Posted Today, 07:47 AM
Calories Consumed, 1067/1000
Calories Burned, 2171
Calorie Deficit, 1104
Ended fast at 35 hours. I was going to eat and purge some ramen but I only ended up eating at most 1/3 of the bowl. Didn’t feel like I should even bother purging so I didn’t. Had some beef jerky, raisins, and a popsicle before work. At work I drank a coke zero. And after work I made pizza for dinner. Made them on pitas with salami, shredded chicken, garlic, onion, and bell pepper. I also added a sprinkle of cheese to both my pizza to bake the toppings on better. I will pay for this transgression with stomach pain, gas, bloating, and water retention. I don’t care though, pizza sucks without cheese. If i had bbq sauce i would’ve used that on top instead of cheese but alas we have no bbq sauce. Anyways it was a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow for once.
Posted Today, 08:07 AM
Currently debating with myself whether I should eat today or not. I have sushi in the fridge that I bought last night with the intention of eating today. But fasting sounds very appealing. The sushi says its only 370 cals but I don’t trust that and I will round up to 470 for the roll. So yeah, do you think I’ll lose the same amount of weight eating less than 500 cals as I will if I fast? Like is there that big of a difference? I guess I will eat today but i’m only having the sushi. Nothing else.
Posted Today, 06:47 AM
- High restriction 900-1200
Exercise/walk 30 mins a day- Read an article a day (career-related)
- Say one nice thing a day
- Drink 64 ounces of water
- Limit Caffeine
- Saved money
BMR: 1,200
April 25th
Weigh in = 118.6
In = 1,041
Out = 0
Deficit = -159
Total for accountability: -4,542
Binge Free: 4
Posted Today, 06:51 AM
118.6. sigh. I had like 5 bms in the last 2 days. whatever. slowly. slowly.
I am going to try to stick to no more than 1100 a day and work on this anti-inflammation diet.
Last night I was so inflamed/bloated I felt like my face was twice it's size.
I'm really stressing about money right now. I had to buy my mom some things, it's not a lot, it's just hard because it puts me back. and my rent is about to go up almost $200 so I am not too excited about that.
Last night was one of those, I don't care to be alive moments, then I got really inflamed, but I didn't binge. I thought I was going to, I got really close. but I was so overwhelmed with all the unpacking I needed to do, that I just stayed in my room.
Also, i just got the rejection letter from that company. Ugh. I boomed the tech interview, so there was no going forward I knew. Why don't they give you notice on what to do in these stupid things? There are a million different things you could do with these programmatic libraries. They KNEW I was entry level. SERIOUSLY!
I just have to study harder.
Posted Yesterday, 01:32 PM
penguín, on 25 Apr 2022 - 05:41 AM, said:
Good luck to you as well! <3 I didn’t realize how hard it would be. I’m only eating 200 calories over my usual intake, but my body is acting like it’s 2000 - my hands and feet are puffy, swollen and tender from edema and I woke up drenched in sweat like I did when I was refeeding in treatment. Maybe because almost all the extra calories came from carbs lol. I really hope it goes away soon.The calories stay the aame, the sugar amount changes based on ripeness!
Good luck with your increase!! I'm considering increasing mine as well although i was maintaining
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Posted Yesterday, 11:15 PM
Calories total today: 760
-Morning: Nothing
-Afternoon: Bai Bubbles Bogota Blackberry Lime (5 cals) + Banana Light & Fit yogurt (80 cals) + Apple (100 cals)
-Evening: Seafood Tonkotsu ramen noodle bowl (370 cals) + 2 soft boiled eggs (140 cals) + Green onions (5 cals) + Baby shrimp (60 cals) + Powerade Citrus Peach Zero Sugar (0 cals)
Exercise: Walk, errands
I made some amazing looking ramen that I bought at the Asian grocery yesterday for dinner, I was really excited to eat it, and had spent a lot of time and effort making the garnishes and everything. It smelled really good. Then somehow before I got a chance to eat it, I dropped my bowl and ALL OF IT ended up on the fucking floor. It was really upsetting, I just sat there and cried for like 20 minutes while my husband cleaned it up and tried to console me, I’m such an emotionally fragile wreck. Eventually I made a different one but yeah I literally cried over spilled noodles and put me in the most foul mood for the evening.
Also stopped by the grocery to buy more fruit, and ~took a risk~ since I need to to figure out how to get my 800 calories in for the rest of the week. I bought some OG Eating Disorder Favorites: Plain instant oatmeal, and a Quest bar lmao. All I’m missing now is some rice cakes and Halo Top (I looked for it but they only had the higher cal keto kind and a couple flavors that didn’t sound worth it.)
Once again I am feeling majorly uncomfortably full and bloated, and I’m really scared this will leave me heavier at the end of the week instead of helping my metabolism function semi normally. Also I’m actually amazed at how FILLING apples are, I had like a medium sized apple and afterward I felt like I had eaten a massive holiday dinner or something. I could have easily not eaten anything else for the rest of the day tbh. Yay for fiber - it better give me a satisfying poop soon.
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Posted 23 April 2022 - 10:41 PM
❌ intake:
- multivitamin
- supplements
- omega 3 softgels (15)
- emergen-C drink packet (35)
- mints (10)
- 28g traditional hummus (60)
- 1 low carb whole wheat tortilla (45)
- 15.8g arugula (4)
- 170g almond vanilla yogurt (180)
- 12g chocolate chips (64)
- 28g roasted + salted cashews (160)
- 1/2 cup white rice (320)
- 4 nori sheets (36)
- 63.8g carrots (26)
- 89.2g cucumber (13)
- 83.7g avocado (171)
- 2 diet cokes (0)
- 3 hot banana peppers (5)
- 49.6g kosher dill pickles (6)
total: 1150 cals
days smoke free: 115
days drink free: 11 / days binge drink free: 11
days binge free: 6
self care checklist:
- t gel ✅
❌ thoughts: i feel good today. i went to the farmers market & got some goodies! today i also finished my plants book & i started/finished reading Siddhartha so... a big reading day. i also decided that i'm gonna try spending less time online. i already don't have any social media (unless you count this site lmaoo) so thats already a big plus, but legit i just spend too much of my day watching youtube videos that time kinda doesn't exist for me anymore. i want life to feel more tangible. so.... we'll see how that goes. i also think that will help with whatever mental situation im working through. tomorrow im gonna try to maybe do 1/2 of my phys hw, spend time on my god forsaken motor, and maybe read more.
- mashunya and isabella ♥ like this
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Posted 24 April 2022 - 10:18 PM
❌ intake:
- multivitamin
- supplements
- omega 3 softgels (15)
- mints (10)
- lo-carb monster (30)
- chocolate chip clif bar (250)
- 2 low carb whole wheat tortillas (90)
- 118.8g avocado (243)
- 5.4g nutritional yeast (22)
- 11.1g arugula (3)
- 76g butter lettuce (9)
- 1/2 vegan naan (140)
- 14.7g pesto (60)
- 10.8g sun-dried tomatoes (38)
- 1/2 cup white rice (320)
- 7g green onion (2)
- 81.7g kimchi (12)
- hot italian beyond sausage (190)
- mini reeses peanut butter cup (44)
total: 1478 cals
days smoke free: 116
days drink free: 12 / days binge drink free: 12
days binge free: 7
self care checklist:
- t gel ✅
❌ thoughts: at least im under maintenance. i also feel good today! i did all my hw, read cosmos for around 3 1/2 hours, practiced driving (went to the book store to waste more money on books..... i need to get a library card). this time though i went to the fancy book store not the discount used books store, and this time i got fiction instead of my usual. i ended up getting thus spoke zarathustra, peter pan & a portrait of the artist as a young man. anyways this is what i get for not really tracking calories today, i just ate what i felt and totaled at the end of the day. i also TRIED to make my motor work but it sucks i hate motors this is why i will never go into engineering because it sucks the end. my quest of trying to stay away from the internet lingers ....... i was on for a few hours today (not including my hw time) but less than before. instead i did some things today, what a concept. i think thats why im so sleepy now even though usually this is pretty early for me. im so tired bye friends.
- isabella ♥ likes this
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Posted Yesterday, 10:46 PM
❌ intake:
- multivitamin
- supplements
- omega 3 softgels (15)
- 170g almond vanilla yogurt (180)
- 7.5g chocolate chips (40)
- 1/2 cup white rice (320)
- hot italian beyond sausage (190)
- 13.5g green onion (4)
- 93.7g kimchi (14)
- diet coke (0)
- 2 lemonades (140)
- 3 hot banana peppers (5)
- 2 chocolate deLites (140)
total: 1048 cals
days smoke free: 117
days drink free: 13 / days binge drink free: 13
days binge free: 8
self care checklist:
- t gel ✅
❌ thoughts: started reading 2001. really great that i started to get into reading literally too close to my finals coming up ...... i would say more but i really should be going to bed see yaaa
- isabella ♥ likes this
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Posted 23 April 2022 - 09:06 AM
Weight is heading in the right direction again. I love it
Edit: so this is my 3rd day back on my antidepressants and I have noticed a mood improvement already. One thing I also noticed in particular is that it's skewing my hunger signals. I hear my stomach rumbling,but my brain isn't reacting to it to let me know to go eat. I'm sure this side effect will wear off fast, but I'm really loving it so far
Posted 24 April 2022 - 04:05 AM
Yay! Back into the 120s!!!
Edit: I have a lot more energy and motivation to do things around the house now that I'm back on my antidepressants. Yesterday I did 3 loads of laundry, straightened up our entry room and spot cleaned the bathroom. Today I cleaned under the bed which was a mess. My empty bottles, cans and wrappers all accumulated under there and in my depression, I couldn't be bothered to clean it. Well I did it today. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. There's some organizing I want to do on the 2 dressers in the bedroom today and then I'll be happy with today's progress
- Dr Pepper and elthebastard like this
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Posted 24 April 2022 - 11:19 AM
HangryMoons, on 24 Apr 2022 - 04:05 AM, said:
Today's weight: 129.8 pounds
Yay! Back into the 120s!!!
Congrats! You can do this
- HangryMoons likes this
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height: 5'4 (164cm)
100kg 99kg 98kg 97kg 96kg
95kg 94kg 93kg 92kg 91kg
90kg 89kg 88kg 87kg 86kg
85kg 84kg 83kg 82kg 81kg
80kg 79kg 78kg 77kg 76kg
75kg 74kg 73kg 72kg 71kg
70kg 69kg 68kg 67kg 66kg
65kg 64kg 63kg 62kg 61kg
60kg 59kg 58kg 57kg 56kg
55kg 54kg 53kg 52kg 51kg
50kg 49kg 48kg 47kg
total loss: -8.1kg/17.9lbs (24/4/22)
Posted Yesterday, 02:31 PM
Small loss, but a loss is loss none the less. Had quite a bit of sodium last night, so I'm hoping that was the culprit. Successful day at work today, my antidepressants are really helping me. I'm so grateful I've gotten back on them
Posted Today, 02:34 AM
I'm so unbelievably happy to see the weight going down at a steady rate again. It would have probably been lower today if I hadn't eaten literally a half a container of Chips Ahoy cookies my boyfriend brought home for me last night. It was so worth it though. I'm so lucky to have such a caring man in my life ❤️
Edit: I had bought makeup primer and wore it for the first time yesterday. It's CRAZY how much of a difference it makes. I accidentally fell asleep with my makeup on (I only use my powder foundation because I'm too lazy for anything else. Just want to cover my acne lol) and when I woke up, it looked almost the same as when I had applied it the morning before. I was mind blown
Posted Today, 01:00 AM
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
no weigh-in
water intake
1.5 / 2L
food intake
green smoothie: 200
toast with raspberry jam: 220
trek bar cocoa oat: 230
lentil salad: 300
total: 950
daily goals
☒ journal
☒ read book
☐ take a walk
☒ practice french
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
- StarvingLlama*-*, doll-frame, gold gun kitten and 2 others like this
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Posted Today, 12:24 PM
your lentil salad looks so pretty! <3
Posted Today, 12:44 PM
isabella ♥, on 24 Apr 2022 - 12:08 PM, said:
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
no weigh-in
water intake
2 / 2L
food intake
almonds: 250
green smoothie: 180
trek bar cocoa oat: 230
vegan pizza: 710
total: 1370
daily goals
☒ journal
☒ read book
☒ take a walk
☒ practice french
some excerpts from today’s reading </3
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
I'm sighing looking at the pizza, it looks so freaking delishh!!
isabella ♥, on 26 Apr 2022 - 01:00 AM, said:
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
no weigh-in
water intake
1.5 / 2L
food intake
green smoothie: 200
toast with raspberry jam: 220
trek bar cocoa oat: 230
lentil salad: 300
total: 950
daily goals
☒ journal
☒ read book
☐ take a walk
☒ practice french
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
Ooohh I've always wanted to try the Trek bars, are they good? What did it taste like, did you like it, and have you tried any other flavours?
Sorry so many questions lol
Reply to this topic
Posted 22 April 2022 - 06:41 AM
I'm super tired so this will be short. I overate today and wasn't as much active as I'd like to be. I might go for a short tun if the rain stops
Posted 22 April 2022 - 10:21 PM
Ugh, I just wanna lose some weight. I will restrict lower again today. And then we'll see... maybe it helps. I really don't wanna be dizzy again though. It was lovely not being dizzy but today is a rest day so I won't burn as much
Posted 24 April 2022 - 10:06 AM
Still at the same weight! ugh, this is starting to get really annoying...
I hope for a loss tomorrow. BUT I had two big wins today!!
Anyway I was really busy today. I ran 10km today again and later met my family for lunch at my grandmas, which was low cal so all good there. After lunch my gandma wanted to go for a walk so I went on a 45 min walk with her... it's quality time with my grandma and it burns cals - so no complaint here.
The big wins
I fit into my confirmation dress from 10 years ago again!!! Which means all my old dresses fit me again too!! I have so much to wear now. Kinda makes me not want to lose more weight... but dresses can be made smaller so... I'm just gonna enjoy fitting into all those dresses for now and really wear them a lot!
Another cool thing is that I fit into the Dirndl (traditional dress in AUT, CH, GER) my godmother had been wanting to give for a long time, but it never fit me and today it fit perfectly. and she told me that I was getting really skinny.
- Dr Pepper and elthebastard like this
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Posted 24 April 2022 - 11:57 PM
Finally a loss again:D
Idk if I can reach 65kg by the end of this week... but I hope I can
I might treat myself with a quick run before class and in the evening I'll go to training. I want to at least go for a walk before class...
Posted Yesterday, 11:48 PM
Well, hello there number 5

I'm excited for my run today:) and I plan on doing a core workout in the evening
clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes
Posted 14 April 2022 - 07:59 PM
pwinky ୨୧, on 13 Apr 2022 - 07:14 AM, said:
why is the actually unhinged but makes total sense.
i have the mind of a master mind 💁🏻♀️
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 14 April 2022 - 11:56 PM
pwinky ୨୧, on 13 Apr 2022 - 07:14 AM, said:
why is the actually unhinged but makes total sense.
i have the mind of a master mind 💁🏻♀️
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 16 April 2022 - 04:46 PM
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 16 April 2022 - 07:07 PM
i’d even argue that women being dominatrixes aren’t subversive bc at the end of the day it’s still based around fulfilling the desires of the male.
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 17 April 2022 - 02:35 PM
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 20 April 2022 - 01:37 PM
I just wish the girl who started this thread after a bender in november 2020 knew how much her life was gonna change for better and for worse over the next 18 months
Congrats girl you got your dream job. but you lost your man. your friends from back then are more distant and it’s quickly appearing that your new friends are kind of shitty 🫤 or at least their asshole boyfriends are shitty
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 21 April 2022 - 02:33 PM
it was so beautiful like i was sitting on a couch and it felt like i was at the beach in the sun but really there was just a light on and the heater wafting down it felt like a breeze
anyways i’m considering getting tinder again just to score for me and my girl sat night
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted 24 April 2022 - 03:36 PM
i have got to stop
they should wear necklaces with the libra symbol on it so i can see them and avoid then
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted Yesterday, 09:59 PM
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted Today, 12:30 AM
i was so cocky taking my test bc i felt perfectly fine and then it went bright red two strips SO FAST hahaha oh fuck
week off work though leshgo
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
Posted Today, 12:30 AM
i was so cocky taking my test bc i felt perfectly fine and then it went bright red two strips SO FAST hahaha oh fuck
week off work though leshgo
🍄 starting bmi: 18ish 🍄
🌸 goal bmi: 16ish 🌸
🌴 height: 181cm 🌴
🤡 clownery, foolishness, and bad vibes 🤡
🤰🏻fat roll registry 🤰🏻
🥂 drink wine 🥂
❄️ snort lines ❄️
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