going to go get some help...
Posted 29 September 2014 - 06:12 PM
i reached a LW of 79 lbs. i relapsed just four months ago. in four months my life has gone to shit...my boyfriend left me, my friends dumped me, and i lost my job a few days ago because my brain just doesn't work anymore. i can barely get around at this point and i feel like i'm near death all the time. i have neverrrr been this bad in my eating disorder ever and i'm done.
yesterday i ran into my ex-boyfriend at the store and at first i thought he was pretending he couldn't see me. then i realized he didn't recognize me. i called his name and he stared at me for a long time, confused and startled, before realizing. i last saw him over 20 lbs ago, i think. he started crying right there in the middle of the store, dropped his basket, picked me up and took me out of the store. he brought me to his car and begged me to PLEASE get some help, that he thought leaving me would help move me in the right direction and that he is so, so sorry that it apparently made it worse (i don't think it's relevant but ya know, normal people). it was very dramatic. he has stayed with me since then because he's afraid i will die if i'm left alone.
i have really lost everything. 4 months ago life was great. then i relapsed for no reason. i hate this fucking disease and what it's done to me. so i'm going to get some help. wish me luck, please, i'm gonna need it.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 06:16 PM
Good luck, you're really brave to seek recovery. It won't be easy but it will be worth it
Posted 29 September 2014 - 06:24 PM
Good luck and well done on being o brave to make the decision to recover. I wish you all the best sweet pea xx
Posted 29 September 2014 - 08:16 PM
LittleskinnyJenny, on 29 Sept 2014 - 6:51 PM, said:
Good luck and just remember your health is worth it in the end
P.s. Your ex seems like a sweet guy that genuinely wants to help you
i agree...i feel so bad for calling him all the awful names i've called him lol. i understand not knowing what to do when it gets scary and taking extreme measures that might not make sense. i really hope him and i work out once i get better. at least i'll have some support through recovery
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