Posted Yesterday, 11:33 PM
5/14/22 Entry
Weight: 129.4 Hell two of being in the 120's.
Planned Intake: Didn't have one today
Actual Intake:
- Body Armor Light-15
- 3 Altoids-15
Planned Fluids: Didn't have one today
Actual Fluids:
- 2 30 oz water bottles
- 12 oz Body Armor Light-12
- 16 oz Blackberry Hint Water-16
Workout: Completed
PM Entry: It feels nice seeing the number 129 still.
Honestly today has been a weird day and I'm super out of it atm. (it's already 11:30pm lmfao). I woke up at noon, took 30 mg of adderall and then ran some errands. I came home and took 15 more mg of adderall and then did a light workout. Afterwards, I went to the computer lab in my apartments and studied up on more astrology stuff. I did that for about two hours until the closed it. Then I made my birds chop (fresh fruits/veg) for the week and as I was coming down from the adderall I was like..."hmmmm...I'm gonna do a line of coke" Stupid XD
So I did a line of coke after doing adderall throughout the day and the first line felt good. Then my boyfriend and I went to the hot tub....I was really uncomfortable in my bathing suit but it was manageable. Probably cause I was on yay though lol. When we got back I took another line and that was about an hour ago. Now I just have a headache and my chest feels tight. At 12:30 I'm gonna take a bar and a half, let it kick in, get some nutrients in me (probably gonna have a Happy Viking Protein shake, maybe a SF pudding and a suja juice), and then drink a white claw. So much for not drinking for a month smfh.
But yeah I have a killer headache, so I'll update again when the bars have kicked in and I'm not on a shitty comedown.
Posted Today, 01:19 AM
5/14/22 PM Entry
Okay. I am feeling much better now. I'm fairly barred though, so this might be poorly written lol. I took the 2 bars at 12:30am and am really feeling them. Headache is gone, feel mostly relaxed and I even have an appetite! I would be okay with an intake up to 950. I had 2 Keebler M&M cookies (160 cals) before taking the xans cause my blood sugar was low, and with the way my heart was beating I knew I needed something high sugar and refined carbs. I have an Olipop Cherry Vanila Probiotic (45 cals), a Suja Cold Pressed Citrus Immunity Juice (100 cals) and a Suja Vitamin D & Zinc Shot (15), along withmy white claw next to me. I'll probably start sipping the beer soon and finish these drinks. I feel the stimmys vying for control of my body with the xans. Hopefully once I drink this beer my appetite will increase more-it comes in waves since the downers and uppers are still competing-so I can at least have one or two more things to nourish myself with. Considering my heavy drug use the past few days, and low intakes I need to make sure I get nutrients today.
Something I won't go too in depth in atm, but just want to briefly address drug issues. I need to work on it, it's kind of getting out of hand. Adderall, coke, xanax and a beer in the span of 12 hours?
My plan for the rest of the night is to just mellow out. It'll just depend on how I feel, I may do some more studying on my spirituality, or just watch TV or draw or something. Idk. I'm just gonna play it by ear.
Another update coming tonight (or maybe tmrw morning if I fall asleep lol) with complete daily intakes etc.
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