Pregnant with fifth child and confused
Posted 12 September 2018 - 10:33 PM
Well now I found out I'm pregnant two days ago. I have not been healthy. Not eating, purging, binge drinking and smoking daily. I stopped once I got the positive test. Except like three cigs a day. In my heart, my first instinct is to keep this baby. But he says it will destroy our future. That he'll lose everything and we'll have nothing to build up from. Plus I have no job. I was a stay at home mom for ten years. And my cash assistance runs out after next month. So I have like a month and a half to find a job. Plus I already have four kids.
What the fuck am I supposed to??? I know if I abort I'll regret it the rest of my life and probably completely destroy myself. But if I keep it I think he'll leave me. When I told him he said he'd kill himself. The abortion is completely his idea. But he says he's thinking about all of us. That we just can't have a baby right now.
What do you guys think? I'm so fucking confused and hate my life.
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Posted 12 September 2018 - 11:43 PM
For the record I'm pro choice I'm not just trying to convince you to keep the baby.
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Posted 13 September 2018 - 06:27 AM
Thanl you. I agree with you. I'm also pro choice. But I've had three abortions with my husband and I told myself that I'd never have one again. Plus life is so short. I know that now. This baby was sent to me for a purpose. I can't really tell my family or anyone cause everyone would judge me. And he might leave me. But there are lots of strong single moms out there. I don't know. My life is so crazy right now. It's like a soap opera or something.
Roo-barb, on 12 Sept 2018 - 11:43 PM, said:
You should definitely not hav an abortion for him. If you want this child it is your decision. If you already know you'll regret it, it could be so damaging to your mental health. Imo it's manipulative and unfair of him to say he'd kill himself. He made this baby too he needs to take responsibility and not just expect you to get rid of it.
For the record I'm pro choice I'm not just trying to convince you to keep the baby.
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Posted 25 September 2018 - 06:54 AM
Saying that, I’m a single mum to just one baby and it is a lot harder than people assume...I would not want to be a single mum to 5 kids...
Whatever you chose will be the right thing to do, but it is YOUR choice not his.
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Posted 29 September 2018 - 11:45 PM
*Excuse spelling and grammar errors - Dyslexic. I may come across as stupid but I’m creative at least.
ED since age 13 Currently 27
HW-250 CW-165
A few mental health diagnosis and other disability. My ED has been a secret to everyone in my life since about age 16.
7 day diet pill trial ( I don’t advocate taking them as it can be dangerous, how ever I dont care)
day 1-165lbs day 7- to update-160lbs, I don't know if I should continue or try something else, no side effects so far.
Decided not to go back and get more today as my blood preasure was high so they wouldnt have given me more anyway. 2 weeks on these prescription diet pills i got last year that i never took was 250+ then. I have 12 days supply.
Day 1 on phen-160lbs dry mouth!!
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