Posted 17 May 2022 - 07:13 PM
snack 1: starbucks venti iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso (170)
snack 2: monster (10)
dinner: chicken breast, sweet potato, spinach arugula and cherry tomato w/ a splash of red wine vinegar (about 500)
pics of my ootd + meals under the cut

• diary •
i think i might be immune to caffeine or something. today i drank 700mg worth from 2 pepsi zero sugars, my starbucks, and a monster, all of which after 2 pm, and here i am at 10 getting ready for bed. i heard that's a symptom of adhd, but also i feel like everyone is self-diagnosing with adhd nowadays so i hesitate to consider it even though i do relate to some of the symptoms. also i don't plan on drinking that much caffeine again because i know it's bad for you, but still. anyway, i came down to my dad's today. i did a bit of grocery shopping and made dinner for my grandma and myself and she absolutely devoured it which made me feel good lol. i love cooking for other people and seeing them enjoy it. but my dad infuriates me to no end. he's a lazy alcoholic with no job, there's never food or household essentials in the house when i come over so i always have to go grocery shopping, he gets so worked up over the stupidest things and screams... the thing that irritates me the most is that he's so DIRTY, like after he cooks he always just leaves his crumbs on the counter and stuff. i'm not even a particularly neat person but i feel compelled to clean whenever i come here because he is just such a child. ugh. i need to get my permit renewed this week so i can start driving and get a job and move OUTTT.
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Posted Today, 09:04 AM
dinner: spicy seafood soft tofu stew (?) + kimchi (?) + rice (~200)
more snacks: 3 raspberry white claws (300) + apple slices (60)
total: guesstimating under 1500
pics below of some of my food and bevs

• diary •
sorry for not updating sooner, i was busy yesterday! even though i didn't do any c25k training i still got 17,000 steps in without really having to try. i went and got my learner's permit renewed (woohoo!) and then did some shopping to get my friend a graduation present and also got myself some books (solanin by inio asano, house of leaves, and women race and class). me and my boyfriend were originally planning to go to hmart and then get korean food but we had to cancel our plans because he had to work late, but it was beautiful out and i didn't wanna sit in the house so i went to my friend's place. we went to the park for a while to get some sun which felt amazing, did a little bit more manga shopping, went to a korean restaurant since i was still craving it, then got some drinks at a hipstery bar (which i found out this morning overcharged my account... oh well). she was all depressed about graduating and moving soon which rubbed off on me and also made me kinda miserable so i wanted to go home and b/p some ben and jerrys, but i managed to talk myself out of it which i'm pretty proud of. instead my uber home was driving super unsafe, speeding and following way too close behind people, and then he forgot to mark that he dropped me off at home and i didn't want to get overcharged for my trip so i reported him (probably drunk tbh) and it kinda shook me out of my mood lol. i still have to email the uber support people more about that and maybe i'll get a refund on that unreasonably expensive trip.
today i'm gonna see my boyfriend to do a little shopping and go to the carnival which i'm SUPER excited for because that's like my happy place. i'll try to take some ~aesthetic~ photos to post on tonight's/tomorrow's thread!
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