Posted 19 May 2022 - 05:25 AM
rotten-baby, on 18 May 2022 - 11:47 AM, said:
Oh god were you caught in a big or little shop? what was it like for you? Ive been caught 3 times but only in little shops not big supermarkets with proper security, when i was 10/11 i got caught stealing a banana muffin lol (which honestly was so dumb of me, because i remember hearing the cashier say to a customer "shes been stealing" when i was in the earlier that day, also i didnt even like banana?) and the cashier called me out in front of so many people like "what did you just put in your bag?". I was with my friend and he had no clue i was doing it, so I cried then went to my step dad and said that they were lying about me stealing and he went over and had a go, then they were like "shes been stealing for ages we have it on cctv". I dunno how i got away with it for so long though? it stopped me until i was in year 7 lol
the other time was about a year ago when i was bulimic. i walked into a shop, picked up 2 blocks of cheese, fabric conditioner, a tin pie, a flapjack, ben and jerries and i think some other bits, i was holding it all with both hands and trying to balance it all, then walked out the shop. I got chased by the cashieer right before school leaving time so there were loads of parents everywhere, i remember half of it flying everywhere but i got away with the ice cream, fabric conditioner and one block of cheese. i think and i managed to run away because there were THAT many people i guess he couldnt catch up? I was so paranoid afterwards but nothing happened
the third time was about a week after the second, but 100 miles away. A homeless guy asked for some change, i had nothing but said i had card and would buy him stuff for some reason?? I didnt, i had a gift card. I was on drugs though and hadnt realised it was 9pm on a sunday and the only shop open was Londis (which didnt take the giftcard). He asked for coke and crisps and i got his mates some too, i get in the shop and realise "fuck, i have no money" so i just.... robbed it like a dickhead. He was happy enough, i cant entirely remember what happened but i think someone came out and had a go at me? I know i tried to go back in, this crackhead gave me some money to buy a lighter cuz he was banned, then a cashier followed me to a car park and was like "dont steal from us again" and the guy stood up for me. It was so bizarre i cant remember what happened entirely. Didnt stop me at all, I kinda got caught stealing diet coke from the back of pizza hut at 1am the same day, with the same crackhead, then stole iboprofein and i think chocolate from sainsburys the next day, ended up sitting outside the Londis with the SAME homeless guy the next few days as well. because i clearly didnt give two fucks. It sounds like such a dodgy story but i just find it funny.
Ive definitely stolen thousands worth in my life but now it just makes me paranoid, i just feel like im being watched in the shop and someones going to come and confront me, even if i did get caught honestly i dont think id even get in much trouble from my mum and i doubt theyd even stop me. but idk where this anxiety is from, its for the best though really lol. Id 100% dumpster dive but i literally cant find any bins that arent locked or hidden
Aww you started really early I think they are definitely not that strict with kids like they can't call the cops on a 11 year old can they? I'm glad you got away with it
OMG the second story though wow I would never be able to react so fast and just run. I'm always frozen in moments like this. But why would you just grab it and run away

I got caught at a big supermarket chain (on that day I shoplifted like expensive chocolate, truffles, Lindt, Nutella some other expensive spreads) but here in Germany it's like a franchise so every supermarket is owned by a single person basically (I don't know how to explain properly lol) anyways the security guy saw me I actually thought he was a customer so I didn't care to hide it but when I paid for some stuff and left the building that guy I thought was a customer but actually was a security guy came and wanted to look in my backpack. What I didn't know is I could have just said no and refuse because he can't legally force me but I was so shocked and scared at that moment I just broke down and cried like a baby lmao. I followed him into the store and I sat in their break room while some cashiers that knew me as a regular ate their lunch and it was so humiliating and I kept crying. They debated on calling the police but I think the fact that I was crying and obviously regretting it and I looked like 15 (was 20 though lol) and I was already severely underweight so they pitied me probably and I just got banned from that store for 2 years and had to pay 100€ and then I could go. I stole maybe a few hundreds worth of food from there so it wasn't too bad lol. Awful experience and literally had me so terrified that whenever I wanted to try lifting again I was panicking and chickened out. I think I was able to start lifting again because I got addicted to alcohol over two years ago like when I'm drunk I do literally everything stupid and reckless you can think of (I won't get into this one lmao) but yeah it makes my anxiety go away and makes me confident so the first few times I'd shoplift being tipsy and it helped lol now it's just routine and I can manage the anxiety of getting caught
Sorry for the wall of text

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Posted 19 May 2022 - 08:14 AM
StarvingLlama*-*, on 19 May 2022 - 05:25 AM, said:
Yeah I was quite young, I remember it started so stupidly! in my primary school EVERYONE had pokemon cards but my family couldn't afford them and I thought on the way home from school "oh I could just steal some". It's kinda embarrassing lol. I'd go nearly every day after school at one point and usually I'd end up giving them to people, then I would go to my local shop or walk to asda and steal nice food like chocolate, fish and mikado.Aww you started really early I think they are definitely not that strict with kids like they can't call the cops on a 11 year old can they? I'm glad you got away with it
OMG the second story though wow I would never be able to react so fast and just run. I'm always frozen in moments like this. But why would you just grab it and run awaylike I couldn't imagine I mean you can't get away with that without having to run like you did haha
I got caught at a big supermarket chain (on that day I shoplifted like expensive chocolate, truffles, Lindt, Nutella some other expensive spreads) but here in Germany it's like a franchise so every supermarket is owned by a single person basically (I don't know how to explain properly lol) anyways the security guy saw me I actually thought he was a customer so I didn't care to hide it but when I paid for some stuff and left the building that guy I thought was a customer but actually was a security guy came and wanted to look in my backpack. What I didn't know is I could have just said no and refuse because he can't legally force me but I was so shocked and scared at that moment I just broke down and cried like a baby lmao. I followed him into the store and I sat in their break room while some cashiers that knew me as a regular ate their lunch and it was so humiliating and I kept crying. They debated on calling the police but I think the fact that I was crying and obviously regretting it and I looked like 15 (was 20 though lol) and I was already severely underweight so they pitied me probably and I just got banned from that store for 2 years and had to pay 100€ and then I could go. I stole maybe a few hundreds worth of food from there so it wasn't too bad lol. Awful experience and literally had me so terrified that whenever I wanted to try lifting again I was panicking and chickened out. I think I was able to start lifting again because I got addicted to alcohol over two years ago like when I'm drunk I do literally everything stupid and reckless you can think of (I won't get into this one lmao) but yeah it makes my anxiety go away and makes me confident so the first few times I'd shoplift being tipsy and it helped lol now it's just routine and I can manage the anxiety of getting caught
Sorry for the wall of text
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All the shops I got caught in were sorta like franchises as well? Like londis and Premier are chains but I think one person owns it or something. Over here with expensive chocolates like lindt it's often resold, especially things like forerro rocher, so many people steal it just to sell and security watch out for that. I think if I was stopped it'd stress me out way too much and be too embarrassing. Also recently my parents and social worker keep talking about how great I'm being so I really don't want to ruin that and lose all trust. If I got caught stealing binge food my mum would most likely understand because our family hasn't got much money and she has an ED too, but she'd lose trust in me and I'd probably not be allowed out on my own anymore. Before hand I didn't care because I was always a little shit.
Last year I was always stealing while drunk or high so I can relate to that, I was horrifically obvious, I remember walking into tesco drunk, picking up a bottle of wine, walking down the main isle in front of EVERYONE and stuffing it in my waistband and just walking out??? I went back to my mums car cuz she was in the shop at the time, I didn't get followed or anything. Maybe being too obvious actually looks less sus because people usually act shifty but I dunno
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Posted Yesterday, 04:49 AM
rotten-baby, on 19 May 2022 - 08:14 AM, said:
Yeah I was quite young, I remember it started so stupidly! in my primary school EVERYONE had pokemon cards but my family couldn't afford them and I thought on the way home from school "oh I could just steal some". It's kinda embarrassing lol. I'd go nearly every day after school at one point and usually I'd end up giving them to people, then I would go to my local shop or walk to asda and steal nice food like chocolate, fish and mikado.
All the shops I got caught in were sorta like franchises as well? Like londis and Premier are chains but I think one person owns it or something. Over here with expensive chocolates like lindt it's often resold, especially things like forerro rocher, so many people steal it just to sell and security watch out for that. I think if I was stopped it'd stress me out way too much and be too embarrassing. Also recently my parents and social worker keep talking about how great I'm being so I really don't want to ruin that and lose all trust. If I got caught stealing binge food my mum would most likely understand because our family hasn't got much money and she has an ED too, but she'd lose trust in me and I'd probably not be allowed out on my own anymore. Before hand I didn't care because I was always a little shit.
Last year I was always stealing while drunk or high so I can relate to that, I was horrifically obvious, I remember walking into tesco drunk, picking up a bottle of wine, walking down the main isle in front of EVERYONE and stuffing it in my waistband and just walking out??? I went back to my mums car cuz she was in the shop at the time, I didn't get followed or anything. Maybe being too obvious actually looks less sus because people usually act shifty but I dunno
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Aww that reminds me of my primary school all the kids had Yu gi oh! Cards and I think pokemon as well I remember stealing some from some mean boys lol don't regret
Wow I didn't know people steal chocolate to resell it that's kinda clever haha I could make so much money with that

I'm glad you don't want to do it to not lose trust again that's definitely the right decision. But I can relate to the fact of not having much money so I understand why you did it because of that. I grew up well I don't know if it's considered poor but we have never had much money I think I've been on a real holiday vacation once in my life and it wasn't even in another Country. Well everyone else got gifts all the time for nothing it really sucks not having much money..
Omg that's crazy haha. But I can relate to that I don't go there drunk drunk but sometimes I feel like people can tell I'm not quite sober. I put stuff in my backpack or pants (lol) even when there's someone 2 meters away from me and nobody even looked up like you're right I think the more obvious you are the easier you're getting away with it.
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Posted Yesterday, 11:11 AM
StarvingLlama*-*, on 20 May 2022 - 04:49 AM, said:
Aww that reminds me of my primary school all the kids had Yu gi oh! Cards and I think pokemon as well I remember stealing some from some mean boys lol don't regret
Wow I didn't know people steal chocolate to resell it that's kinda clever haha I could make so much money with that
I'm glad you don't want to do it to not lose trust again that's definitely the right decision. But I can relate to the fact of not having much money so I understand why you did it because of that. I grew up well I don't know if it's considered poor but we have never had much money I think I've been on a real holiday vacation once in my life and it wasn't even in another Country. Well everyone else got gifts all the time for nothing it really sucks not having much money..
Omg that's crazy haha. But I can relate to that I don't go there drunk drunk but sometimes I feel like people can tell I'm not quite sober. I put stuff in my backpack or pants (lol) even when there's someone 2 meters away from me and nobody even looked up like you're right I think the more obvious you are the easier you're getting away with it.
Gesendet von meinem M2007J17G mit Tapatalk
yeppp, its massive here. people will go to pubs with the stuff theyve stolen or ask people on the streets, and ive known people who steal the expensive stuff like the £5 trays of chocolate but sell it for £1 and it all adds up. i always see chocolate being sold on gumtree as well lol. i couldnt do it, id eat it. about a year ago i used to resell things but it never sold well because i had no confidence to walk up to people and selling stuff online is hard
i think poverty increases the risks of eds, especially binging behaviours. but eds are always stereotyped as a "rich teen girl" thing which definitely isnt an accurate stereotype, anyone can have an ed. ive never properly been on holiday either, ive never left england but ive been camping and stayed in theme park hotels which is nice i didnt realise it was common to have been abroad until recently tbh
i know what you mean! but ive recently found out its quite the opposite?? people seem to think im sober when im not or on something when im sober, but that could partially because i have adhd/anxiety as well as my ed sometimes makes me seem a bit drunk? apart from other people who drink or use drugs, they can usually tell, which is expected.
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Posted Today, 06:26 AM
ive worked out i have a massive issue
my mind associates enjoying food = binging, then binging = purging. i feel wrong for enjoying food outside of binging it feels like a waste of time. but then if i dont enjoy my food it feels like a waste of cals lmao
ive eaten 200 cals worth of cereal n a bit of yoghurt lol
Posted 18 May 2022 - 06:59 PM
5 18 22 wed
(3 day binge free)
weight: n/a
sprouted bread (160) vegan cream cheese (15) marmite (5)
orange (86)
yeast flatbread (225)
peanut snacks (183)
wheat loaf (110)
veggie fingers <3 (187)
digestive (72) vegan cream cheese (8)
diet soda (0)
apple (117)
rice (103) sesame oil (40)
gum (5)
- frozenyogurt, melt your headaches, stressnh0pe and 1 other like this
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Posted 18 May 2022 - 07:04 PM
obsessed w this thinspo lowkey
- frozenyogurt and soapyy like this
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Posted 18 May 2022 - 08:46 PM
Hooray for last final tomorrow!
I hope that you can reach all of your goals or at least most of them <3
Don't be too discouraged if things become overwhelming and you can't!
Shit happens, and life is just life
The main thing is trying to get there
Opportunities will appear when you least expect them
Posted 18 May 2022 - 10:05 PM
lol good for you, I can alr tell he isn't worth it. also congrats on being 3 days binge free!
solenoid, on 18 May 2022 - 12:58 PM, said:
tbh idek. he's def just entertaining me for his ego i think, it's like a situationship. pretty icky and lol nah he isn't my prom date i just started calling him that cuz i thought he was gonna ask me to prom but he got set up w some other chick
then he proceeded to tell me how much he hated saying yes to being set up. it was like an entire thing idek why i bother w him lolol. i think im moving on tho hopefully i am
but yea his name is just still prom boy bc i never bothered to come up w anything else that stuck hahah
Posted Yesterday, 08:52 PM
5 20 22 fri
(0 days binge free)
weight: n/a
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Posted Yesterday, 10:12 PM
do you ever waste your thanksgiving break learning how to make origami roses so you could decorate a container filled with homemade snickerdoodles you woke up at 5 am to bake before school, the recipe you used having been meticulously revised over and over so that it tasted perfectly balanced and do you ever fill out a card with compliments and kind words and birthday wishes and do you ever give it to a guy who 10000% doesn't deserve it for his 18th and do you ever completely get used every time your only skill, english, is needed for this guy to get good grades? and do you ever get your baby picture shared on your school ig page for senior next plans and have the post not be shared to this guy's story even tho he shared a bunch of other people's baby pics to his story? including other girls he said he doesn't even talk to anymore?
"you kept me like a secret but i kept you like an oath"
this is about prom boy btw. yeah wow, i am 1000000% over it. ugh.
w/e maybe he's just trying not to lead me on.
now i hate that we're going to the same college. i want him out of my life.
^ that was what i'd made. click pics to expand
neeever again. jesus christ. why was i so down bad. i'm def entering my misandrist era effective immediately, femcel time
Posted Today, 02:51 AM
BabyspiceXx, on 20 May 2022 - 10:12 PM, said:
do you ever waste your thanksgiving break learning how to make origami roses so you could decorate a container filled with homemade snickerdoodles you woke up at 5 am to bake before school, the recipe you used having been meticulously revised over and over so that it tasted perfectly balanced and do you ever fill out a card with compliments and kind words and birthday wishes and do you ever give it to a guy who 10000% doesn't deserve it for his 18th and do you ever completely get used every time your only skill, english, is needed for this guy to get good grades? and do you ever get your baby picture shared on your school ig page for senior next plans and have the post not be shared to this guy's story even tho he shared a bunch of other people's baby pics to his story? including other girls he said he doesn't even talk to anymore?
"you kept me like a secret but i kept you like an oath"
this is about prom boy btw. yeah wow, i am 1000000% over it. ugh.
w/e maybe he's just trying not to lead me on.
now i hate that we're going to the same college. i want him out of my life.
^ that was what i'd made. click pics to expand
neeever again. jesus christ. why was i so down bad. i'm def entering my misandrist era effective immediately, femcel time
First off, I wanna say that you're so fucking talented, a baker and super creative too! <3 Girl you HAVE to own that, like that's such a flex omfggg
And secondly, oh hell nah that prom boy asshat does NOT deserve someone like you. I don't think he realises what a gem and kind person you are because if he did.....he'd be completely different. He definitely 100000000% does not deserve it. You deserve someone that's gonna treat you like a queen. YEP, never again, don't lower yourself for him
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Posted Today, 07:18 AM
Bleak Cucumber, on 21 May 2022 - 02:51 AM, said:
First off, I wanna say that you're so fucking talented, a baker and super creative too! <3 Girl you HAVE to own that, like that's such a flex omfggg
And secondly, oh hell nah that prom boy asshat does NOT deserve someone like you. I don't think he realises what a gem and kind person you are because if he did.....he'd be completely different. He definitely 100000000% does not deserve it. You deserve someone that's gonna treat you like a queen. YEP, never again, don't lower yourself for him
aww thank you! i'm excited to start doing more domestic things like baking once school's over and i have more time... i love how romantic domestic work always feels haha. and you're right i ought to be confident about it too!
but thanks also for standing w me about prom boy bc srsly wtf i cannot deal with him rn. he probably thinks i'm so stupid i cannot stand it. i swear to god a lot of teenage boys in my experience have this weird thing where girls liking them is like points for their ego and they have to just confuse her enough so she doesn't stop liking him altogether. totally gross. standing my ground from now on and just being a bitter bitch lol. like i get that we were friends before but he made no offers of setting any boundaries so things don't get strange or so he doesn't lead me on, he just let it happen, let me act like a fool. that's not what even a friend does. so .. no more.
ugh i'm thinking back to all the compliments i've given him only to not even have a single one returned. i wasted such good compliments on him, ugh. well i hope i learn from this at least
Posted 17 May 2022 - 08:10 AM
5.17.22: 111.8
i always wake up so heavy now. i dont get it. guess ill have to wait till after bm.
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"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#33 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #33](
Posted 17 May 2022 - 06:20 PM
5.17.22: 750cals
same as yesterday, had less cake. had potatos though.
im gonna spend the rest of my night drawing hopefully not eat anything else
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#34 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #34](
Posted 18 May 2022 - 08:58 AM
5.18.22: 112.8
what??? the fuck?? i didnt even eat anything else. how is it possible to gain on this amount im just gonna... :/ im going to stop taking my probiotic because i think that might be causing it. i hope. i have a dentist appointment tomorrow. my mom wants me to go to the colonoscopy appointment i have on the 26th (ONE DAY BEFORE ST RELEASE REALLY) but since im having the appendix area pain i cant take laxatives, therefore i cant go. she doesnt care though. the doctors literally said if im having this pain: don't take laxatives, don't do anything strenuous
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#35 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #35](
Posted 18 May 2022 - 11:53 AM
5.18.22: 112.8 111.8
the fact that im not losing is depressing
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#36 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #36](
Posted 18 May 2022 - 04:09 PM
5.18.22: 690 cals
heres to hoping i weigh less tomorrow. had salad for dinner.
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#37 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #37](
Posted 19 May 2022 - 08:46 AM
5.19.22 weight: 111.2
well better than going up ig.
i have a dentist app today
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#38 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #38](
Posted 19 May 2022 - 02:47 PM
dentist went fine, my mom made me get menchies after. booo. they raised their prices too... extra boooooo
my appendix area really really hurts im so tired of it. one of the doctors said it possibly could be my lymph nodes in that area, but didnt do any testing to see if it was. i remember also getting a few CT scans to check my appendix- each time they said they couldnt even see the appendix so they sent me home.
like idek what im supposed to do
anyways im shoveling popcorn into my mouth, unhinged, sitting here staring into nothing. gonna work on some writing and watch youtube
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#39 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #39](
Posted 19 May 2022 - 05:17 PM
5.19.22: 700cals
a little iffy about what i ate today. i feel bad. ugh. ill never get back to where i was yall
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#40 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #40](
Posted Yesterday, 09:33 AM
5.20.22 weight: 111.2
ugh. this is torture
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
[54th try] .<110 to <97.
#41 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #41](
Posted Yesterday, 06:56 PM
5.20.22: 680cals
my bf been rude to me lately i hate it here
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#42 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #42](
Posted Today, 10:37 AM
5.21.22 weight: 111.0
it hovered on 110.8
i dont understand how its going s o slowwww
hope it at least continues going down, i had a hard time getting out of the 110's the first time.. i just thought it was maybe food weight this time so itd go down fast.. guess im just fat in general now
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"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
cw/lw: 97.8
hw: 181 lbs
gw1: 150 bs
gw2: 135 lbs
ugw: 93lbs
ive lost 50+ pounds and it feels and looks like ive lost none :/
how the fuck am i bmi 15 lol
#43 ![[54th try] .<110 to <97.: post #43](
Posted Today, 11:48 AM
ur definitely nowhere near fat! fluctuation is always frustrating tho with the way you've been eating, ur definitely losing even if it's not rlly showing on the scale.
H: 5'7.5 LW: 150 (2014) SW: 158 (2014) HW: 216 (Dec. 2019..that's embarrassing) CW: ?
Gw 1: 190 lbs (86 kg) BMI - 29.3
Gw 2: 180 lbs (82 kg) BMI - 27.8
Gw 3: 170 lbs (77 kg) BMI - 26.2
Gw 4: 160 lbs (73 kg) BMI - 24.7
Gw 5: 150 lbs (68 kg) BMI - 23.1
Gw 6: 140 lbs (64 kg) BMI - 21.6
Gw 7: 130 lbs (59 kg) BMI - 20.1
Gw 8: 120 lbs (54 kg) BMI - 18.5
♥ UGW: 114 lbs(51 kg) BMI - 17.6 ♥
Effy & Pandora
Anime stuff
Korra stuff

Weight loss stuff
215 214 213 212 210 209 208 207 206
205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196
195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186
185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176
175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166
165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156
155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146
145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136
135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126
125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116
115 114<3
114 lbs by the end of 2022
anywhere b/t 800-1,600 calories a day
Daily Exercise
Posted Today, 08:51 AM
I wonder how many of these girls wear hip/butt pads and padded bras since I know that stuff is fairly normal in kpop. Some of these girls are soo thin but still have curves in their hips and chest and I just know that can't always be real/natural.
It looks super good ofc but also makes ppls body expectations even more unrealistic since most of them probably don't even actually look like that.
Posted Today, 11:57 AM
wanttobeadoll, on 20 May 2022 - 06:39 AM, said:
Yup. I remember reading about TVXQ’s sasaeng fans years ago. They were gross. Speaking as an international fan- I’ve been into Kpop, on and off, since 2011-ish and Kpop fans were never chill. Ever. However, I will say that I do think that it’s a bit worse now. But only because the fandom’s bigger. The toxicity is more intense because there are far more people participating in all of the bullshit. Back then, Kpop very much felt like a “weird” niche thing to be into, but now it’s pretty mainstream so it’s just worse in that way imo.
oh today's fans are definitely hella toxic by all means but honestly i can't beleive they're as bad as they were back then because they seem to mainly keep their insanity online, back then they were legit shanking people and having fist fights, following idols, breaking into their houses, poisoning them, sending menstrual blood etc lol nothing i've seen today has rlly topped that
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Posted Today, 12:02 PM
hot saying anything about garam's innocent-or-guilty status but honestly hybe should've just rescued lee chaeyeon from wm entertainment and debuted her with lesserafim instead lmao
H: 5'7.5 LW: 150 (2014) SW: 158 (2014) HW: 216 (Dec. 2019..that's embarrassing) CW: ?
Gw 1: 190 lbs (86 kg) BMI - 29.3
Gw 2: 180 lbs (82 kg) BMI - 27.8
Gw 3: 170 lbs (77 kg) BMI - 26.2
Gw 4: 160 lbs (73 kg) BMI - 24.7
Gw 5: 150 lbs (68 kg) BMI - 23.1
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Gw 7: 130 lbs (59 kg) BMI - 20.1
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♥ UGW: 114 lbs(51 kg) BMI - 17.6 ♥
Effy & Pandora
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Posted Today, 12:06 PM
Choco_Bitch_612, on 21 May 2022 - 11:57 AM, said:
Nothing will ever top the 'super glue in the orange juice era'oh today's fans are definitely hella toxic by all means but honestly i can't beleive they're as bad as they were back then because they seem to mainly keep their insanity online, back then they were legit shanking people and having fist fights, following idols, breaking into their houses, poisoning them, sending menstrual blood etc lol nothing i've seen today has rlly topped that

It's bad now but I think the difference is, at least these days, companies and idols are less afraid to take legal action/set boundaries and there's more "self policing" so to speak within fandoms themselves.
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