seulgii tries (again)
Posted 04 May 2022 - 04:16 AM
May 3, 2022
Weight: 111.8 lbs
Activity: 7768 steps
TDEE: 1639
Water: 3.5L
Intake: 870
LMAO for the last 2 days I b/p'd after work and yesterday morning I weighed 112.2 lbs and got really fucking triggered HAHAHHAHAHAH I seriously hate myself. I took 3 dulcolax last night after binging because I didn't purge some stuff and weighed 111.8 lbs this morning which still really fucking pisses me off but at least I restricted today so hopefully my weight will go down tomorrow. I seriously need to stop b/ping after work because it's usually unplanned which means I mid or high restrict during the day and then if I don't purge everything (which I know I haven't been the last 2 nights) then there's a lot more calories absorbed smh
16 more days!!!!!!!! Almost all of my ordered outfits and stuff have been delivered and it feels like everything is finally coming together yay
Posted 05 May 2022 - 04:31 AM
May 4, 2022
Weight: 110.4 lbs
Activity: 7903 steps
TDEE: 1626
Water: 5L
Intake: 993
Ok I woke up today back in the 110s which makes me feel a little better but I'm still annoyed because I'm back at where I was a few days ago -____- I'm still so fucking hungry holy shit and what's even worse is that I don't think I have the time to b/p this weekend. I'm off Friday, Saturday and Sunday but my friend is coming over all days to make kandi and perlers at night so I guess I could b/p in the afternoon but that shit leaves me so fucking drained and tired ugh idk. My reflective set came in the mail today and it's so cute but I feel like a fat fuck in it so maybe I should hold off on the b/ping idk
15 more days omg almost 2 weeks left weoooooo very excited for zeds dead
Posted 06 May 2022 - 04:39 AM
May 5, 2022
Weight: 110.2 lbs
Activity: 7593 steps
TDEE: 1648
Water: 3L
Intake: 993
Yo what the fuck why is my weight not leaving the 110s hoooooly shit someone please shoot me. I'm going to the border tomorrow with my friend because we ordered some lunchbox hydration packs and sent it to his PO box in the states since it costs 3x the amount to ship here to Canada LMAO. We're planning to leave at around 5PMish because he still has to work so I'm going to b/p in the afternoon. I've been wanting to eat sushi and Chinese takeout for so long and I almost went to buy some tonight after work but I reminded myself that I'd be bloated as fuck in the morning since I'd already ate so much during the day so tomorrow I'll buy everything I want to b/p on and not eat anything else. I'm excited to eat sushi again from the one place I usually get it from because the rolls are fat as FUCK and something about it just hits different from other places
14 more days!!!! Here's another set with zeds dead but its a b2b with griz and I'm fucking HYPED
Posted 09 May 2022 - 04:22 AM
May 8, 2022
Weight: 110 lbs
TDEE: 1715
Water: 3L
Intake: 1065
Yesterday I woke up weighing 108.6 lbs which was ??????? a lil confusing bc that's a big drop from 110. I b/p'd during the day and then my friend and I went to a kandi making party at one of our friends' house at 10pm and I had 1 shot of ciroc (yuck) but I felt bad turning it down since they already poured it for me lol. We stayed at the party until 2am and then they wanted to get food and I had to go bc my friend was driving me home so we went to an Indian place since they were one of the only places open. Originally I wasn't going to get anything but I didn't want to seem sus since everyone was ordering something so I got a plain dosa which was HUGE but I devoured that shit so fast bc it was so good. I woke up today at 110 but I'm not too upset about that since it seems 110 is a sweet spot for me where I'll be ok if I'm not over it despite being at this weight for like the 3 weeks. I took 2 tabs of dulcolax tonight because I haven't pooped in 3 days so hopefully it doesn't kick in too late
Today was surprisingly ok food wise. I freaked out when my mom told me a few days ago she wanted to get together for dinner for Mother's Day because I was scared it would trigger me to b/p and I hate b/ping on food from my parent's house but that didn't happen today wooooo
Yesterday at the kandi party I saw the guy I met at the club a few weeks ago (April 16th to be specific) and we talked and today he messaged me on ig????? Honestly ngl I was wanting to talk to him after the club last time but I didn't want to message him first so I guess waiting 3 weeks for him to talk to me first was worth it lmao. At the party we were talking about what we were planning to take on which days and someone suggested we take acid at Gareth Emery on Thursday and he told me he'd take it if I took it so I guess we acid buds now hehe. Today he said he'd be down to go with me into the crowd and as close as possible to the stage for Seven Lions at edc so idk I feel like this means he won't be looking for another grillie at edc?? At least not on day 1 HAHAHAHA if he does end up finding someone else I'll cry for 2 seconds and then find another mans to hold my hand the entire night oops lol
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 05:20 AM
May 9, 2022
Weight: 108.4 lbs
TDEE: 1639
Water: 3.5L
Intake: 833
I feel like the number on the scale is fake because I feel so fucking fat and I can tell I look bigger than my old pictures from 4 years when I was this weight. I'm not even sure if the number on my scale is accurate because it's been a while since I last changed the batteries. It is reassuring that I'm still able to lose weight as a young adult and hopefully I can reach my gw2 soon
10 more days I'm gonna pee myself holy fuck. This set is so well filmed and the stage is so nice - also gammer is so fucking funny lol
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Posted 12 May 2022 - 05:10 AM
May 11, 2022
Weight: 107.2 lbs
TDEE: 1618
Water: 3L
Intake: 896
I booked my plane tickets with my friend for second sky in October LMAO I feel like I'm truly just living my best life. It's nice making money and not having to worry about providing for someone else. I'm still talking to the guy I met at the club (let's call him edc boy) and I kind of convinced him to go with me and my friends to a festival in June soooooo idk where this is really going but I'm trying not to overthink it and just go with the flow. I almost feel like I'm simping for this guy which makes me cringe so much but I think it's because I didn't meet him on hinge or tinder and we just met by coincidence almost?? Granted we would've met either way at edc since my friends and I would be part of his big group but maybe it wouldn't have ended with us talking idk I'm trying not to set any expectations because I don't want to get disappointed and let's be real - when does anything ever work out for me lmao
My weight has been going down pretty steadily which is nice because I'm getting closer to my LW from 2018 but I do need to increase my intake I think. I'm still so fucking hungry all the time but I think I'm just going to stay around 800-1000 for the next week since edc is literally a fucking week away and then when I get back I'll figure out what to do
8 more days fuckfuckfuckuckkckckckkkk
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Posted 13 May 2022 - 03:59 AM
May 12, 2022
Weight: 107.4 lbs
TDEE: 1596
Water: 3L
Intake: 992
7 more days.... here's another Zedd set but it's 2021 instead and fuck I am SO EXCITEDDDDDD
Posted Today, 02:18 AM
May 18, 2022
Weight: 106.6 lbs
TDEE: 1500
Water: 1.5L
Intake: 998
lmao it's been a week since my last post but my friend was coming over every night to make kandi and perlers and he didn't leave until 5am every morning and I was ptfo by then HAHAHHAHA I b/p'd on the 14th but other than that I've been eating right under 1000 cals with the exception of 15th where I had 1600 cals. My weight today was 106.6 lbs which I'm pretty happy because that gives me a lot of leeway and I most likely won't come back over 110 lbs. Hopefully with all the party favours and dancing I do this weekend I'll come back lighter LMAO
I leave for edc soon hoooooly shit fuck fuckkcckkckckkkk my flight is at 9am and it's 2am but I'm planning to get to the airport at 7am so I probably won't sleep. I still have a few things to pack and I have hats I crocheted that I need to put some finishing touches on. Edc boy and I are still talking and have basically made plans to stay together the entire time since we both have similar tastes and almost have the same artists we want to see. Not sure how my group of friends will feel about me running off but I guess I'm looking forward to the recap in the hotel room after lol. I probably won't update until after I get back eeeeeeeeeeeee
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