm very dizzy and just can't move around much. I'm trying to eat the most random shit to feel better. I had a few grapes, an eggo waffle, etc.
I weighed in at 117.6 today which is a little annoying, I guess I'm retaining water because there's no way I've gained.
On to make a new hardcore world.
Posted 06 April 2022 - 10:22 AM
Weight: 117.6 today...
I'm unsure how I'm staying the same weight all week when all week I've barely eaten more than 500 calories a day. I hope this pays off with a "woosh" here soon.
As for Minecraft, I've made like 7+ hardcore worlds but none of them "vibe" enough yet. I'm adding the Biomes O Plenty mod so there will be more pretty places for me to live. It's all about the aesthetic for me lol.
Posted 07 April 2022 - 11:22 AM
Weight: 116.0!
As for Minecraft, I still haven't found a place to live. I've spent many minecraft days just wandering around... but its worth it since everything is so pretty.
Posted 07 April 2022 - 02:00 PM
Trying a new MC world because I don't vibe with that one. I have issues.
On the topic of issues, I'm a bit worried for myself this relapse.
It's very different from my other relapses, which were very mentally driven. Like I was hungry, I obsessed over food, but I didn't let myself eat because I needed to lose weight.
This time... I'm not hungry. I can't really bring myself to eat. I don't enjoy eating. The unwell feeling of not-eating isn't even bothering me. I'm happy I'm losing weight because I feel fat still, but it's scary to feel myself getting thinner and my body being 100% fine with it. I'm not sure how to explain this clearly.
Maybe it's an ADHD thing, sometimes my ADHD makes it so food sucks. I guess I should be grateful haha.
Posted 07 April 2022 - 08:45 PM
I finally counted calories today.
Generic brand fig bard - 130 calories
Homemade broccoli soup - 15 calories
Spicy pringles - 150 calories (they were ok)
Redbull - 160 calories
Bite of mac and cheese - ??? 30? calories?
- 485 calories.
But I'm paranoid so I'm going to round up and say I had 550 calories. Just in case.
Posted 08 April 2022 - 10:20 AM
116.8 today. I'm so bloated... I might fast today for religious reasons with benefits. Not sure yet.
Posted 09 April 2022 - 10:45 PM
I didn't weigh myself today, and also no Minecraft. A sad day indeed.
However, I found my fitbit!!
Calories in:
Calories out:
2,503 (including resting calories)
1,249 (excluding resting calories)
Steps: 15.591k
8.9 miles :3
Posted 09 April 2022 - 11:22 PM
Posted 11 April 2022 - 09:38 AM
Yesterday: 640 calories total
130 - veggie straws
90 - meat stick
340 - sushi
80 - homemade smoothie (strawberries, ice, 2 tablespoons of milk bc my blender won't work without liquid, sugar free yogurt.)
Weight this morning: 115.4!! FINALLY some change!
I may back track on this plan but I'd like to liquid fast today. The issue is I need to get shit done, and I can't if I feel like shit. We will see.
Posted 11 April 2022 - 09:50 PM
Half a protein bar - 90
Sushi - 350
Veggie straws - 150
Tomorrow I'm going to do a highcal reset day as I feel myself wanting to binge. I'm kind of excited honestly.
Posted 12 April 2022 - 09:24 PM
Weight today: 116.6 :I
I had a highcal reset day today as planned, its a bit anxiety inducing but it felt nice. I ate a lot and napped with my cat which felt very good.
Minecraft related things:
I found a village and this guy was living in a hole in the middle of the village. So I destroyed his house, rebuilt it, and burned him alive. (My house now.)
I haven't done anything to the inside yet. But the house will expand into the cave wall.
Posted 13 April 2022 - 06:54 PM
I *could* have said no but eh. Its too complicated to make lies and shit up. Oh I'm suddenly allergic to... uh... hamburgers....
Tomorrow I will do better.
Posted 14 April 2022 - 09:45 PM
My fitbit dies halfway through the day and I didn't know. It made me want to cry but no worries my mental state is GREAT
Calories eaten: 800
Posted 15 April 2022 - 11:06 AM
Posted 15 April 2022 - 09:34 PM
Calories for the day: 670
I hated my last house in the hardcore world I destroyed and remade it. I really wanted something that felt... idk, like I felt when I first started playing minecraft as a kid. And I managed to emulate that perfectly.
The outside
Posted 15 April 2022 - 11:32 PM
Posted 16 April 2022 - 11:53 PM
800 cals eaten
420 calories burned from exercise
1,400 resting calories burned
Posted 17 April 2022 - 10:32 AM
I can't even restrict much today...
Posted 17 April 2022 - 01:06 PM
I start my new job tomorrow which is very psychical. Since relapsing I've been physically sick and that won't fly at this new job.
I'm thinking I'll up my calories to 1k or 1.2k, depending on how much I burn at work, and only weigh myself once or twice a week.
This is going to be challenging
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