Posted Yesterday, 12:47 PM
Choco_Bitch_612, on 21 May 2022 - 11:27 AM, said:
I'm glad you rescheduled the interview instead of just not being able to go entirely! And even if that doesn't work out, it's great you still got job b to look forward to
For sure! I’m glad I was able to reschedule it too, and I’m really grateful to have Job B either way. Hopefully we’ll be all moved and ready to go by Wednesday, but even if we’re not, I think the guy from Job B is okay with me starting later in the week

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18 - He/Him
Height: 5'5.5" / 65.5in / 166cm
HW: 157lbs / 71kg / BMI 25.7
LW: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
CW: 146lbs / 66kg / BMI 23.9
SW: 149lbs / 67kg / BMI 24.4
GW1: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
GW2: 140lbs / 63kg / BMI 22.9
GW3: 135lbs / 61kg / BMI 22.1
GW4: 130lbs / 59kg / BMI 21.3
GW5: 125lbs / 56kg / BMI 20.5
GW6: 120lbs / 54kg / BMI 19.7
GW7: 115lbs / 52kg / BMI 18.8
GW8: 110lbs / 49kg / BMI 18.0
UGW: 105lbs / 47kg / BMI 17.2
Updated May 20th, 2022
Posted Yesterday, 01:02 PM
Honestly it’s not bad. I like it. It’s dirty as hell and a lot of stuff is broken, and it smells like paint and shit, and its pretty small, but overall I like it. It’s got a giant patio and a nice view, and cool breezeway to get around the building. We just need to clean it up a little and get the broken stuff fixed, and I’ll fix up the patio a bit, then I think this really will be nice. A new chapter in life.
Let it me said that I have hope.

18 - He/Him
Height: 5'5.5" / 65.5in / 166cm
HW: 157lbs / 71kg / BMI 25.7
LW: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
CW: 146lbs / 66kg / BMI 23.9
SW: 149lbs / 67kg / BMI 24.4
GW1: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
GW2: 140lbs / 63kg / BMI 22.9
GW3: 135lbs / 61kg / BMI 22.1
GW4: 130lbs / 59kg / BMI 21.3
GW5: 125lbs / 56kg / BMI 20.5
GW6: 120lbs / 54kg / BMI 19.7
GW7: 115lbs / 52kg / BMI 18.8
GW8: 110lbs / 49kg / BMI 18.0
UGW: 105lbs / 47kg / BMI 17.2
Updated May 20th, 2022
Posted Yesterday, 01:08 PM
Arnold Palmer (160), chocolate rice cake (60), turkey sandwich (120+30ish) and club crackers (140)
I might end up going over today but hauling boxes and furniture back and forth is kicking my ass
Posted Today, 04:41 AM
Week 2 - Day 13 - May 21st, 2022
1100 Calories: Probably Fail
Calorie Intake
- Arnold palmer (160)
- Ham Sandwich (<190)
- Chocolate rice cake (60)
- Body armor
- Pizza
- Club crackers
- Chocolate rice cakes
- Salt & vinegar chips
Total: Probably over 2000
Liquid Intake
Arnold palmer (tea and lemonade)
Body armor (like Gatorade, but more calories)
Moving boxes and furniture, cleaning like a madman
Yesterday was moving day (or at least, move-the-biggest-stuff day), so I wasn't really paying attention to my intake after breakfast. I kept drinking body armor, which is basically gatorade but with twice the calories, so that alone probably put my intake wayyy higher than the limit- plus the ungodly amount of salt and vinegar chips I shoved into my face whenever we took a break.
Life Stuff
Like I said, yesterday was moving day! Or, move the biggest and most important stuff day. We're actually not even close to done. A lot of the day was spent cleaning and putting stuff away as we brought it in, so we left maybe 60% of the boxes in the other apartment and some misc pieces of lightweight furniture.
As of now, it's not quite 5 in the morning. My mom and sibling are going to be gone most of the day to get my grandparent (it's a 6 hour drive from where they're at to here), and I'm staying behind to move and clean as much as I can on my own, as well as sign for the medical supplies and tell the delivery people where to put them. Fucking company. It was supposed to come yesterday, but these fuckers apparently don't update documents in their system ever because some paperwork they needed a week ago- that we sent A WEEK AGO- was never uploaded, so they never sent the order, despite someone else telling me 7 hours earlier yesterday that it was literally on it's way. I was so pissed. So now, it's supposed to come early this morning, and I will be up their ass ALL DAY until we get it. Anyways lmao
I'm not sure how to feel. The new apartment itself, now that I've really looked at it and slept in it, is shitty. There's no way around the fact that it's shitty. Believe me, as someone who's lived in the backseat of a car and, for a while, some of the most disgusting motels and hotels in the United States, I'm very grateful and not actually bothered by it- but still, it's shitty. The main thing is the smell. I dunno wtf chemicals or something is in here, but I can taste it in the back of my throat, like smoldering solvent. Besides the smell, it's mostly superficial things- the cabinets hanging off of their hinges, the tub leaking nonstop, the fact that 24 apartments share two washing machines (one of them actually seemed broken when I looked in the laundry room yesterday- I'll find out later today lol), the bugs fucking EVERYWHERE because there's an insane amount of gaps between the floor and the wall trim. The bugs are kind of getting to me. I fucking hate bugs.
Like I said, I honestly don't mind. I'm still positive about this place. Because it's so small, I'm actually not going to get a room, I'm going to be putting all of my stuff in the living room. I'm excited for that! For the first time since elementary school, I'm going to actually get my own space. I can put up room dividers at some point, and that'll really be rad! I'll be able to exercise without worrying about someone walking by and seeing, and when I start going to college (probably online classes from the community college for now, since taking care of my grandparent is now my main job) I'll have a space to work.
What I'm not sure about is... well, everything else. I think I've been blocking out the fact that we're actually moving. All my life, moving has been traumatic. I've only moved a handful of times, but each time was bad- twice because we ended up not having another place to go, and twice from places I wholly considered home but ended up not really saying goodbye to. But this time, I knew we were moving. Hell, I've planned most of this move myself. I had time to say goodbye, and this move, while hectic, has been mostly okay. We have several days still to move fully, and the only thing we're waiting on is the medical supplies, so there's honestly not a lot to be stressed about. But still. I'm fucking sad, man. I'm gonna miss our old apartment. Maybe because it's the first home my family has had to our own since I was a little kid, or the first place we've ever been able to afford on our own, or because it was our home right after the last time we were homeless. Idk. But I don't think I actually processed that we're... moving.
And moving in with my grandparent. I definitely haven't processed that. I am not ready what-so-fucking-ever to take care of them again, but by the end of the day they'll be fully in my care again weather I'm ready or not. Well, me and my family, supposedly, but... fucking hell. Last time I ended up their full time caregiver completely on my own. It was hell. We all keep saying that this time will be different, have been echoing it all week, and I hope to god that turns out to be true and not just something we said to ourselves to make this happen.
I dunno. Moving, gathering medical supplies, cleaning, it all keeps kicking up stuff in the back of my mind. Not really memories, but feelings, if that makes sense? Like, dust in the corners of my memory keeps getting disturbed. Yesterday I was singing Black Veil Brides to myself all day, but I haven't listened to that band since one of my other grandparents died in 2017. I've blocked off feeling things for honestly I'm not sure how long, and I think this is my mind's way of trying to cope with this big conglomerate of emotions I wouldn't know how to even begin unraveling.
All I know is that for now, I have to keep forging ahead regardless of what's happening or what happens next. I'll probably go over my limit again today, but I'll try to pay attention to what I eat. The solvent smell is making it even harder to breathe than normally (yesterday was a fucked lungs day, and so far today is too), which makes me more tired, so I'll probably keep downing electrolyte drinks and whatever other caloric drinks we have. I have a LOT of shit to move and prepare completely on my own today, and then as soon as everyone else gets here I have to get into full caregiver mode somehow. On slightly more than four hours of sleep. With not even a red bull.
Wish me luck.
18 - He/Him
Height: 5'5.5" / 65.5in / 166cm
HW: 157lbs / 71kg / BMI 25.7
LW: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
CW: 146lbs / 66kg / BMI 23.9
SW: 149lbs / 67kg / BMI 24.4
GW1: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
GW2: 140lbs / 63kg / BMI 22.9
GW3: 135lbs / 61kg / BMI 22.1
GW4: 130lbs / 59kg / BMI 21.3
GW5: 125lbs / 56kg / BMI 20.5
GW6: 120lbs / 54kg / BMI 19.7
GW7: 115lbs / 52kg / BMI 18.8
GW8: 110lbs / 49kg / BMI 18.0
UGW: 105lbs / 47kg / BMI 17.2
Updated May 20th, 2022
Posted Yesterday, 12:43 PM
starbucks canned ice latte
brioche swirl
mashed potatoes w cheese
bag of crisps
total: 646 calories
is it j me or do changing room mirrors make you look bigger than you actually are ? taking my bdd to the next level smh. went shopping with my moms step sister and in the whole shopping centre i only found a single top that i felt looked okay on me out of the ton of stuff i tried on. clothes just don’t suit me when i’m at a higher weight.
intake wise, very hungry today. managed to satiate myself a little by drinking a ton of water for now. the family has ordered fast food and i was considering ordering something until the last moment lol. ik i’d have felt like shit after eating it so there’s no point. and icl i’m kind of proud of myself for being able to resist, so there’s that
i want to weigh myself so bad. im convinced that i’ve gained weight, even though it’s impossible because i’ve been a pretty big deficit everyday recently. i need the scale to reassure me that i’ve lost, but the whole reason i set weigh in dates was to become less reliant on the scale so i’d basically be giving in. i don’t know what to do
Posted Yesterday, 12:48 PM
SadSun, on 21 May 2022 - 09:14 AM, said:
Woah, for some reason all this time I thought "nursery" meant like, a plant nursery lmao, that's so cool that you work with kids! Yeah I always figured teachers and stuff had favorites lmao
LOL those exist ? i am awful at keeping plants, they die every single time i try. i grew some gorgeous roses last year but i forgot to water them and they shrivelled up 🥹rip
yeah i luv them !! a v v difficult job but so rewarding, i love seeing their happy little faces when they see me come in the mornings. i was a vain kid and always thought i’d be their favourite when i was probably the reason they were considering quitting their job 🥲
Posted Today, 01:25 AM
flaneur, on 21 May 2022 - 06:46 AM, said:
yeah !! sadly i don’t get paid LMAO bc it’s part of my college course, but it makes me feel mature and ~grown up~. fr hah i tried not to have favourites when i started but it’s hard bc some of them are so damn cuteee. i will shamelessly admit i have favourites. did you start off working with the babies ? i was talking to one of my co workers and she told me that you tend to prefer the age group that you start off with. i’m hoping that i can learn to enjoy being with the babies though < 33
HONESTLY they’re so difficult, especially when it’s on the smaller side because you can’t hide behind people and pretend that you’ve eaten lool it feels like all eyes are on you
Awwwwww, it's good experience though! Lolll yess it's quite hard not to have favourites I don't work with babies, but if I did oml I would fall in love with all of themmm. I teach toddlers 3x a week, and I do get paid as well, but it's not like a job job, get me? It's more of me volunteering my time and then just getting something as like a bonus. I started off teaching 5th and 6th graders loll. It was 1x a week, but hey, that was good work experience, especially when I was only like 3 years older than them lmfao. It's quite truee! I prefer older kids a lot more, but babies are something I've always loved ever since I was a kid! Probably cause I never had a younger sibling lol
GAH yesss!!
Posted Today, 02:03 AM
i gave in lol .. but i’m not gonna delete my weigh in dates bc i do hope to give up my weigh in habit eventually. things never go smoothly at the start right ? i feel semi okay about my weight now, simply because i’m under 100. funny how a single pound can make all the difference
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Posted Today, 11:21 AM
brioche swirl
caramel chocolate nibbles
2 bags of crisps
microwaveable fries w nandos peri salt
total: 807 calories
it’s relatively early but i rly don’t want to eat anything else today. i’m feeling insatiable, i just want more and more and more no matter how much i’ve already eaten. all i can think about is food. i’m craving kfc, dominos, five guys fries, nandos, cookie dough, fish and chips, chinese takeaway, you name it. the only one of those i could possibly let myself have is the cookie dough if i buy it from the supermarket, and the nandos if i don’t get any sides alongside it. i just wanna eat and stuff my face until i either involuntarily puke or i physically can’t eat any more. a maintenance day sounds like a good idea, but as far as i know the plans for the buffet on the first of next month are still on and ik im gonna binge big time there so i want to lose as much weight as i can before then. but my stupid stomach isn’t gonna make it easy for me
also my mom noticed that i’ve started restricting again. she was telling my grandad about it and he told me i need to get over myself because i’m not a child anymore. lol. like my mental illness is dependent on my age. fuck outta here w that bullshit
Posted Today, 11:29 AM
flaneur, on 22 May 2022 - 11:21 AM, said:
Groan. Ffs. Yah, sure, let me go cure my lungs and magically grow a few inches real quick, since being asthmatic and short are also kid things that I need to get over.intake
also my mom noticed that i’ve started restricting again. she was telling my grandad about it and he told me i need to get over myself because i’m not a child anymore. lol. like my mental illness is dependent on my age. fuck outta here w that bullshit
Posted Yesterday, 01:53 PM
thank you anna!!
quick update... my grandma just asked me how much weight I've lost, I said hmm I don't know, then she replies:
"you're so beautiful as you are right now. muy delgadita (skinny)."
I'm bmi 27 and I'm considered skinny to my grandma who has high standards of beauty? not sure how to feel... happy... but I'm not done?
idk idk
my whole family is overweight so that may be a factor in perception
Posted Yesterday, 02:12 PM

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Posted Today, 11:07 AM
143.2 hhh fake weight. i maintained yesterday so i'm gucci.
4 chicken strips - 360 cal
strawberry acai refresher w/ cashew milk - 120ml - 75 cal
def more to come. i love making this drink omg. so good. i just add cashew milk (25 cal for 240ml) to the starbucks' concentrate.
pretty song:
Posted Today, 11:31 AM
Posted 18 May 2022 - 08:28 AM
Tue, May 17th, 2022
Food Intake: Pizza (1,400), Chips (320), Cookies (150)
Liquid Intake: Water (0), Diet Iced Tea (15)
Daily Calorie Count: 1,885
Daily Calories Burned: 2,600
Exercise: No
Body Thoughts:
Weight: 180.6
Misc Thoughts: I apologize for the no update last night! I was with a friend until well after 1 AM watching Twilight, it was actually cut short because my internet went out so I wasn't able to update here either. I guess my safe food small pizza is not as safe as I thought, I miscounted the calories by a LOT so that was fun. I've started another liquid fast, but not officially. I want to say I started at 1 am? I feel a lot better about starting this one, I have some drinks this time and some electrolyte powder, and I finally remembered to pick up some more cranberry pills (prone to uti's and restriction doesn't help lol). If anyone has any recommendations about some other supplements, I'm all ears! I don't do super long fasts, really, but it would be nice having stuff for my semi-long fasts. Anyway, doing some more lawn work today so hopefully that burns some extra calories. I have some cals left over because I'm crazy and don't like seeing my numbers be over budget in Lose It. I'll check back in later!
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 176.9 (BMI 29.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS)~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Binder
140- Short Haircut!!!
130- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
120- New Bikini Bathing Suit
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 5.04.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 18 May 2022 - 08:48 PM
Wed, May 18th, 2022
Food Intake: Ice Cream (380), Burrito (370), Cinnabon Delights (310)
Liquid Intake: Water (0), Monster (25), Iced Coffee (660)
Daily Calorie Count: 1,745
Daily Calories Burned: 2,615
Exercise: No
Body Thoughts:
Weight: 180.0
Misc Thoughts: So my friend stayed until late again, go figure. It was a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but I feel god awful about how much I ate again. I was doing so well, I could've made it and I threw it away and then some. I shuffled around food again, so the calorie counts look different but they're all still accurate. Also my scale was acting weird, showed me a couple of different numbers but settled on 180 even again. I think that's my real weight again, and I'm really fucking bummed. I worked in my grandmas yard today, so I at least burned some calories before all of this. I feel sick to my stomach even thinking about it, though, and I know I have to get back on track, I've wasted what? Two whole months maintaining at such a high weight? I feel like I should be losing, even a little. I guess it goes to show high restriction will just never work for me, I really think my metabolism is messed up. There's no way my fitbit or anything is even near correct. But I don't know, I'm just going to try pushing through these next 10-20 pounds and hope for the best. I've kind of accepted I'm not gonna be even near skinny for any part of this summer, I just hope that once the colder weather comes again things will be easier. Or that I can regain some control before then. Whichever comes first.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 19 May 2022 - 12:09 PM
Update: 3:05 PM, May 19th 2022
Weighed in at 179.5 this morning, not bad, I'm just glad to not see 180 on the scale at the moment. It's been about 16 hours since I've last eaten, so I think I'm going to start another fast. I don't know how much weight I'll be able to lose before the end of the month, if I can manage to fast for most if it maybe I can at least hit a new recent LW, if I'm lucky. I should man up and do measurements, but I honestly just might wait another month to do it. I'm only a couple pounds off from when I did the body checks too, ugh. Made no headway since then, but I'm determined now. My next big goal is the 160s, I just need to get my head on straight and power through these last 10 pounds. Also me and my friend have now started a thing to where we are going to hang out every Wednesday, so I can plan on having higher intake days on those days. I'm really nervous though because I know at some point I'm going to have to eat at the drive through, but I have no way of counting the calories there, so I might have to try my best to calculate them myself. I don't know, hopefully I can just avoid it altogether. If I need to eat there, I'll fast the whole day surrounding and just pray it wasn't too much. Anyway, I'll check back in later, my laptop is late getting here ugh, it should be here come the end of the week hopefully. I think it's in Tennessee right now? It keeps getting delayed like pls I just want my computer aaaa.
Adding some more to this because I am thoroughly confused right now? So I was going through some old shorts that were in my goal clothing box and I tried a pair on for kicks, not expecting them to fit and THEY DID? I am so confused as to how this happened, they're all size 10-12 and I was wearing them at like 130-140- not 180? I don't think I've lost weight recently, but now I'm very confused. My measurements (at least waist and hip) are the same too, so that's super weird.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 19 May 2022 - 07:06 PM
Thu, May 19th, 2022
Food Intake: Taco Bell (480), Assorted Sourdough Concoctions (580)
Liquid Intake: Monster (20), Coffee (237)
Daily Calorie Count: 1,317
Daily Calories Burned: 2,140
Body Thoughts:
Weight: 179.5
Misc Thoughts: Today was kind of boring, started cleaning then lost steam. I was going to fast, but then I found some sourdough bread and it just looked too good to not have, so I made myself a couple of slices. Two regular ones with lite babybel cheese, minced garlic, seasoning and parsley, then a little one with some honey mustard. I also made my own coffee today! It was actually pretty good, I just used some regular syrup, milk, some chilled espresso then mixed a little milk with some vanilla and frothed it to add on top. Weight was down a little this morning which was nice! Also my friend randomly called me, to those who were here for last years 'popular girl' saga- it was those friends and they were asking to borrow a thermometer. I assumed it was a covid thing so I said sure, and come to find out she thought she might have CHICKEN POX? I took a step away after that one. It really didn't look like chicken pox to me, but I sanitized myself and that thermometer after that just to be safe. Like bro? Go home? She was hanging out with her friend and was about to meet up with her boyfriend too like how little brain do you have? Anywayyy I don't know if I'll have anything else tonight, might not. I need to go grocery shopping though, might go and do that tomorrow. I guess we'll see.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 20 May 2022 - 06:52 AM
Ngl I'm craving sourdough now, "assorted sourdough concoctions" sounds amazing
Posted 20 May 2022 - 09:13 AM
SadSun, on 20 May 2022 - 06:52 AM, said:
Ngl I'm craving sourdough now, "assorted sourdough concoctions" sounds amazing
It was truly a wonderful time trying out different things, I can't even remember any time before this that I've had sourdough! 100% worth it.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted 20 May 2022 - 08:34 PM
Fri, May 20th, 2022
Food Intake: Mac and Cheese (870), Crackers (190), Pizza (480), Cinnamon Roll (~580?), Reese's Bar (300)
Liquid Intake: Monster (30), Coffee (237)
Daily Calorie Count: 2,678
Daily Calories Burned: 2,000
Body Thoughts:
Weight: 179.5
Misc Thoughts: Confused as to how the numbers ended up the same for the calorie count, but I'm not complaining. I overate tonight, I'm not adding everything even though I should- so hopefully that'll encourage me to get a grip tomorrow. I've still been SO hungry recently, I can't hardly stand it. It's like it gets easier for a few days then just goes back to hell. It happens every single summer and it sucks. I'm just happy I'm not gaining back my hard work, I still have the rest of the year to lose. I saw a thread of someone who was doing one day fasting, one day eating and it looked tempting. That would be a great way to bring down my averages. Then on my eating days eat like 1,500. I just sit there at home thinking about food all day, it's so tedious. Then I'm with friends and they always want to go out and eat (which like, is normal because normal people eat food) so I eat no matter what I do. Ugh. Anyway, I'm probably gonna head to bed soon. I guess one nice thing is my sleep schedule is somewhat normal, I wake up at like 10-2-ish each day, better than like... 6pm lmao. Not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. Good thing I ran out of lax, or I'd be using it.
Edit: Added the actual calories for this day. I need to stop with the carrying over stuff and setting myself up for failure, and since I know the damage wasn't bad since weighing myself. Hopefully this will make things more accurate.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted Yesterday, 11:18 AM
Update: 2:03 PM, May 21st 2022
Weighed in at 178.6 today, I'm very surprised I lost, honestly. I weighed myself like three times to be sure, out of all the days yesterday should've been a day that I actually gain, but hey I'm not complaining. It's less than two pounds from 176, if I can get back to that- that would be great. I was thinking last night, kinda punching myself I guess for not making any progress. I guess it's true, I'm the only one in my way right now. You guys might've noticed I took away the exercise bit, I wasn't really doing it and I've managed to convince myself it was hindering my progress, so I'm gonna leave it for now and possibly come back to it later. I'm still trying to drink as much water as I can, at least 64oz a day, it's harder now because I have absolutely NO drive- but hey. We'll work with what we've got. Hoping today is good, I really need just one good day do make this accountability worthwhile. I'll be back later!
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted Yesterday, 12:16 PM
I’m just starting a water fast if you want to join🥳
- something_of_an_aimless likes this
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Posted Yesterday, 12:54 PM
Anna2016, on 21 May 2022 - 12:16 PM, said:
Yayy, Well down in the 170s again Well done.
I’m just starting a water fast if you want to join
Thank you! Let's hope I stay in here!
Also that sounds exciting! I'm gonna go make myself a coffee, but I think I'll join you! I haven't water fasted in AGES, so this will be interesting haha.
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 176.9 (BMI 29.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS)~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Binder
140- Short Haircut!!!
130- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
120- New Bikini Bathing Suit
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 5.04.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted Yesterday, 01:55 PM
something_of_an_aimless, on 21 May 2022 - 12:54 PM, said:
Thank you! Let's hope I stay in here!
Also that sounds exciting! I'm gonna go make myself a coffee, but I think I'll join you! I haven't water fasted in AGES, so this will be interesting haha.
Me neither😅 excited to Get back to it. Haven’t set a goal to reach, but want to make it long.
Posted Yesterday, 02:00 PM
Anna2016, on 21 May 2022 - 1:55 PM, said:
Me neither excited to Get back to it. Haven’t set a goal to reach, but want to make it long.
I'm about 15 minutes in! I won't be able to long, probably only a little over 24 hours but it has been YEARS since I've water fasted so we'll see how it goes. I have some electrolyte water as well to get me through. Best of luck!
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
Height: 5'4.5 (65 in)
HW: ~200 (BMI 33.8)
LW: 122 (BMI 20.6)
CW: 176.9 (BMI 29.9)
GW1: 155 (BMI 26.2)
GW2: 120 (BMI 20.3)
What I'm diagnosed with:
~Depression - General Anxiety Disorder/Anticipatory Anxiety - Childhood Trauma - Food Restriction (EDNOS)~
199 - 198 - 197 - 196 - 195 - 194 - 193 - 192 - 191 - 190- 189 - 188 - 187 - 186 - 185 - 184 - 183 - 182 - 181 - 180
- 179 - 178 - 177 - 176 - 175 - 174 - 173 - 172 - 171 - 170 - 169 - 168 - 167 - 166 - 165
164 - 163 - 162 - 161 - 160 - 159 - 158 - 157 - 156 - 155- 154 - 153 - 152 - 151 - 150
149 - 148 - 147 - 146 - 145 - 144 - 143 - 142 - 141 - 140 - 139 - 138 - 137 - 136 - 135
134 - 133 - 132 - 131 - 130 - 129 - 128 - 127 - 126 - 125 - 124 - 123 - 122 - 121 - 120 - 119 - 118 - 117 - 116 - 115
Weight Loss Rewards:
180- Shorter Haircut
170- Add Dye to Hair!
160- New Tattoo
150- New Binder
140- Short Haircut!!!
130- Wardrobe Update (200$ spending money)
120- New Bikini Bathing Suit
Accountability: https://www.myproana...-to-120-at-545/
Updated Last: 5.04.22
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
Posted Yesterday, 02:02 PM

- something_of_an_aimless likes this
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Posted Yesterday, 02:24 PM
Sat, May 21st, 2022
Food Intake: McDonald's (1,480)
Liquid Intake: Coffee (416)
Daily Calorie Count: 1,896
Daily Calories Burned: ***
Body Thoughts:
Weight: 178.6
Misc Thoughts: All the food items are from last night, if that gives you any idea on how many calories I actually consumed. It was rough, hence why I'm very surprised about the weight. I'm worried now though that it's wrong, and I'll weigh myself tomorrow and it'll be so much higher, but I did weigh myself like three times and it was the same so I mean. Also starting a water fast! It won't show up on my accountability because I'm only going for a little over 24 hours, but between 4:45PM today and sometime tomorrow I'll be only having water/electrolyte water. I haven't water fasted in SO long, so it'll be interesting to see how easy/difficult it is. If it isn't too hard, I might start doing it more often, honestly! Anyway, my laptop is about to die so I'm gonna charge it, I'll update back here a little later!
Okay water fast was a bust, but breaking it did encourage me to fix my accountability so that it's actually day-to-day accurate. I won't be here long, right now I'm having another really scary dissociative episode, it set in as I made the other and I'm actively fighting it as I type this. I had so much McDonald's ugh but it tasted very good so at least the day wasn't wasted on crap. Hopefully the weigh in tomorrow isn't bad, mildly worried about it but I have hope it won't be too awful. After I eat tomorrow I'm gonna try going back to low res, I think. Just for a while. Need to pick up some groceries...
~Hufflepuff | INFP | 9w1 | They/Them | Pisces~
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find, 'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
~Migraine, twenty one pilots
"I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart.
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement, their fate, much like yours or mine, had already been decided." ~Find Me, Forest Blakk
"Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today,
End of my ways as a walking denial
My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case." ~Addict With a Pen, twenty one pilots
☆°・:・。 romanticizing control 。・:・゚☆
Posted 15 May 2022 - 06:26 PM
☆°・:・。 hello!! 。・:・゚☆
welcome to my accountability
she/her, 20, barista
diagnosed with depression/anxiety, ednos
height: 5'5
sw: 187.0
cw: 187.0 / 84.8 kg
gw: 175 / 79kg
ugw: 88 / 39kg
I have celiac so i will be eating gluten free. I was thinking about doing keto too but not atm. so everything i eat will be gluten free.
hiii you can call me berry
I have been gone for quite some time due to recovery and finally being able to love myself after 5 years with an ed. well um
that has now changed lol. idrk what happened but my mental health has been tough lately and it is getting better
but idk i feel like i do not have control, so i basically just want that control back and feel like i am in control again hehe.
i'll be posting everyday my intake. idk if im going to count calories yet but i will be soon. i might also be posting meal pics and other pics from my life
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
post layout:
(i will be only weighing in once a week)
☆°: berry :☆
1st: 175
2nd: 165
3rd: 155
4th: 145
Posted 15 May 2022 - 06:39 PM
☆°・:・。 05.15.22 。・:・゚☆
187.0 / 84kg
(i will be only weighing in once a week)
brekkie: mcdonalds caramel coffee
lunch: butter chicken w/ rice
dinner: rest of rice w/ seasoned chicken (made sausage but i didn't eat it cause i don't like it)
today was a really good day! yesterday i got a cat hehe so i spent my morning with her. she's so freakin cute. then me and my roomie went and got coffee and went to a few stores. I ended up getting a lot of cute things!! i got a new perfume hehe cause I've been wanting a decent one recently. I also got a few stickers that are clear for my window (they make rainbows) and then a super cute sun catcher also!! i was sooo excited when i saw them cause i saw it on shein last year but never got it sooo i had to get it. i also got a friday the 13th tattoo. ik its sunday now but on friday i had signed up to get one and they still did them throughout the weekend for $20 so of course i had to still go. my roomie even went so we got new tatts hehe. i also got another one on friday so i am getting a lot haha.
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
Posted 16 May 2022 - 06:09 PM
☆°・:・。 05.16.22 。・:・゚☆
brekkie: egg (90) sausage (180) cheese (77) tomato (22) green pepper (15)
lunch: n/a
dinner: tortilla chips (160) nacho cheese (140) chocolate pudding (240)
snack: cold press (9) sf caramel syrup (20) caramel syrup (48) 2% milk (122)
total: 1,123
okay so today was good! i had a long ass day tho at work. i worked from 530am - 1pm. it was really long. but then i came home and chilled and read Wintergirls. Wintergirls is my fave ed book. reminds me of my days when i first restricted lol. i love the writing of it and it is what i aspire to write like. also today i got out of the house! this was big more me since my roomie was at work until 8. my brother had a baseball game in my college town so i went. it was chilly. the winds gave me goosebumps while the players were hitting the ball and running. running like i could never lol. i got dinner from my dad hehe so i did not have to make anything at home. love when that happens haha.
how was everyone today? also if anyone has an ed insta plzzz message me and i can give you mine and we can be friends hehe : )
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
Posted 17 May 2022 - 06:33 PM
☆°・:・。 05.17.22 。・:・゚☆
- 2/ 0.9kg
brekkie: egg (90) sausage (180) cheese (77) tomato (22) green pepper (15)
lunch: n/a
dinner: binge - cheeto puffs, chai blender w/ whip, spicy chicken w/ rice (purged) 3 meatballs
snack: americano (0) sf chai syrup (0) 2% milk (120) chocolate pudding (240)
total: unkown
today was crazy. I am kinda upset cause i binged. i was doing so well today. i went to the gym and burned 200 cals and had a plan for dinner to stay under 1,200 cals for the day. well i ended up going on a road trip with my roomie and i was not doing well. i was so weak feeling. we stopped for a bathroom break and i got a diet dr. pepper to kill some cravings. well it did not work i just felt awful and weak. my body felt like it hasn't eaten in days. it was not good. when we were almost home we stopped again and i ended up getting cheeto puffs and a chai blender from scooters. then i went home and ate my planned dinner. but i was so full cause of allll that i ate so i purged. i purged most of my dinner and got to the chai but had to stop cause the chai was low key gross and tasted like cough/sick medicine but i drank it anyways so it coming back up was even more terrible so i had to stop. then i was starving again so i ate 3 small itty meatballs and currently as i am writing this i am again hungry but i cannot eat. i refuse. i hope tomorrow goes better and i think i am gonna make a protein shake to get me through mornings and figure out what makes me feel more full so i do not feel so weak. i only binged cause i was feeling so terrible. i am gonna continue to browse on here and read wintergirls. i hope everyone had a good day. i am also glad tho cause i had to weigh myself tonight cause i just had to know my weight and i have lost 2 pounds so i am happy cause of that!! okie night everyone : )
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
Posted 18 May 2022 - 08:46 AM
01. may 25, 2022 | PW: 183.2 lbs | AW: ???.? lbs
Posted 18 May 2022 - 06:38 PM
☆°・:・。 05.18.22。・:・゚☆
brekkie: cheddar cheese burrito (280)
lunch: strawberry smoothie (187)
dinner: ziti & meatballs (330) mixed berry muffin (482)
snack: protein shake w/ pumpkin spice (170) (did not drink all but still counting it)
totat: 1,449
okay so decent day! went to the store this morning to get more milk to make a protein shake. while i was at the store i got walden farms whipped peanut butter. i was so so hoping to would taste at least a little good. well. the smell of it smells chemically. i tased it and it tastes chemically too lol. idk what i was expecting BUT there is a lil nutty taste so if i put it in like a shake or something hopefully it'll taste decent. anyways i was not that hungry today which was good. except i had to have a moment where i was like "why am i doing this, i need to eat" blah blah blah bullshit. so i went and got a gf muffin. it was good but it too like 10 minuets of debate in my head to actually get it and i almost started crying. but like i can not eat normal. i feel like my life is boring and way too normal if i am not restricting. like if i eat normal then what am i gonna think about or look forward too??? i know way to much about my ed and get way to excited to come on here and also restrict like whoops lol. i hope im not the only one. so i counted it in my cals for the day and i think it still counts as high restricting cause i did not binge so. but i did buy other muffins and now i have 2 muffins chilling in my kitchen. FUCK i also got a coffee. that makes my total to 1,783, fmllll. i estimated it to be (334) cals. i over estimate things unless i know exactly how many cals are in it, so like if it says on the label but like things like iced mochas i gotta guess. ahh okay hopefully it does not make me gain. okay okay im gonna browse here some more and go to bed and try not to freak tf out on my own doings. i hope everyone had a good day
Posted 18 May 2022 - 09:49 PM
Hey Berry!
following along!
Somewhere out there someone will notice me
Starting weight: 282.3
Current weight: 268.8 >.<
Height: 5'7
Goals & Rewards
Gw1: 240 - new nail polish Gw2: 220 - new book Gw3: 200 - new game
Gw4: 170 - new shoes Gw5: 150 - new bag Gw6: 130 - new skinny jeans
Gw7: 120 - new dress Ugw: 110 - new wardrobe!
Posted 19 May 2022 - 06:17 PM
☆°・:・。 05.19.22 。・:・゚☆
brekkie: strawberry banana smoothie (195)
lunch: cheese, rice, and bean burrito (280)
snacks: 2 pumpkin muffins (656) cheeto puffs (231)
dinner: bagel w/ cream cheese and salmon (??) baked sweat potato (202) butter (102) brown sugar (50)
total: 1,717 counted calories but not the actual total, actual total is unknown
so today was okay. work was good except i got sent home early :/ and my work schedule changed for next week to less hours but oh well lol. after i got home tho i decided i needed to eat again like a normal person so i had two pumpkin muffins and cheeto puffs. hey with those and my sweet potato dinner i was under 2,000 but now since i ate a bagel with it, it has to be over than 2,000. how annoying. i wish my brain would slow tf down and let me do what i want. i do not want to eat, so stop making me lol. i went on a walk with my roommates and it was fun! i mean i spaced out the whole time and was in my own world but it was still fun. I think im gonna start walking more haha. so right now i guess im on high restriction. i think that is what is gonna be best for now to reduce less binges. I haven't really "binged" i mean i have but i purged and i count today as "normal" eating and not a binge cause i was not nearly as full as i was when i normally binge. so its okay ig. also today i got new batteries for my scale cause the other ones weren't working. i weighed myself tho and it says im 134.2????? (this was before my binge so it's different now) but like??? losing 3lbs in a week???? i low key might bye another scale so i can compare the two lol oops. okay time to go to bed cause i work at 530 am. also!! tomorrow i go grocery shopping yesssss so excited because i can buy low calorie food hehe. okie hope everyone has a good rest of their day.
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
- Ravenshollow likes this
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Posted 19 May 2022 - 06:49 PM

I think walking is a great idea! I need to do as much as i can handle, but get as much as you can it’s always great to burn extra calories! hehehe
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Somewhere out there someone will notice me
Starting weight: 282.3
Current weight: 268.8 >.<
Height: 5'7
Goals & Rewards
Gw1: 240 - new nail polish Gw2: 220 - new book Gw3: 200 - new game
Gw4: 170 - new shoes Gw5: 150 - new bag Gw6: 130 - new skinny jeans
Gw7: 120 - new dress Ugw: 110 - new wardrobe!
Posted 20 May 2022 - 03:06 AM
Ravenshollow, on 19 May 2022 - 6:49 PM, said:
Any reason you got sent home early? you don’t have to share if you don’t want to
I think walking is a great idea! I need to do as much as i can handle, but get as much as you can it’s always great to burn extra calories! hehehe
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
oh yeah i forgot to mention it oops. it was because our sales have been low but we were in the middle of a rush and leaving only 3 people and that’s tough in a rush. so it didn’t make sense to me lol. and i know! i’ve walked on a treadmill and it’s sooo much easier to walk outside! i like looking and hearing everything!!
Posted 20 May 2022 - 12:51 PM
daintyyflower, on 20 May 2022 - 03:06 AM, said:
oh yeah i forgot to mention it oops. it was because our sales have been low but we were in the middle of a rush and leaving only 3 people and that’s tough in a rush. so it didn’t make sense to me lol. and i know! i’ve walked on a treadmill and it’s sooo much easier to walk outside! i like looking and hearing everything!!
Oh I hate when sales are slow! Hope your day was good today
Somewhere out there someone will notice me
Starting weight: 282.3
Current weight: 268.8 >.<
Height: 5'7
Goals & Rewards
Gw1: 240 - new nail polish Gw2: 220 - new book Gw3: 200 - new game
Gw4: 170 - new shoes Gw5: 150 - new bag Gw6: 130 - new skinny jeans
Gw7: 120 - new dress Ugw: 110 - new wardrobe!
Posted 20 May 2022 - 07:05 PM
☆°・:・。 05.20.22 。・:・゚☆
brekkie: berry smoothie (210)
lunch: chips (?) white coffee w/ pumpkin and white chocolate (?)
dinner: burger (?) w/ bacon (?) onion (?) mashed poatao and cauliflower (?)
snack: 2 rice cake (?) strawberry jam (?) strawberry rhubarb cake thing (?)
total: ????
today was okay. work was alright except i get in like this feeling everyday where i feel like im sowing down and i dissociate and feel a little outside of my body. this happens every morning. and idk i decided to actually eat chips and make myself a drink. then i went home and regretted it. the only good thing is when i tend to eat time goes faster than when i don't lol, anyone else? then i went grocery shopping hehe. i took video of it for a vlog, so ill post that here when i am done! i got some safe foods and those will be posed below. i was gonna get my snack before but decided against it but then my dad asked me if i wanted to go out for dinner and i said yes so i eventually went out an got it. i ended up purging a bit of it. then i went to dinner and it was good! but then came home and talked to my roomies and then tried purging my dinner. i would say i only got about 1/4 at most out. kinda disappointing but unless im overly stuffed it's apparently hard to get it all out. i was gonna go for a walk before dinner but decided against it and tried how to edit my video, did not get very far as i am using a new software to edit and don't know what i am doing so i have to look up videos lol. okay i have to wake up at 530am so im gonna go to bed. hopefully everyone had a good day! ooooh ooooh i also ordered another scale! i ordered it so i can compare it to my other scale lol. also this one is fancy and can connect to my phone. i also order a paperback version of wintergirls so i can tear out pages. i have been reading it online and it was only $7 on amazon so i plan on tearing pages and putting into my journal. okie night!
some stuff from my grocery haul
☆°・:・。 berry 。・:・゚☆
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Posted Yesterday, 09:28 PM
I need to re-read winter girls
Somewhere out there someone will notice me
Starting weight: 282.3
Current weight: 268.8 >.<
Height: 5'7
Goals & Rewards
Gw1: 240 - new nail polish Gw2: 220 - new book Gw3: 200 - new game
Gw4: 170 - new shoes Gw5: 150 - new bag Gw6: 130 - new skinny jeans
Gw7: 120 - new dress Ugw: 110 - new wardrobe!
Posted Yesterday, 12:40 PM
Choco_Bitch_612, on 21 May 2022 - 11:48 AM, said:
ur definitely nowhere near fat! fluctuation is always frustrating tho with the way you've been eating, ur definitely losing even if it's not rlly showing on the scale.
thank you <3 i really hope thats the case
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"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#45 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #45](
Posted Yesterday, 12:42 PM
im retaining water in my stomach i pressed down on it and it left an indent.
i died inside a little.
today i will finish my drawing and work on a new one !!!!
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"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#46 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #46](
Posted Yesterday, 06:50 PM
only had around 710 but im rounding it just in case. ive felt sick and head ache all day. and 0im bored. i cant focus on anything
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"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
Posted Yesterday, 07:43 PM
Im so fucking hungry. My head feels so strange. All i desire to do right now is binge and purge ramen. Idk if i will considered I’m not supposed to be eating gluten, or heavily processed foods. My brain is such fucking cancer. It whispers to me that we can just purge and it will be like it never happened.
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Posted Yesterday, 07:50 PM
1. No dairy
2. No gluten
3. No added sugar
4. No alcohol
5. No giving up
I’ll be focusing on whole foods and aiming to break my addiction to processed foods. Ive been caught in a binge/restrict cycle for a year now and it fucking sucks ass. So we are hardcore pushing restriction. Gonna try for 500-1000 calorie limit.
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Posted 08 May 2022 - 07:02 PM
Today I ate:
A bowl of krave cereal: 300
Coffee with milk: 30
Lunch: one small chicken strip: 100 and a chocolate croissant: 350
A double decker bar: 220
A chocolate muesli bar: 100
Dinner: a slice of buttered bread: 150 and a small bowl of homemade cheese and broccoli soup: 200
Accidentally smashed a large and important glass item of husband's, I had put it in a stupid and overhead place and the cleanup was horrendous and I still pricked my foot on a bit afterwards and I feel so bad about it
Chocolate caramel nougat bar: 190
Tea with milk and sugar: 50
Total: 1700ish gotta go
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 09 May 2022 - 06:07 PM
Today I ate:
A bowl of krave cereal: 300
Coffee with milk: 30
A caramel dream bar: 190
Half a tin of soup: 100 and half a buttered baguette: 280
A double decker bar: 220
A chocolate chip rice cake: 70
A tiny bowl of a new cereal: 100
Dinner: two sweet chili braised chicken thigh fillets: 200 and yakisoba: 300
After eights: 250
Coffee with milk: 30
Tea with milk and sugar: 50
Resisted another snack
I was on my feet a lot, cleaning and cooking. It was a chill work day.
Total: 2120
If I just halve my intake, I can lose weight.
I have our meals planned out for the next week and a half to save money. Let's go.
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 10 May 2022 - 05:34 PM
Today I ate:
A buttered crumpet: 150
Coffee with milk: 30
Homemade cheese and broccoli soup: 150 and a quarter of a buttered Baguette: 150
Half a 250g bag of m&ms: 610 and most of a bottle of iced mocha: 140
Purged, or tried to
Six after eights: 210
Dinner: braised pork and rice: 450
Chocolate waffle: 190
Total: 2080
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 11 May 2022 - 07:14 PM
Slept in through breakfast
Lunch: Chicken sandwiches: 350
Chocolate: 250
Dinner: soup and buttered bread: 450
Mars bar: 220
2 homemade chocolate chip muffins: 450
Small handful of shreddies: 30
Coffees: 60
Tea: 50
Total: 1860 but I'm probably forgetting stuff
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 12 May 2022 - 06:18 PM
Today I ate:
Ok now I got that out...
Breakfast: buttered crumpet 150
Coffee and milk 30
Mars bar 220
Egg and cheese sandwich 200
Gotta go.. butts
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 13 May 2022 - 05:29 PM
Breakfast: chocolate cereal and milk: 300
Two ripple bars: 450
Lunch: leftover curry 450
Rice cake: 60
Coffees: 100
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese: 700
Doughnuts: 600
Coffee: 30
Rice cake: 60
Mulled wine 100
Total 2850+
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 14 May 2022 - 06:40 PM
I'm starting a 30 day squat challenge today.
I did 10 squats, tomorrow is 15.
Ok, I don't remember all of what I had today but I'll try
Breakfast: buttered crumpet 150
Coffee: 30
Lunch: chicken sandwiches: 350
Coffee 30
0.75 sandwiches: 300
KitKat pieces: 250
Chicken, bao and rice: 700
Watermelon monster ultra
Coffee 30
Breadstick 25
Mulled wine 400
Total 2275+
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 15 May 2022 - 05:19 PM
Did my 15 squats, tomorrow is 20
Breakfast: porridge oats and milk: 300
Magic stars: 250
Lunch: leftover spaghetti, mince, sauce and cheese: 400
Coffee: 30
Strawberries and sugar: 50
Went walking for food shopping, a bit over an hour
Caramel croissant: 350 (refund please)
Dinner: rice, teriyaki pulled chicken, garlic mushroom, fried egg: 500
2x chocolate caramel bars: 400
Total: 2280
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 16 May 2022 - 08:43 AM
Coffee: 20
Lunch: egg and cheese sandwich: 200
Jelly babies: 300
Apple jelly sweets: 700
Dinner: burrito 700
Chocolate: 300
Total: 2420+
Did my 20 squats before bed.
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 17 May 2022 - 05:19 PM
Lunch: chicken sandwich 350
Banana milk 250
Tea 20
Burrito 700
Coffee 50
Total 1400
We went to meet daughters future teacher tonight. It was really nice. Stressful as heck day though! Got my coffee bday presents from my mum in advance
I ended up getting there to drop daughter off super stressed and almost cried and was open about my husband's stressed out apparent passive aggressiveness getting to me which I regret.
It's hard to have 2 conversations and resolve conflict via text and figure out how I'm getting from a to b at the same time without imploding lmao
But I feel shitty about it
Today was a rest day but I ignored it and did 20 squats before bed anyway. Tomorrow is 25
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 18 May 2022 - 05:25 PM
Went for a short walk with husband
Took daughter to the library
Breakfast: chocolate cereal: 350
Lunch: egg and cheese sandwich 200
Entire bag of chocolate pretzels: 440
Dinner: burrito 800
Cherry Bakewell 300
Homemade chocolate muffin 250
Coffees 100
Total: 2440
Work was tough and didn't feel productive- I'm running behind but I got a new approach near the end.
Made muffins
Got 3 gbop matches in
I really need to reply to a bunch of people.
Also the kitchen is a disaster (but at least the sink is empty)
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 19 May 2022 - 05:17 AM
Homemade chocolate muffin: 250
Coffee: 30
Muesli bar: 100
Lunch: chicken sandwich 350
Binged, purged, let's call it 600
Dinner: pizza 700
Yum-yum: 320
Chocolate 350
Vodka: 400?.. and Coke zero
Total: like 3200
Did my 30 squats
It's my 28th birthday tomorrow.
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted 20 May 2022 - 06:57 PM
It was surprisingly a pretty great birthday! I was in a suspiciously good mood and got my hair dyed black
Husband was super cute and awesome
I ate sooooo much today.
Breakfast: chocolate waffle: 190
Lunch: chicken sandwich 350
Large matcha milk tea with pearls: 600
Coffees: 100
Some of a huge pizza box full of kebab meats, naan, chips, salad and fried starters: ??? 1400?
Vodka: 200
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
Posted Yesterday, 06:06 PM
(That's now enough to make me sweaty!)
Breakfast: 2 ripples (66g): 350
Lunch: fish finger sandwiches: 375
Cookie: 300
Dinner: rice, garlic and ginger minced beef: 500
Sweets: 300
Giant pancake with jam: 300?
Muffin: 300
Coffee and teas: 100
that's super kami guru to you
Daily reminder that if you ate at a deficit you lost weight even if the scale hasn't budged
The more you feed the binge monster, the longer he will stay.
Have him in for a cup of tea then send him on his way.
240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220
219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200
199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180
179 178 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160
159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140
139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120
27 | 5, 9" | BMI 22.6 | 32C | Works in IT
terrible food log very bad dont look
Posted 16 May 2022 - 12:08 AM
day 127, mon 16 may
BMI 23.0 today
exercise: 1hr40min walkign outside
steps: 17055 (7pm, might do some pacing to help break in my new boots lol)
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: 1tbsp fibre, lettuce wrap w tinned tuna and bean sprouts (145), piece of candy (32)
evening: 1tbsp fibre, 400g kiwi and banana and mandarins (260), slice of rye toast w processed cheese (185), 180g almonds and cashews (180), piece of candy (32), tea
dunno why but my brother brought pizza hut at like 3pm which like ????????? meant there was no dinner though me mam was going to make delicious soup that i stuck around at home for but tHeRe'S lEfToVeR pIzZa FoR dInNeR so just ended up grazing instead which i dont hate but suddenly changing plans makes me ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻
oh well i splurged and had some toast today and i dont really think about toast that much but damn is it the food of gods or what
total: 834
good night

this is what taco does to my clothes

Posted 17 May 2022 - 12:00 AM
day 128, tue 17 may
exercise: 5km jog + 1.4km walk, 40min wlaking
steps: 16484 (7pm, gonna pace a bit in the new boots some more)
man i am TIRED today and also yesterday too
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: powerade and a piece of candy (40)
evening: hard boiled egg (80), rice w kimchi and fermented soybeans (210), broth with vege and taro and also another egg (300), 1tbsp fibre, piece of candy (32), tea
good thing i ate those random eggs in the fridge (if theres random boiled eggs in the fridge then i EAT THEM) bc we're having indian takeout tomorrow which is delicious but terrifying cuz unknown calories also me mam always gets rice AND naan so like ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ) i might end up going out anyway but either way we on a 24hr fast now ig
as in ill be having basically the same lunch as today bc i still have 14 candies to go through lol
total: 662
good night

Posted 18 May 2022 - 02:10 AM
day 129, wed 18 may
exercise: 50min walking around the city
steps: 11557
im still tired as hell today like wow
better after like 5pm though
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: monster energy and a piece of candy (46)
evening: 1tbsp fibre, 1 papadum (50), most of a garlic naan (250-300?), indian curry takeout (400?), piece of candy (32)
indian takeout is mmmmmm but i couldnt guess the calories to save my life lmao i dont think any of it had cream in it though
anyway me mam got two more weeks off work (total nine weeks i think) but she can go to the office for office stuff now
so im still having dinner at home most days but finally getting the house to myself again sometimes which is nice
late evening: mcdonalds - two coke zero slushies, one chicken nugget (50)
i met up with bf after dinner cuz his work is like a 2minute drive and i gave him the leftover curry which was great
we went to mcdonalds for snacks and i got a coke zero slushy which for whatever reason i didnt trust at all probably because ive never had a coke zero slushy before and it was just so sweet so we went back and got another coke zero slushy and a regular coke slushy to compare them and we're both PRETTY SURE that i just had two coke zero slushies and not an extra like 300 calories lol
total: 800-1000?
good night

chicken saagwala, pumpkin curry, and fish masala
all mild bc me mam doesn't handle spicy very well zzz
Posted 19 May 2022 - 01:38 AM
day 130, thu 19 may
literally everyday this week like 62.1 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 62.3 ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
finally had a BOWEL MOVEMENT though (after weighing) so theres that
exercise: 4.2km jog + 1km walk IN THE RAIN, 35min walking outside
steps: 14210
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: 1tbsp fibre, 2 slices high protein wholemeal taost w 10g yeast spread at like 4pm (200)
went to the bakery and the lady gave me free samples of one of their sandwich breads so thats a win
10g protein too so double win
evening: 1tbsp fibre, 6 pieces salmon&avocado sushi (250), some chicken salad from my bf's uneaten lunch (100), vegan choc cake (400), coke, tea
went out for dinner w bf and we got delicious sushi and then instead of our usual halotop dessert we decided to try some CAKE and i had a whole slice and it was too many calories lmfaooofaoaofao also 16g saturated fat??????????????/ but i told myself that i was gonna do it so i did it and it was quite nice i dunno if i wanna do it again though it took me like 30 solid minutes
total: 950-1000
good night

Posted 19 May 2022 - 01:19 PM
CleverCookie, on 16 May 2022 - 12:08 AM, said:
day 127, mon 16 may
BMI 23.0 today
exercise: 1hr40min walkign outsidesteps: 17055 (7pm, might do some pacing to help break in my new boots lol)
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: 1tbsp fibre, lettuce wrap w tinned tuna and bean sprouts (145), piece of candy (32)
evening: 1tbsp fibre, 400g kiwi and banana and mandarins (260), slice of rye toast w processed cheese (185), 180g almonds and cashews (180), piece of candy (32), tea
dunno why but my brother brought pizza hut at like 3pm which like ????????? meant there was no dinner though me mam was going to make delicious soup that i stuck around at home for but tHeRe'S lEfToVeR pIzZa FoR dInNeR so just ended up grazing instead which i dont hate but suddenly changing plans makes me ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻
oh well i splurged and had some toast today and i dont really think about toast that much but damn is it the food of gods or what
total: 834
good night
I haven't been keeping up with your thread omggg, I promise, my second-last exam is tomorrow, I'm gonna get back and binge-read all of your posts <3
taco is ADORBSSS omg he makes me wanna have a pet of my ownnn. Here's goes trying to convince my parents lmao
- CleverCookie likes this
- Like This
Posted 20 May 2022 - 12:09 AM
Bleak Cucumber, on 19 May 2022 - 1:19 PM, said:
I haven't been keeping up with your thread omggg, I promise, my second-last exam is tomorrow, I'm gonna get back and binge-read all of your posts <3
taco is ADORBSSS omg he makes me wanna have a pet of my ownnn. Here's goes trying to convince my parents lmao
daw its okay dont feel bad about not keeping up with threads (*ノ▽ノ)
yooo taco is SO ADORBS ive had him for years and i still cant get over how precious he is LOL
i totally recommend having a pet, i mean as long as you can take good care of it and commit to it and stuff of course
i wouldnt recommend a parrot tbh since theyyyy arrreee a handdfullllllllll, but my petting sessions with taco are sooooo therapeutic ( ̄▽ ̄)
ive had a few birds, some fish, lots of cats, never a dog but 100% in the future will have a doggo
even just having, like, a desk/window plant is super nice lmao
something to take of yknow?
oh and i have a turtle that i like to watch for a bit everyday he's super chill
Posted 20 May 2022 - 12:50 AM
day 131, fri 20 may
exercise: 1hr15min walkign outside
steps: 11083 (might pace around later in my boots again)
eating a whole slice of dense cake and still losing almost a pound overnight is a good way to start the day
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: gum
driving over the harbour in 90km/hr gusts was ~spicy~ also i sat in traffic for like an hour and a half today wtf
evening: 5pm - 1tbsp fibre and 1 slice high protein wholemeal toast w 10g yeast spread (111), tea, 1tbsp fibre, 7.15pm - rice and 3 pork&vege katsu skewers with sauce (650), TWO pieces of candy cuz i can have whatever the hell i want (64), more tea
total: 850ish
tomorrow im either going out for dinner with bf at that korean place again or smth or getting really really drunk idk yet
good night

half the bread makes twice as much spread!

Posted Yesterday, 03:18 AM
CleverCookie, on 20 May 2022 - 12:09 AM, said:
daw its okay dont feel bad about not keeping up with threads (*ノ▽ノ)
yooo taco is SO ADORBS ive had him for years and i still cant get over how precious he is LOL
i totally recommend having a pet, i mean as long as you can take good care of it and commit to it and stuff of course
i wouldnt recommend a parrot tbh since theyyyy arrreee a handdfullllllllll, but my petting sessions with taco are sooooo therapeutic ( ̄▽ ̄)
ive had a few birds, some fish, lots of cats, never a dog but 100% in the future will have a doggo
even just having, like, a desk/window plant is super nice lmao
something to take of yknow?
oh and i have a turtle that i like to watch for a bit everyday he's super chill
Loll my problem is that I'm not gonna have time to take care of a pet....which fair enough is a good reason to deny me having one. When we first moved to the US, my brother had a cockatiel and loooll it only liked my brother, never me. He sold it not long after (i guess I was a handful of a child already sadly)
I've had more than 10 cats in my entire life, chickens, pigeons, fish, and rabbits! Quite the farm lmao! We still have chickens and cats at our other house (we're currently building a school there)
And yes, I would LOVE to, but with the heat here, we can't keep soil indoors because it leads to bugs and flies :/
- CleverCookie likes this
- Like This
Posted Yesterday, 02:38 PM
day 132, sat 21 may
exercise: 5km jog + 1.5km walk
steps: 15623
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: two pizza bread cracker things (50), tea
evening: FOOOOOD - philly cheesesteak, empanada, dandan noodle soup, cheeseburger hoagie, 2tbsp fibre, coke, tea, 2 pieces of gum
bf and i ended up going to the city to the best food court where all the cool trendy people go and its just so godly in there everything is amazing
theres this one stall that does american hoagie sandwich things and its filthy and messy and really just needs to go back to america cuz that shit is dangerous
oh im also typing this up the morning after since we were out till late and bf stayed over and this morning and im down to 62.0kg so its a win
bf hoovered up a majority of the food we got lmao
also my BOWELS paid for those dandan noodles after i weighed so im probably comfortably in the 61s
total: <1000 probably, or close to 1000 idk
good night

we went to this supermarket thing thats all about wholefoods and international foods and stuff so that was super fun and we got this overpriced bag of imported italian snacks

philly cheesesteak
the bread was insanely soft like wtf delicioius
i had like two bites lol but omfg i died

lamb& vege empanada and chicken&brie empanada
i had like half of each

dandan noodle soup
this was a solid 9/10 just the fact that i didnt even know dandan can be a soup also needed a bit more spice and a good bit more sichuan but damn it was tasty
i had probably like 100-150cal of noodles and a lot of the soup lol

double cheeseburger hoagie from the philly cheesesteak place again
i had like a third of it
cooking the meat on a flattop grill is LIFE CHANGING
also american cheese
Posted Yesterday, 05:51 PM
Bleak Cucumber, on 21 May 2022 - 03:18 AM, said:
Loll my problem is that I'm not gonna have time to take care of a pet....which fair enough is a good reason to deny me having one. When we first moved to the US, my brother had a cockatiel and loooll it only liked my brother, never me. He sold it not long after
(i guess I was a handful of a child already sadly)
I've had more than 10 cats in my entire life, chickens, pigeons, fish, and rabbits! Quite the farm lmao! We still have chickens and cats at our other house (we're currently building a school there)
And yes, I would LOVE to, but with the heat here, we can't keep soil indoors because it leads to bugs and flies :/
awwww it makes me so sad when people cant take care of their pets anymore and have to give them away
its best for the animal i suppose, i just always think about how confused and stressed they'll be and just ugh
so many neglected pets in the world T.T
but yoooo chickens and pigeons sounds SO COOL, i would LOVE to have a small pigeon coop or something one day i love pigeons lol
Posted Today, 12:36 AM
day 133, sun 22 may
exercise: 1hr20min walking outside, 30min more walking outside
steps: 15697
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: monster energy (10), like two thirds of a mcdonalds cheeseburger (210), 1tbsp fibre
SO bf and i have started a scientific experiment to find something close to american cheese since it doesnt exist here aside from trade secrets and that shit really hits different
we're both still very traumatized from the hoagies we had yesterday and the fact that we just have to live with that knowledge that that stall exists now forever until we die
our first test cheese was a pack of individuallyw rapped processed cheddar slices from the supermarket and then we went to mcdonalds and got a normal cheeseburger and a cheeseless cheeseburger but the lady gave use two cheeseless cheeseburgers instead so we had to go back and get another normal cheeseburger and then compared it to the cheeseless cheeseburger with our test cheese added to it and came to the conclusion that our test cheese (which is 53% chedder i think) was sharper and more flavourful compared to the normal mcdonalds cheese despite the fact that mcdonalds lists "cheese flavour" as an added ingredient to their cheese slices so next time we'll be getting a milder cheese also the texture of the test cheese was softer and gooey-er than the mcdonalds cheese which i think is because we used the individually wrapped plastic cheese rather than the actual slice-on-slice cheese that a burger bussiness would order in bulk which would be more melt-y
yeah so we had three cheeseburgers so i ended up having half of one so bf doesn't get diabetes too fast yknow
was planning on just the monster and a couple bites of burger but its whatever
evening: 1tbsp fibre, sticky rice w chicken and fungi (500-600?), piece of candy (32), tea
like the fifth time in a row having weekly night market food with me mam
i wanted to get dry spicy noodles but i ended up freaking out and got the sticky rice which is like my "panic buy" lmao
total: 750-850
past couple days have been devoid of fresh fruit or vege (ง ื▿ ื)ว
good night

you can tell which one is the supermarket cheddar slice cuz it doesn't have added colour in it
looks kind of cursed

Posted Today, 01:11 AM
CleverCookie, on 21 May 2022 - 2:38 PM, said:
day 132, sat 21 may
exercise: 5km jog + 1.5km walksteps: 15623
morning: green tea, coffee
afternoon: two pizza bread cracker things (50), tea
evening: FOOOOOD - philly cheesesteak, empanada, dandan noodle soup, cheeseburger hoagie, 2tbsp fibre, coke, tea, 2 pieces of gum
bf and i ended up going to the city to the best food court where all the cool trendy people go and its just so godly in there everything is amazing
theres this one stall that does american hoagie sandwich things and its filthy and messy and really just needs to go back to america cuz that shit is dangerous
oh im also typing this up the morning after since we were out till late and bf stayed over and this morning and im down to 62.0kg so its a win
bf hoovered up a majority of the food we got lmao
also my BOWELS paid for those dandan noodles after i weighed so im probably comfortably in the 61s
total: <1000 probably, or close to 1000 idk
good night
double cheeseburger hoagie from the philly cheesesteak place again
i had like a third of it
cooking the meat on a flattop grill is LIFE CHANGING
also american cheese[/spoiler]
Finally got time to catch up, so here we go
I was just wondering... is it like a tradition that your family goes out to eat or to the food market? Cause when I look at I don't go out. I mean like I do, but it's rare that any of my family members is free enough to go out and chill and eat. And we have a lot of drama in our family and misunderstandings and shit so the experience being together isn't....entirely pleasant.
I just think that's it's really cool that you're able to "bond" with your family in such a way! <3
Posted Today, 01:17 AM
CleverCookie, on 21 May 2022 - 5:51 PM, said:
awwww it makes me so sad when people cant take care of their pets anymore and have to give them away
its best for the animal i suppose, i just always think about how confused and stressed they'll be and just ugh
so many neglected pets in the world T.T
but yoooo chickens and pigeons sounds SO COOL, i would LOVE to have a small pigeon coop or something one day i love pigeons lol
Probably, but like the bond that you share with the animal ...ahhhh it hurts my heart to imagine how abandoned the animal must be feeling!
Awwwwww yess, they quite cool to have around! We get fresh eggs everyday looll, what a perk One thing we try and do when someone is sick in our family, not sure if it's a religious thing or cultural thing, we buy a pigeon and set it free, and then also put food out for any other pigeons that are around.
Posted Today, 01:07 AM
|| 5/21/22
- weight:: 98.8
- bmi:: 17.0
- intake:: 1230kcal
- steps:: 16,015
- exercise:: rest day
|| food pictures
- cereal with cashew milk and vitamins (185kcal)
- zevia soda (0kcal)
- veg cheese pizza (800kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
aaaa okay so i wrote the entire thing out for today because like the first 3/4ths of the day were kinda sucky
(im kind of losing my mind im so excited)
firstly im gonna summarize the bad stuff just because itll be good to get off my chest.
had a mini meltdown
my family always goes to church on saturday before we have pizza and a movie
now normally, my dad stays home (apparently it was because hes been painting/working on the bathroom upstairs)
but today of all days he decided to come
which was bad because then we cant leave the oven on with NOBODY at the house.
and our lower oven is broken pretty much- so it takes about 5x as long to heat up as the upper oven
hence, the oven gets shut off and cools down, we come home an hour later and have to heat it up all over again
which means pizza would be delayed
which means my whole night would be ruined.
so because im a very logical person
i cried the whole way driving down to church
which was super embarrassing
and over something so stupid???
but i did.
it ended up working out fine because my mom had my dad drive me and my brother home straight after communion (he takes a separate car) so i could turn the oven back on.
at least my mom didnt really yell at me ?
she was actually weirdly understanding
awesomely my neck still hurts
its not like unbearable or anything so i guess its fine,
but yeah
thats most of the bad stuff
it sounds way less worse than it was in the moment
but i think thats because im recounting it after calming down
what really turned the day around though
i got mcr tickets : )
im literally so excited right now i cant breathe
ive been wanting to get tickets for 2 1/2 years
when i first tried getting some, the only reasonably affordable ones were nosebleeds- and even then i would barely classify them as within price range.
(i cried when i couldnt get tickets the first time, another embarrassing moment from me )
and then ofc covid canceled/postponed shows anyway so i didnt bother much looking into tickets then
anyway a couple days ago it occurred to me that theres a second location thats about the same distance from where i live as the other one so i decided to check prices
for literally HALF the price of the crappy seats i had been eying earlier.
(i mean tbf they are located farther in the back but i really really dont care at this point)
so i talked with my mom and she volunteered (!!!) to go with me
and my parents are paying as part of my birthday gift since its not too far off from my birthday (4 days after) and they know how much ive wanted to see them :’)
(i was originally going to buy the tickets myself btw !)
so anyway
the point is
one, im a bit in shock
and two, also so unbelievably excited
(and i guess its a reminder that my parents really arent all that bad despite our disagreements)
now i just have to wait the 4 1/2 months until the concert :’)
(if anything i feel encouraged to practice as much harm reduction as possible so i dont fuck this up for myself lol. ahhhh mcr once again giving me my will to live)
- whatever.forever, BabyspiceXx and SadSun like this
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Posted Today, 01:13 AM
|| replies
BabyspiceXx, on 21 May 2022 - 07:10 AM, said:
sometimes i get that weird neck pain too! it's usually on days i sleep really strange, in a weird position. but i always just try to ... stretch? my neck out by slowly turning it more and more while letting myself get comfortable with the pain, and then by the next few days it's all back to normal!
and i don't think you're trying to blame your procrastination on an outside force, i think you're just trying to express how your environment exacerbates your tendency to procrastinate. you need to identify what's causing you to take the actions you take so there's nothing wrong with that!
thanks for the reassurance ^^"
im hoping my neck pain is from sleeping weird haha, wouldnt shock me as that happened before
(i move around in funny positions a lot in my sleep. i used to get pain in my hip flexors too because of it; not to mention the amount of times ive woken up to my entire arm being asleep because i was laying on top of it )
i did a little gentle stretching today and it helped a bit ! hopefully it resolves on its own within a day or so
- BabyspiceXx likes this
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Posted Today, 05:06 AM
Yoooo holy shit! That's so exciting!!!! I hope you have an epic time at the concert and I'm glad you were able to score tickets!!!
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18 - He/Him
I have dragon eggs! Click them to help them hatch
Height: 5'5.5" / 65.5in / 166cm
HW: 157lbs / 71kg / BMI 25.7
LW: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
CW: 146lbs / 66kg / BMI 23.9
SW: 149lbs / 67kg / BMI 24.4
GW1: 145lbs / 65kg / BMI 23.8
GW2: 140lbs / 63kg / BMI 22.9
GW3: 135lbs / 61kg / BMI 22.1
GW4: 130lbs / 59kg / BMI 21.3
GW5: 125lbs / 56kg / BMI 20.5
GW6: 120lbs / 54kg / BMI 19.7
GW7: 115lbs / 52kg / BMI 18.8
GW8: 110lbs / 49kg / BMI 18.0
UGW: 105lbs / 47kg / BMI 17.2
Updated May 20th, 2022
Posted 19 May 2022 - 03:39 PM
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
MAY 19
no weigh-in
water intake
1.5 / 2L
food intake
banana & apple: 150
toast with pb & banana: 360
trek bar raspberry white choc: 230
pita bread with falafel, hummus & salad: 550
vegan tiramisu: 280
total in: 1570
10 / 10k
total out: 2140
daily goals
☒ journal
☒ read book
☒ take a walk
☒ practice french
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
- kittenish, Kiichii and doll-frame like this
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Posted 20 May 2022 - 09:26 PM
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
MAY 20
no weigh-in
water intake
1 / 2L
food intake
grapes: 180
broccoli burger: 320
blueberries & strawberries: 230
trek bar chocolate (2): 460
veggie noodles: 320
total in: 1510
11 / 10k
total out: 2220
daily goals
☐ journal
☒ read book
☒ take a walk
☒ practice french
(pls don't quote pic <3)
would've worn black heeled boots with it but i was going to walk for an hour and i didn't want to risk getting blisters again haha.
if only my legs were thin though :c
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#46 ![🍭🍬 ₗₒₗₗᵢᵣₒₜ [ ᵣₒₜₜₑₙ ₒₙ ₜₕₑ ᵢₙₛᵢdₑ ₐccₒᵤₙₜₐbᵢₗᵢₜy ] 🍬🍭 [ ˢʷ ²³⁶.⁹ ⁻ ᶜʷ ²³³.⁰ ]: post #46](
Posted 20 May 2022 - 10:44 AM
I really wish I hadn't chose pink right after red. It's really hard to tell the change of the week after going between the two. But whatever. Going with blue next week. Either way. I have essentially ditched my original "diet plan" It's a great plan, and I may come back to it soon but right now I just need to focus on staying on track like I have been. I mean I'm not going to lose at the faster rate that I wanted, however I'm still going to lose. I am 11 days binge free and that makes me feel really good about myself which is something I haven't felt in a long time. Right now I'm just going to focus on each week making better choices, creating a larger deficit and increasing my steps. Along with not binge eating, choosing smaller portions and getting adequate sleep. Benedryl has been helping a lot so I might keep that as my routine. I need to start taking my daily vitamins to make up for the lack that I'm getting. I want to slowly start eating better. I mean I'm already choosing salads more often and smaller portions but now to increase my vegetable and fruit intake instead of chips and candy.
Anyways I also felt accomplished yesterday because even though I know how to take care of a vehicle with maintenance, I've never actually had to change my own cabin filter. I mean it's not hard, but the fact I actually already knew how to do it, and my wife didn't made me feel good. Got to show her something. Also those get fucking gross. I think I'm going to make a point to change it out once a year even though mileage wise it would be fine for 2 years. But it's only like 20$ and made the vehicle smell so much better, also got new car scents. I think probably next week I'm going to vacuum out and maybe shampoo my carpets. It should be hot enough that with the doors open it should dry fast. I have also been very proud of myself for drinking my daily water. I'm having a bad mental day so I'm trying to list things that I'm proud of about myself. Also make plans to do things in the future so I feel productive. I really want a nap today but I am just going to go to bed on time. Take benedryl around 830 and be in bed asleep by 930. I know the kiddo will be up early the next couple days and I do not want to get into the habit of sleeping in over the summer time. I want to be up by 7:30 at the latest every day. But for the first couple weeks I'll just get up when the kid gets up> Let him get up on his own. Usually he's up early anyways.
I reached 666 views on my blog today. xD Felt the need to share that. Haven't had any comments, but people are reading it so that's surprising. lol
#47 ![🍭🍬 ₗₒₗₗᵢᵣₒₜ [ ᵣₒₜₜₑₙ ₒₙ ₜₕₑ ᵢₙₛᵢdₑ ₐccₒᵤₙₜₐbᵢₗᵢₜy ] 🍬🍭 [ ˢʷ ²³⁶.⁹ ⁻ ᶜʷ ²³³.⁰ ]: post #47](
Posted Yesterday, 07:20 PM
Possible Trigger Warning
Shark week started. So now I can expect some fucked up daily weigh ins. Probably also explains the odd weights this week. Plus bloating. Ugh. God this sucks. I feel like as a bisexual in a lesbian marriage I should be able to turn this shit off. I mean we already have to deal with it twice as often and we NEVER sync up, so that's 2 weeks out of the month that it's not just mood swings but like impedes on my sex life. I mean it's fucking 2022. I assumed as a child we would have hover cars by this time. Boy was I wrong. Anyways. This is more for me to help keep up with this every 28 day bullshit. Ugh.
#48 ![🍭🍬 ₗₒₗₗᵢᵣₒₜ [ ᵣₒₜₜₑₙ ₒₙ ₜₕₑ ᵢₙₛᵢdₑ ₐccₒᵤₙₜₐbᵢₗᵢₜy ] 🍬🍭 [ ˢʷ ²³⁶.⁹ ⁻ ᶜʷ ²³³.⁰ ]: post #48](
Posted Today, 07:25 AM
Sunday May 22 2022 232.8
------------------ -----
coffee - 300
chicken nuggets - 350
orieda fries - 200
chicken and dumplings - 475
cookies 110 x 3 - 330
salad - 175
Intake -
Output -
Steps -
Deficit -
I knew by weighing every day I would see the daily fluctuations so I'm not really that worried about how this will be on my mental health with the bouncing around or having a week I don't lose a lot. I more or less want to make a graph at the end of either losing all the weight or a year, and see the flow of weight loss. I mean honestly I've done this long enough that I know that even with a constant deficit you almost never have constant daily weight loss. I've done a 5 day fast before and lost the first 3 days, then day 4 I actually gained, and then day 5 dropped a little but then when it was all said and done I had leveled out almost to what day 3's weight was. So I mean even with eating NOTHING your weight fluctuates. And everyone is different. I knew I would drop CRAZY weight the first week due to not binge eating so it was going to be like all food weight nearly. Either way, this is not necessarily how much weight can I lose super fast, it's all about changing my mindset and getting rid of the binge urges, and eating normal/with a deficit. I know that as long as you have a real deficit the weight will eventually go away. It isn't instant. I think it would be different to me if I just had to drop a quick 10-15 lbs for some reason but this isn't a sprint, this is a freaking marathon of weight loss. I wont be skinny this year, but I will be thinner, I'll even have to work on this for another probably 6-8 months into next year before I reach where I want to be. And that is okay. Because even if it takes me almost 2 years to lose this weight, I have to remember it's taken me almost 8 years to put it on. (and lose it, and put it on again freaking yo-yo bullshit)
Either way, I am on my journey, I am on my way and I will not allow myself to get upset over a scale when I know I have the right eating habits.
So not going to lie. I didn't have any plan on having chicken nuggets and fries. But I remembered I had bought my favorite nuggets from Aldis and so I decided to fix those. Not to mention fries are my absolute craving on my period besides chocolate. I figured if I cave to the craving then I wont binge on it this week.
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#49 ![🍭🍬 ₗₒₗₗᵢᵣₒₜ [ ᵣₒₜₜₑₙ ₒₙ ₜₕₑ ᵢₙₛᵢdₑ ₐccₒᵤₙₜₐbᵢₗᵢₜy ] 🍬🍭 [ ˢʷ ²³⁶.⁹ ⁻ ᶜʷ ²³³.⁰ ]: post #49](
Posted Today, 07:27 AM
Week 2 Recap May 16 - 22 2022 233.0 -
----------------------------- -------------
Totals ::
Intake -
Output -
Deficit -
Steps -
Weight Lost -
Daily Averages ::
Intake -
Output -
Deficit -
Steps -
Next Week Goals ::
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#50 ![🍭🍬 ₗₒₗₗᵢᵣₒₜ [ ᵣₒₜₜₑₙ ₒₙ ₜₕₑ ᵢₙₛᵢdₑ ₐccₒᵤₙₜₐbᵢₗᵢₜy ] 🍬🍭 [ ˢʷ ²³⁶.⁹ ⁻ ᶜʷ ²³³.⁰ ]: post #50](
Posted Today, 10:06 AM
Well I was planning on having a lower intake today to counteract this week. HA. Still not a binge though. Just not as restrictive today. I actually think I've rounded up more on my calories than probably needed over the last 2 weeks. I actually measured out my creamer today and it's probably 50 calories less than I've wrote down every day. Then the last week I've been adding in some half n half to the coffeemate creamer (so it actually decreases the calories, probably not by a whole bunch but maybe an extra 10-15 a day. So that's 70-105 a week. So roughly 350 calories a week extra added in for creamer, then another 70-105. Really my calculations are over by anywhere between 300-450 per week. But that's fine with me. Add in the fact I round everything up most of the time. So I mean that's nice. I've got a cute little extra cushion that I just don't think about. I wont be changing my caloric math when logging though. Just thought I would throw this out there. I'm thinking with that plus all my rounding up. It could ve anywhere between 350-500 calorie difference that my added up weekly total intake. I mean over the course 7-10 weeks its only an extra lb lost so pretty negligible on the overall outcome.
These are the additional things I have changed in my eating/drinking habits for the better.
- I have cut out soda except for when we eat out.
- I have stopped putting Rediwhip topping on my coffee every morning.
There are other changes I want to implement over the next couple weeks, mainly after we get back from vacation.
- I want change my breakfast eating habits to include more fruit, and less buttery eggs/ english muffins /etc.
- I want to add in more raw veggies for snacks and decrease the amount of cookies/candy/chips I consume.
- A couple times a week I want to have a relatively low calorie dinner consisting of rice, 2-3 cooked veggies and a protein (maybe, I don't always like eating meat, so then I would just include more veggies/rice or maybe a gravy for my rice)
- Once my freezer meal stuff is gone I don't want to buy anymore. (hotpockets/lean cuisines/frozen pizzas/chicken nuggets/fries) I might still splurge on them occasionally but they will NOT be a staple in this house anymore.
- I want to expand my choices of what I eat. Try new recipes a couple times a month that are lower in calories. Even if I don't like it, don't plan a replacement meal. Just don't eat it and move on. Therefore I'm trying new things with my wife, and if I don't like it, well then that's less calories for the day.
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Posted Today, 02:40 AM
༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺ ✧ ༻✦༺
MAY 21
no weigh-in
water intake
1 / 2L
food intake
trek bar banana: 210
couscous salad with hummus & vegan tzatziki: 550
three glasses of white wine: 400
three malibu colas: 350
four tequila shots: 400
thai green curry: 450
total in: 2360
15.7 / 10k
total out: 2550
daily goals
☒ journal
☐ read book
☒ take a walk
☒ practice french
these are all very rough estimations. i was with my friend all day + night. i don’t know the exact calories of anything tbh. i do know that i drank too much lol.
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