Has anyone tried the 20:4 Intermittent Fasting Diet?
Posted 23 September 2021 - 08:04 PM
So 10 days ago, I noticed that I had allowed myself to gain back almost 30lbs (127 from 98) due to a few months of uncontrolled binging. It was super shocking as I hadn't weighed myself in awhile but knew my binging was getting bad. I kind of freaked out about it and my brain just snapped back into my BS disordered habits.
Starting with fasting for 3 days and attempting to only consume low cal low carb foods for a day or two- then another 3 days of fasting. ( Ιͺ α΄ α΄ Ι΄α΄α΄ Κα΄α΄α΄α΄α΄α΄Ι΄α΄ α΄ΚΙͺκ± as I felt like hot garbage, I have 0 energy to exorcise, and felt like I was dying )
I've already lost 15lbs since I was last on the scale yesterday.
For the past 2 days I have been trying 20 hour Intermittent fasting. After I fast for 20 hours, I've kept the calories around 700 yesterday and 350 today. I plan on upping my calories to something more sustainable on the weekends.
My question is-
Has anyone tried 20:4 intermittent fasting, what did you eat during your 4 hour window, how much weight did you lose and how sustainable was it?
I apuurrciate it in advance!! ♡
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Posted 23 September 2021 - 08:14 PM
I did 20:4 this summer for a few weeks, I would have a light (up to 200) calorie snack right after I finished, usually around 4:30, the have dinner which was whatever my mom made at ~7 and then back to fasting. I don't know if it helped all that much since my intake was already pretty low, I probably could have lost the same amount without the fast. I lost about 30 lbs in July and August combined, but I had some breaks from fasting (and went on vacation for a few days too). Sustainable if you aren't doing anything in the mornings, because I was to tired to really go and do anything. I had to stop and move to 18:6 because I wanted to be able to hang out with my grandparents in the afternoons and I won't decline food they've made for me on principle. I stopped daily fasting altogether after fainting (and since school's starting) because I really don't want to be found out, lol, so now I do 21-22 hour fasts about 4 days a week (whenever I don't have to drive).
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Posted 23 September 2021 - 08:18 PM
Intermittent fasting didn't work for me personally, I tried it a few years ago but it triggered me to binge and the amount of calories I was capable of eating in just a short amount of time actually made me gain lol
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Posted 23 September 2021 - 09:02 PM
It worked for me. I'm doing 16:8 fasting atm, but I did 20:4 to 22:2 fasting for couple months or so earlier this year. I ate anywhere from 700 to 1300 calories a day and mostly ate junk.
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Posted 04 April 2022 - 03:40 AM
April 3, 2022
Weight: 115.2 lbs
Activity: 8819 steps
TDEE: 1737
Water: 2L
Intake: 692 + b/p 7472
Damn my weight just does not want to leave 115 lol I reached 115.6 on March 17th and it's just been going back and forth since then. Apparently happy scale says my average weight is 115.1 lbs and obviously b/ping isn't helping at all but it is what it is. I've lost around 5 lbs in March which isn't too bad I guess but I want to get under 110 lbs by EDC which is just a little over a month away which seems reachable but we'll just have to see how it goes lmao! Food was alright and I've been pretty good with keeping everything down during the day but I just get so fucking hungry when I get off work and because I'm a weak ass bitch I give in to b/p urges. I did drink 2 cups of coffee this morning and felt a lot more energetic than yesterday and the brain fog wasn't as bad so I'll just continue with that tomorrow. I haven't pooped since the last time I took lax so I'm praying I'll go soon but if I don't by Wednesday I'll take some lax so I can go Thursday morning.
This girl that was supposed to work night shift called in sick 2 hours before her shift which is literally ??????? like if you know if you're not coming to work then you might as well just call earlier so that we have more time to find a replacement and it's night shift which is 29342930x harder to find someone. They asked me to work and I considered it because I was like hey it'll stop me from b/ping tonight but then I was like HMMMM if I take the shift then I won't be able to b/p tonight LMAOOOOO so I didn't end up taking the shift and came home and b/p'd. I felt kind of bad not taking the shift but I also realized that if I took it I'd feel like shit during my shift tomorrow and I'm not about to put my body through more shit than I already am lmao. I'm not going to let work people make me feel bad for not working overtime because it's literally not my job to pick up other people's shifts??????? Management should be the one looking for people and if no one wants to work then make the fucking manager come in to work lol
Posted 06 April 2022 - 11:36 PM
So now I have no psychologist.
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Posted Today, 01:17 AM
weight: 141 lbs (63.9 kg)
calories in: <800
workout: 45 mins legs and arms, 1.5 hours ice skating
weight: ?
calories in: ~2300?
workout: none
So Friday was a lovely day for the ED. I stuck to my limit flawlessly and overexercised so much I felt nauseous and dizzy from the moment I left the ice rink to when I finally sat down for a chicken salad dinner with Evan. And then today... things went awry. I spent the whole day with him, which was actually going okay, until it came time for dinner. He wanted to take me out to a lovely Italian place to celebrate my recent career boost and the fact that he just got a raise (making 100k now! Go Evan!) So I threw away the voice in my head and just ate.
I'm going to regret everything tomorrow, but honestly, I had a very lovely and happy day with him today so I'm not that mad, even if I see a huge gain in the morning. The restriction had been really getting to me - I was soooo in my head and feeling extra shitty about myself this past week. So just being with my lovely boyfriend, eating AMAZING food with him, and hearing him praise me & my body to the moon and back... it was all so nice.
Also! He just got a luxury convertible car the other week. He'd wanted one forever, had money saved, and had gotten his raise, so everything was in place. And oh my god, I love zipping around in that thing. I found a nice square scarf somewhere in my closet, watched a quick YouTube tutorial, and tied it up into my hair. That + a pair of gorgeous sunglasses was my Look of the day, because of course we cruised around with the top down everywhere went. I felt so fucking glam. Especially when we'd park and I'd tie the scarf to my bag. Ugh. Chic chic chic. I'm going to collect scarves now.
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Posted Today, 10:55 AM
you are the dream <3 love the image of you two riding around town looking like the expensive power couple you are
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Posted Today, 08:37 PM
imprecisebuteffortless, on 10 Apr 2022 - 10:55 AM, said:
you are the dream <3 love the image of you two riding around town looking like the expensive power couple you are
Thank you love!! I gotta admit, it feels powerful watching pedestrians stare haha
Posted Today, 08:39 PM
■ DAY 100 | SUNDAY, APRIL 10
weight: 140.8 lbs (63.8 kg)
calories in: maintenance
workout: 30 mins total body pilates
Mother Nature blesses me with a mystical loss after binging... and I overeat again anyway. In usual Me fashion.
Super lazy day. Honestly, I felt exhausted all day and still do. Meant to be productive but ended up finishing Bridgerton while eating too many snacks and getting wooed by the romance. Tomorrow will be better.
Posted Today, 08:47 PM
Evan sounds SO lovely and I'm glad he's making you happy!! He sounds like the kind of guy who will completely understand everything re: your eating disorder and be super supportive. (I did see that you mentioned it to him a little before, but I feel like nobody really knows what it's like until experiencing it themselves of course).
Really pleased that your career is going so well too
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Post your LW pics and HW pics
Posted 10 April 2021 - 09:57 PM
post your lowest weight and highest weight photos to compare! The best motivation!
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Posted 10 April 2021 - 10:18 PM

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Posted 10 April 2021 - 10:32 PM
Seriously considering deleting these... They've been up awhile but still...
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Posted 10 April 2021 - 10:38 PM
160 at 5'3, 70s and still 5'3
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Posted 10 April 2021 - 10:39 PM
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Posted 10 April 2021 - 10:42 PM
MariAngel, on 10 Apr 2021 - 10:32 PM, said:
I think I was 130-140 in the first pic. I don't have pics of my highest weight. I was too ashamed to take any... Second pic is about 114-118lbs. I'm 5'1" btw. Bad part is I barely see a difference...
hey, i think you should start working out! that’ll help with shaping your body

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Posted 10 April 2021 - 11:35 PM
SignofPerfection, on 10 Apr 2021 - 10:39 PM, said:
Is it me or do those frown faces really showcase the harsh reality of anorexia? That you'll never be happy no matter how thin you get because it's never low enough
96 lbs. vs 132 lbs. at 5’8.5”
43.5 kg vs 60 kg at 174 cm
Admittedly I hated my body in the first photo. I still thought I was fat (oh boy was I in for a ride). I only took it to compare myself with this photo of young Karlie Kloss:
And after taking that photo I felt fat compared to her.
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Anorexia almost ruined my relationship
Posted 11 August 2021 - 06:38 PM
hey y'all. i'm struggling a little bit on how to balance losing some weight with maintaining the health of my relationship. can anyone relate?
so in the fall of 2018, i went from like 115 lbs to 92 in a few months (5'1). BMI wasn't ridiculously low but my health extremely poor. anorexia made me a terrible person - i would lie to my boyfriend of now 4 years about what i was eating, made my portions look huge on instagram, convince my bf i was just changing and i liked exercise. we struggled A LOT. he always supported me (he met me during a similarly severe relapse), but it was breaking his fucking heart. we wouldn't have sex bc my bones would poke everywhere. at one point, we almost cut off contact because it was causing him so much stress. i understood. i never, ever want to hurt him again. i want to get married.
i ended up going into treatment and after that, starting a bad binge streak that lasted 6 months. gained nearly 40 lbs in 4 months. now, 3 years later, i am able to eat pretty much normally (if not more) without too much guilt. i graduated culinary school, am in my dream career (chef in high end restaurant). i'm able to drink, go out and enjoy myself. i got down to 111 once, i'm now 128. but the guilt is still there. i don't want to be 92 again, but i still hate my body. it just doesn't consume every second of my life anymore. i want to be 105 at the lowest, i'd settle for 110.
i know the way to lose weight and not upset him is to do it the "right" way - light calorie deficit and exercise. that's not how the anorexia brain works. we all know that. i have to have some sort of rules. i'm thinking of doing the healthy skinny girl diet (no counting fruit and veg). i'd probably be eating 1000-1500 cals per day, so nothing crazy. net would be zero or below due to my extremely physical job + spin biking. give myself grace when eating out with friends or preparing a special dinner. i don't think it'll be so severe that it's noticeable - but if i succeed, i have to train myself to stop.
i'm not neccessarily asking for advice - just want to talk to people who've experienced something similar. be well <3
132 131 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110
109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100
99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90
pink: weight yet to lose
pink with slash : weight currently lost
blue: weight once lost, but gained back
red- goal weights!
sw: 132 (24.7 BMI, one pound away from overweight)
lowest weight: 92 lbs (December 2018:
cw: 128
gw: 105

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Posted 01 May 2021 - 02:09 PM
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Posted 29 August 2021 - 06:48 AM
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