TW: abuse - I'm 20 and my dad still beats me
Posted 25 April 2022 - 06:33 PM
It happens so often, over every small thing. Today I disagreed with my sister over something and he said I should always stand with her and I told him I'm allowed to disagree and my opinions are none of his business. Next thing I know he's on top of me and punching me. I'm so tired of it. He's so sick and sadistic, nothing happened for him to hurt me and yet he did. I'm so suicidal and just want to die, I feel humiliated every time he does this. I cant go a week without him hurting me at least once, I hate him. im so sick of this. I am constantly dissociating and can only feel the pain after he's done. I have been beat ever since I was a kid by both my parents, at around 16 my mom stopped beating me but my dad never did and told me he never will no matter how old I get. I just feel like a punching bag. I dont know when his anger will be set off. I cant leave my house. I also feel like maybe I should be glad that he isn't making me bleed or bruise a lot, and maybe im just overreacting and this is normal, we live in the Middle East so its normalized here and im just overreacting. I dont know to live like this anymore, every day I just wish I was dead. maybe this isn't even abuse and its not that bad and im just being a victim, I dont know. Im just tired of everything. im failing all my classes and not getting any sleep, I dont want a career or future, I cant form close friendships because I feel like eeveryone hates me secretly and talks about me and thinks im annoying, just wish my life will be over.
Posted 26 April 2022 - 01:46 AM
Even if it were happening to other people in your culture, it wouldn't be ok.
Is there any safe refuge you can go to? An International Women's Aid or similar charity? I don't know any specific charities I could refer you to but I'd hope there would be something. Would your school or a friend be able to help?
No matter what your parents have made you believe, you are worthy of a life beyond this, love, a career you enjoy and close friendship.
I'm so so sorry this is going on. It wouldn't matter what age you are, this is never ok. Please try to find a way to get out, whether to a sanctuary, or through a school programme, anything. I don't want you to lose your life over this because there is so much more to the world than the violence you've endured.
Posted 27 April 2022 - 02:24 PM
I know that you live in another country and in another culture as well. And that what you are describing may seem like it's normal to you.
But really, besides the physical parts, it's a matter of respect as well. No one should feel entitled to beat up on us, simply because they are irritated. Particularly not parents, who's job should be to keep us safe and protected from this very same sort of stuff.
And yes, I can see why you might feel discouraged, and worry about what sort of future you may have. Matters like these are not the sorts of things which tend to fill a person with hope.
Even so, I hope you can have faith in yourself, and not allow your sense of your future be manipulated by poor treatment from others. It's true that you may not ever get the kind of support from your parents that you deserve, but it would be wrong to allow that to destroy you. <3
Posted Today, 03:27 AM
I'm sorry this is still happening at your age. I'm really so sorry. It's not normal at all. Is there any way you can get out of the situation without too much friction? Maybe you can study abroad or apply to be an exchange student? Or can you live in the dorms?
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