aspen’s accountability take two ♡ || bmi 18.0 → 15.4
Posted 08 April 2022 - 12:06 PM
(edited cuz you guys deserve to know abt me <3)
heyy im aspen and im slowly drifting back into ed hell
i like drawing and listening to my dumb edgy emo bands among other things
i have literally no long term goals with my life because depression is great, i think if i live long enough ill try art school out but who knows ?
m possibly neurodivergent but i only say that bcs im the most awkward emotional fuck youll ever meet.
and also im bitter because the place i went to get an adhd/asd assessment decided i was "too smart" to have any issues and basically dismissed my concerns >: (
confirmed by diagnosis:: i have bad anxiety and some math learning disability that prevents me from succeeding at algebra,
and also maybe dyslexia (doubt it) but that was only suggested because they couldnt explain my poor reading comprehension any other way lol. tbf i sort of stopped listening at this point because it felt like they were grasping for any excuse not to diagnose me with anything.
(like- getting real stingy with ur diagnosis' over here. my parents didnt just pay a shit ton of money for you to deny me helpful accommodations...)
im relapsing
my life is a mess, and i dunno how to deal with my problems any other way
|| starting stats (3/28/22)
- weight:: 105lbs
- height:: 5ft 4in
- bmi:: 18.0
|| my goals
- weight:: 90lbs
- bmi:: 15.4
- intake:: <1600kcal
- steps:: 10,000
- exercise:: 30 minutes minimum
|| updates
- this basically turned into an entire diary... tw for self harm mentions (4/12/22)
- made it below 100lbs again !!! (4/18/22)
- not weighing myself until 23-24th (ish) pray 4 me (5/14/22)
- musicclover likes this
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Posted 09 April 2022 - 12:28 AM
|| 4/8/22 ||
- weight:: 103lbs
- bmi:: 17.7
- intake:: 1485kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 10,010
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and multivitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
mixed nuts (170kcal)
popcorn (160kcal)
carrot and celery soup (75kcal)
burnt broccoli and veggie burger (225kcal)
french fries and tater tots (330kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
(sorry if my posts are too image heavy, still trying to figure things out :/)
sadly my weight has gone up since last time i weighed in, im on my period so hopefully its due to that. still very frustrating.
i felt guilty for eating so much food today, i wasnt even that hungry. i always get such nasty stomachaches on my period, should have taken my chance to lower my intake for today.
cant dwell on that right now, tomorrow is a new day.
my cousins visited for dinner tonight, its the last day of seeing them for over 2 months. very grateful for that honestly, having constant visitors over at my house is exhausting for me mentally.
ill be able to get back on my routine :]
my dance classes are starting back up on monday, hoping my weight will be down a bit more before then haha. at least (despite being on my period) ive been overall less bloated !! my hipbones have been a lot more visible since i officially started restricting, which im thrilled about ofc.
despite all the generally awful stuff that comes with restriction, at the very least it helps me keep properly hydrated lol
- hidingmia, solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 10 April 2022 - 12:22 AM
|| 4/9/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 995kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 10,026
- exercise:: 45 minutes (35min pilates, 10min weights)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
candy (25kcal)
burnt broccoli and textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
english muffins with veg cream cheese (380kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
bloated as ever. maybe im exaggerating as i dont really look it, but i still feel miserable.
periods suck so much. the period itself has been lighter than usual, but oh boy have i been getting a handful of other fun little symptoms as a replacement.
my lower back has been killing me for almost a week now, ive been more emotional then i have been in the past 6 months, and thats not to mention the stomachaches. skipped lunch because they were so unbelievably bad.
(of course, of course, maybe im just using that as an excuse to restrict more ha !)
point is im feeling terrible, couldnt weigh myself today. almost didnt get dressed.
but i did !
the only real positive from today is that i put on a pair of pants i hadnt worn in a few weeks. and they were looser !!!!
honestly, sad as it is, it made my whole day feel a little bit better.
i feel like ive made zero progress since starting my accountability, but seeing actual proof that i have is very reassuring :']
enough of my silly rambling, im hopeful i will feel mostly better by monday. i mean im gonna have to because mondays are my busiest day of the week..... ill be gone for a huge chunk of the day, and if my back pain and cramps persist....
at least i have tomorrow to rest ? (i say knowing full well im going to pace for most of they day)
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 10 April 2022 - 07:37 AM
Periods should really not be a thing; hope the symptoms die down soon :[
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 10 April 2022 - 06:33 PM
periods 100% do suck. you'd think in 2022 they'd have found a way to get rid of them easily but apparently not!
we can send people to space but periods? nahhhh too complicated
hoping you had a lovely day to rest today :3
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 11 April 2022 - 12:14 AM
|| 4/10/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1505kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 10,054
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and multivitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
popcorn (160kcal)
textured vegetable protein, sautéed with spices (95kcal)
carrot and celery soup (75kcal)
chocolate covered banana slices (175kcal)
burnt broccoli and homemade seitan (190kcal)
english muffins with veg cream cheese (380kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
stomachache was gone today thankfully. my appetite wasnt huge, but i still ended up eating more i guess. lol is that even a win when you have an eating disorder ?
i had a couple different foods today which has been stressing me out a bit, because they dont feel as safe as my usual choices….
ah well. i rested lots all afternoon. still got my steps and stuff but later on in the evening than id normally do, i always feel like thats cheating but ??
it was best to take a little time off in the end i suppose,
my family celebrates easter so im going to have to deal with that later this week…..
holidays are very stressful for me, and this time i havent even gotten to recover from my cousins visiting (they were here for a whole week)
when im finally living on my own (who knows how many years away that is :’( i dont know if ill ever be able to afford it) i think ill just skip them all.
final thoughts ? my dance class starts up again tomorrow, along with my ukulele lessons, and on top of that i have school that im continuing to fall behind on... ugh,
guess ill see how this week turn out for me huh :'>
-x replies x-
musicclover, on 10 Apr 2022 - 07:37 AM, said:
Periods should really not be a thing; hope the symptoms die down soon :[
solenoid, on 10 Apr 2022 - 6:33 PM, said:
periods 100% do suck. you'd think in 2022 they'd have found a way to get rid of them easily but apparently not!
we can send people to space but periods? nahhhh too complicated
hoping you had a lovely day to rest today :3
thank you both for your kind words <3 today was much better for me than yesterday :]
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 11 April 2022 - 03:28 PM
i feel you so hard on wanting to skip holidays :') just drains my energy completely and i always feel so exhausted mentally afterwards. i think i'll just "celebrate" them and use them as self care days more than anything lol
ALSO. home made seitan wow!! how long did it take you to make it?
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 12 April 2022 - 12:28 AM
|| 4/11/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1405kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 11,010
- exercise:: 1 hour 25 minutes (75min dance class, 10min abs)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
carrot and celery soup (75kcal)
popcorn (160kcal)
homemade seitan (125kcal)
dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
seasoned textured vegetable protein and burnt broccoli (160kcal)
english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
hmm might restrict lower tomorrow….. idk
all because i couldnt weigh today and now i get to feel like horrible about it >:[
bloated today, but im off my period !!!!
(slight tw:: self-harm)
also relapsed self-harm which was a poor decision on my part im sure.
i meant to cut last night but in my attempt to remove the blades i ended up destroying 2 (!!!!) razors leaving them completely mangled and unusable.
obviously i figured out how to get the blades out today, cheers i guess ?
i think im being too positive about the whole experience because self-harm is not healthy, etc. etc.
but i really dont care because my head feels a little clearer now and thats all that matters.
should i tell my therapist about the cutting ? is that something you do ??
last time i vaguely mentioned it, his advice was “dont do that”. which i was like okay !!! im going to ignore you lol.
is it better to NOT say anything?
i think i might make an art thread to post my vent/weird drawings and stuff.
if anyone is interested.
-x replies x-
solenoid, on 11 Apr 2022 - 3:28 PM, said:
i feel you so hard on wanting to skip holidays :') just drains my energy completely and i always feel so exhausted mentally afterwards. i think i'll just "celebrate" them and use them as self care days more than anything lol
ALSO. home made seitan wow!! how long did it take you to make it?
genuinely what id like to do !! i think my birthday is the hardest to get through because my mom always invites a bunch of family members over :’) when all ive ever really wanted is to left be alone.
i used this recipe for the seitan btw, because its pretty quick :: https://itdoesnttast...-vegan-chicken/
(it did end up taking me an hour though lol, but only because the basket i use for steaming was broken, so i had to boil it)
definitely not my favorite recipe, but the best ones are more time consuming unfortunately (something ive been lacking lately)
my favorite recipe is this one i think, it was the first one i tried out a few years ago:
not too complicated but definitely takes more time to kneed/bake it.
(also ive always wanted to try making it by the washed flour method, but thats definitely a more extensive process haha)
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 12 April 2022 - 06:37 PM
would love to see ur art/vent thread!
also, i would def suggets telling ur therapist abt self harming. its weird they brushed it off like that last time tho :/ yikes. hope they dont do that again and give you more tangible advise
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 13 April 2022 - 12:22 AM
|| 4/12/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1100kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 11,000
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
homemade seitan (125kcal)
subway sandwich (400kcal)
baked potato chips (140kcal)
diet coke (5kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
a thing you should know about me is i suffer from being a dumb bitch.
like slit my forearms dumb bitch level,
now im stuck wearing long sleeves for the next several weeks, and thats only if i dont make this a into a cute little habit.
i fucking forgot i have pictures coming up for my dance class, literally feel like an idiot.
theyll heal pretty quick if i keep them clean (week tops)
but oh boy explaining the scars to my mom will not be fun ugh
i should have just done my abdomen, no one would see them there,
i have time, by the time everyone sees them ill have seen my therapist again so at least i can say ive already talked it over with him (which i will)
ate less today because i woke up late ofc.
stupid scale is fucking broken
so upset
i cant do this
my mom bought a new one, have no idea when its arriving or if its already arrived,
im so close to getting out the wiifit again just to weigh myself haha
(im very serious, im tempted….)
had subway for dinner which is sort of a safe food ?
i went to one in a questionable part of town once, had a huge panic attack after eating and spent the next week convinced i would come down with botulism (i didnt)
now i can only eat from the one thats 2 minutes away from my house
which always has really good bread so im not complaining m.
also went grocery shopping with my mom for easter stuff. i feel like i picked out too many expensive items,
i really need to get a job so i can contribute to paying for my pricey groceries.
pretty sure all im good at is costing my parents money :[
-x replies x-
solenoid, on 12 Apr 2022 - 6:37 PM, said:
would love to see ur art/vent thread!
also, i would def suggets telling ur therapist abt self harming. its weird they brushed it off like that last time tho :/ yikes. hope they dont do that again and give you more tangible advise
yeah my therapist isnt amazing sadly,
i was trying to peruse different treatment options (because currently the only thing im diagnosed with is “bad anxiety”, and 4-5 years of treatment for that has done almost nothing for me)
short version: it did not turn out well,
long version:
over the summer i started pursuing an evaluation for both adhd and asd in particular. i had a whole list of reasons as to why i thought this + genuine daily struggles that were interfering (and continue to do so) with my quality of life.
finally a few months ago i was able to get tested, only for the results to come back with….. nothing.
(okay well, anxiety, but ive been seeing a therapist for over 4 years now so i already knew that)
i feel really bad for doubting the results, because obviously theyre the professionals in this situation.
but i dont feel like the actual evaluation process was that…. good ?
it was mostly iq based, they barely asked me any questions (pretty sure they talked to my parents more than me).
my point with this is, i dont know what to do from here.
i tried talking with both my parents and my therapist about this.
my mom is upset im questioning the results (and to a degree i feel like shes probably right)
and my therapist wasnt too keen on my getting evaluated in the first place because he didnt think it would solve anything.
i feel so hopeless, my parents wasted so much money on testing all for me to get told “im too smart and social to possibly not be neurotypical )” (which is a bit ironic since ive never had any long term genuine friends)
basically they said im “just gifted”.
things are complicated and weird right now,
and since its too close to the holiday i cant discuss this with my parents yet (my mom is stressed enough as it is, shed just get upset )
and its ironic because none of this even covers my eating disorder, (which i am NOT seeking help for)
anyway enough rambling and oversharing from me lol, you did not ask for that
heres the link to my art stuff btw, since you were interested :]
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 13 April 2022 - 06:36 AM
melt your headaches, on 13 Apr 2022 - 12:22 AM, said:
yeah my therapist isnt amazing sadly,
i was trying to peruse different treatment options (because currently the only thing im diagnosed with is “bad anxiety”, and 4-5 years of treatment for that has done almost nothing for me)
short version: it did not turn out well,
long version:
over the summer i started pursuing an evaluation for both adhd and asd in particular. i had a whole list of reasons as to why i thought this + genuine daily struggles that were interfering (and continue to do so) with my quality of life.
finally a few months ago i was able to get tested, only for the results to come back with….. nothing.(okay well, anxiety, but ive been seeing a therapist for over 4 years now so i already knew that)
i feel really bad for doubting the results, because obviously theyre the professionals in this situation.
but i dont feel like the actual evaluation process was that…. good ?it was mostly iq based, they barely asked me any questions (pretty sure they talked to my parents more than me).
my point with this is, i dont know what to do from here.
i tried talking with both my parents and my therapist about this.
my mom is upset im questioning the results (and to a degree i feel like shes probably right)
and my therapist wasnt too keen on my getting evaluated in the first place because he didnt think it would solve anything.
i feel so hopeless, my parents wasted so much money on testing all for me to get told “im too smart and social to possibly not be neurotypical)” (which is a bit ironic since ive never had any long term genuine friends)
basically they said im “just gifted”.
things are complicated and weird right now,
and since its too close to the holiday i cant discuss this with my parents yet (my mom is stressed enough as it is, shed just get upset)
and its ironic because none of this even covers my eating disorder, (which i am NOT seeking help for)
anyway enough rambling and oversharing from me lol, you did not ask for that
heres the link to my art stuff btw, since you were interested :]
that sounds like a lot of work to only be told you're not suffering when you clearly are. i'm sorry that you've dealth with professionals undermining your problems when all you wanted was a solution. i wish i could help. but keep in mind even professionals make mistakes, and some of them make plenty. if your gut feeling tells you that they didn't capture an underlying problem with their tests, you're likely correct. and the evaluation that you described sounds outdated, but i'm not sure.
i totally relate to you feeling like a waste for spending your parents' money. i told this to my mom one time, and she told me that i'm not a burden which made me feel better. maybe being a little direct about how all this is making you feel could help? like a little later when the holidays are over. i know everyone's parents are different though
thanks for the link!
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 14 April 2022 - 12:34 AM
|| 4/13/22 ||
- weight:: 102.4
- bmi:: 17.6
- intake:: 1460kcal
- steps:: 12,002
- exercise:: 1 hour 25 minutes (75min dance class, 10min abs)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
popcorn (160kcal)
pan fried tempeh (145kcal)
blueberries (70kcal)
celery soup (60kcal)
dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
homemade seitan with burnt broccoli (190kcal)
english muffins with peach jam (360kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
okay ive calmed down today.
my cuts are healing well. they dont even sting anymore. i guess thats the benefit of only making cat scratches ? they heal fast enough that no one ever knows. (they dont scar much either though :/ i dont know how i feel about that)
i ate more than yesterday which is fine.
i plan on eating maintenance after i eventually lose the weight anyway lol
the new scale arrived, made me a bit panicked cause ive been relying on a broken one for ages, but my weight was actually lower than the last time i checked !!!
finally right in the middle of the 17s (i act like ive been stuck for ages, its been two weeks lol)
bought some new makeup yesterday :] (including some new eyeshadow colors, gonna do pretty makeup for easter)
oh and i forgot to mention yesterday, but i got 8oz tempeh for 99¢ !!!!
ive never seen it that cheap before, and it was organic !!
im so happy tempeh is one of my favorite foods :]
on a less positive though..
tomorrow my family is having a big dinner :[ all my grandparents are invited and everything.
probably will skip lunch so i have enough leftover calories lol- even though I really hate doing that.
most people in my family dont eat much on days when we’re having a special dinner anyhow,
-x replies x-
solenoid, on 13 Apr 2022 - 06:36 AM, said:
that sounds like a lot of work to only be told you're not suffering when you clearly are. i'm sorry that you've dealth with professionals undermining your problems when all you wanted was a solution. i wish i could help. but keep in mind even professionals make mistakes, and some of them make plenty. if your gut feeling tells you that they didn't capture an underlying problem with their tests, you're likely correct. and the evaluation that you described sounds outdated, but i'm not sure.
i totally relate to you feeling like a waste for spending your parents' money. i told this to my mom one time, and she told me that i'm not a burden which made me feel better. maybe being a little direct about how all this is making you feel could help? like a little later when the holidays are over. i know everyone's parents are different though
thanks for the link!
yeah :(
ive talked with a few other people online who have (unfortunately) dealt with similar experiences when seeking help from professionals. and agree that i should probably look into a second opinion,
……which will be more money that both me and my parents do not have :[ im still going to talk to them about this after the holidays are over and see what we can do.
(i believe we were given the option to discuss the results further and ask questions if we had any. which is probably the next step. )
(my mom doesnt want me on medication but i might ask to just try adhd meds to see if they help. she doesnt technically get much say in it as im old enough that its really my decision to make…. plus i dont see the harm, if they work that solves like 50% of my current problems, if not i just stop taking them ??)
really it just frustrates me that this is such a common occurrence though.
also... i havent left a comment on your accountability yet (which i will when i have time to type out something proper !), but i just wanted to say i really enjoy reading it, your food always looks so good <3
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 15 April 2022 - 12:09 AM
|| 4/14/22 ||
- weight:: 101.4
- bmi:: 17.4
- intake:: 1290kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 14,021
- exercise:: 45 minutes (35min pilates, 10min weights)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
zevia soda (0kcal)
fig newmans, strawberries, olives, rice crackers and pan fried tempeh (445kcal)
pita with hearts of palm dip (415kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
well the real benefit of skipping lunch is that i had a much larger frame of time to weigh myself in.
ive been majorly constipated for the last week, but i finally had a decent bm last night and another one early this afternoon
and, i have good news
the scale went down again !!!! finally making real progress.
hopefully by the end of april ill be back down in the double digits….
but at least it feels close enough now that im not feeling so panicked about my current weight anymore :>
anyway dinner was huge ofc (and we’re having another large family meal tomorrow. which will technically be slightly smaller than todays. but also im supposed to fast all day because, religious family. so its fine. im fine.)
the last time i had a lot of these foods (looking at u rice crackers in particular) i had a huge b/p session afterwards,
which then triggered an entire several week long b/p cycle…
so… point being.
im very proud i didnt do any of that this time :’)
um other than that
everyone on the internet is mean.
and i cant even enjoy my interests anymore without running across some stupid outdated discourse.
im so tired
got lotsa steps thoughhhh
was not my original plan. but i got all my steps in early, and normally id get my last few thousand after my night snack. apparently i felt guilty for not pacing afterwords ?? so i ended up getting 2,000 more steps just to ease my anxiety.
dude eating disorders are fucking weird.
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 15 April 2022 - 11:41 PM
|| 4/15/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1240kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 12,005
- exercise:: 45 minutes (35min pilates, 10min weights)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
(unpictured) more cashew milk (25kcal)
zevia soda (0kcal)
chips + guacamole, fruit roll up, and grapes (360kcal)
burritos (425kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
decided to clean one of my food hoards dresser drawers out today. and lo and behold an old sparkling water i had stashed away a few years back, had fucking leaked ???? it smelled like alcohol too because it was a fruit flavored one (had to air my entire room out)
absolutely destroyed a bunch of homemade cards id received over the years (also damaged an old bible. which i dont care about tbh, but i feel bad cause my parents bought it for me and if they ever find out its water damaged… theyd be crushed)
unfortunately that triggered panic mode, and i spent the next hour and a half thoroughly cleaning my room.
nothing else was ruined aside from what id already discovered, so i was able to calm down after.
but hey at least my room looks pretty nice now ? eh ????
grandparents came over for dinner again.
it was interesting,
i was planning on putting vegan cheese in my burritos.
but apparently i forgot to pick it up from the store last time (??? ) which of course freaked me out because id been looking forward to it all day…
i started crying.
in front of everyone
it was horrible.
my mom felt bad i guess so she went to the store and picked some up for me (the store is like two minutes away lol). i still felt super awful though because of how i reacted, AND i ended up delaying dinner by 30 minutes. i feel so embarrassed with myself.
my grandparents left early because my grandma started getting weird chest pains :/ my mom was worried shed end up in the er tonight, but she ended up feeling better after going home. thats good i think.
tomorrow will be my only real day off where i can actually eat normally because the day after that is easter
only one more day of stupid big family meals to suffer through.
…….until next week when its greek easter, ugh.
im so sick of holidays >:[ they make me cranky,
im tired from pacing extra yesterday so i didnt push myself too much today.
i also was supposed to have an exercise class this evening but i decided to skip.
i dont know what id wear anyway, i dont have long sleeves for working out in- and i cant wear short sleeves for at least a week or two to give my cuts a chance to heal (and fade) more….
it would look so attention-seeking if i wore a tank top now, and that is the exact opposite of what i want :/
- musicclover likes this
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Posted 17 April 2022 - 12:08 AM
|| 4/16/22 ||
- weight:: 100.2lbs
- bmi:: 17.2
- intake:: 1465kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 15,021
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
refried beans (110kcal)
popcorn (160kcal)
microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
(unpictured) celery soup (60kcal)
broccoli with veg cheese, pan fried tempeh (250kcal)
english muffins with raspberry jam (360kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
well im back on my normal routine for today.
which means eating more.
but ive felt like literal shit for the past few days so its probably for the better. at least it will be easier to work out and get my steps in not being so light headed all the time :b (also my weight is down again, yay !!!)
its crazy, some of my pants are already getting too loose to wear. at this rate itll only be a week or two before i have to stop completely. (lucky i bought a bunch of pants when my bmi was 15-16 so i can go back to wearing those )
i feel like i should have restricted more before easter but….
ill be off of my routine tomorrow and tbh that makes me feel more out of control then an extra 300 calories ever did.
im gonna bake carrot cake i think.
i love cake, but its depressing knowing a smallish sized piece is usually at least 500-600kcal
i think if i make them into cupcakes so theyre pre-portioned….. AND i can use less frosting….
i might have to go to my grandmas for lunch on monday. i should just refuse. theres to much to do that day…. plus its right after easter and im so tired of holidays.
i want to cry.
im so mad at my mom. she says im being “”unreasonable””. but in my defense, i put up with all the holiday dinners and activities, cant i have a break ??? (thats not really even going to be a break, because i have places to go to and ill be out of the house most of the day, i dont have time to go to a stupid lunch.)
my mom always tells me im demanding too much from my family. because i like having it quieter around the house (i have 5 siblings so I WISH) and i need alone time to unwind…. :’(
is that unreasonable ???
i never thought i was asking so much from them, but maybe i am. ?
genuinely, its confusing for me.
because sometimes it really bothers my mom and she yells at me, and other times she acts like she completely understands my needs and shes suddenly super respectful ??
i really dont know anymore.
its pathetic tbh. i keep asking myself why couldnt i be the normal, responsible, compliant child my parents needed ?
but instead, im just a mess.
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Posted 17 April 2022 - 04:30 AM
I'm not great at articulating my thoughts on this, but you're defo not being unreasonable or pathetic at all. Everybody needs a break sometimes, it's completely normal and you're not being demanding.
I love carrot cake btw!
Hope you have a great day xx
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 17 April 2022 - 11:47 PM
guyssss this isnt even all the candy i got :,))))
HELP LMAO how am i going to eat all of this ?!?!?!!?
- StarvingLlama*-*, solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 18 April 2022 - 12:01 AM
|| 4/17/22 ||
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake 1500kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 14,399
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
-x food pictures x-
coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
resurrection rolls (370kcal)
(unpictured) cashew milk (25kcal)
salad with nutrition yeast dressing, pan fried tempeh, baked potato (445kcal)
carrot cupcake (415kcal)
protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
-x thoughts x-
i planned on eating more but i wasnt super hungry after breakfast so i didnt really have a good excuse to eat extra.
i did make myself drink cashew milk for the calcium though , i guess that was my extra ??
still,,,,, it ended up being about the same as i normally eat, maybe a bit more cause i had to estimate the potato and salad; and i feel like i picked one of the bigger cupcakes… ah well
its done. i survived.
and i was able to enjoy some foods i wont get any other time of the year without turning it into a huge b/p session.
the cupcakes were delicious despite how sad they ended up looking lol. they fucking sunk into themselves, oops.
i get the house to myself tomorrow while my family visits my grandma :] i mean itll only be about 4 hours (since i have a ukulele lesson AND a dance class in the evening) but oh man it will be so nice. especially after such a long two weeks for me.
i almost s/h again but i avoided it because i dont have any places that id be able to hide the cuts :/ i already pushed my luck with my forearms last week, my costume for dancr will be arriving anytime and im going to have to try it on in front of everyone….. not to mention get pictures in it. (pictures that WILL be sent to family members :’>)
hopefully i can stay clean for a few more weeks and go from there.
overall though, a decent day thankfully.
no more holidays until next sunday lol
-x replies x-
musicclover, on 17 Apr 2022 - 04:30 AM, said:
I'm not great at articulating my thoughts on this, but you're defo not being unreasonable or pathetic at all. Everybody needs a break sometimes, it's completely normal and you're not being demanding.
I love carrot cake btw!
Hope you have a great day xx
dude thank you <3
it reassuring to hear that, sometimes i really dont know if im asking for too much or not.
regardless though, i talked with my mom about it and she understood why i wanted to stay home tomorrow. so its all good now at least :] if only we could communicate this well more often.
thank you, i hope you had a good day as well !
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 18 April 2022 - 04:57 AM

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Posted 18 April 2022 - 11:48 PM
okay, little bit of a rant but-
apparently while my family was visiting with my grandma, she decided to criticize me being vegan by saying "isnt that mostly just processed foods"
(my mom said she implied that i dont eat very healthy)
like ????
my stupid brain is freaking out currently,
she may as well have called me fat directly to my face !!?!
why would she even say that ??!?
shes never seen me eat outside of holidays ???
god she can be so triggering.
i mean
i really shouldnt be surprised tbh. she always make a big show of undereating at family gatherings. and ive heard her tell my (PERFECTLY HEALTHY !!!) younger siblings to not eat so much.
i dont understand the point of her comments. because, none of my siblings are really unhealthy ? everyone is either normal weight or underweight so the comments insinuating that we overeat are so..... strange.
but yeah, point is, oh my god does it upset me.
Posted 03 May 2022 - 12:35 AM
|| 5/2/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1480kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 13,022
- exercise:: 1 hour 25 minutes (75min dance, 10min abs)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- fresh spring rolls (100kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- frozen banana (70kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- corn thins with cinnamon pb2 (160kcal)
- burnt broccoli and seasoned textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (380kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
so uh
i didnt weigh myself today
ive decided, i will try, my very best-
to not do it so compulsively
ate a bit more though
freaked out cause im convinced my potassium is too low (which it could be idk anxiety being a bitch)
chose a banana instead of the strawberries i was planning on (even though those dont actually have that much potassium)
it wasnt quite ripe enough to eat fresh, but freezing them makes the texture really good so it turned out alright.
bought some avocado and low-sodium v8 just in case my potassium really is going to shit.
im not taking any chances.
what sucks though is that i can’t stand most high potassium foods spinach, squash, coconut water, etc.
all the textures are so wrong eugshdhdsks
makes it so hard to get proper nutrition
anyway might get some potassium salt later on if im still having anxiety attacks about this. its kinda expensive but not like im gonna eat it by the spoonfuls.
at least im currently feeling physically fine.
im trying to stretch more often lol
last year i was OBSESSED with stretching literally every single day, got my splits and could do some crazy backbend stuff super fun.
sadly my brain didnt like that after awhile.
…..mind you im hypermobile so realistically i SHOULD be careful. my brain can be very all or nothing though…..
so after i accidentally dislocated my kneecap i basically quit completely.
which was bad cuz my muscles get all tight and thats super painful and caused me back and shoulder issues….
so uh now im just sticking to gentle stretches to protect my joints and also keep my muscles and brain happy
btw its pretty bullshit that i use my ed to cope with my anxiety and stuff only to experience a full blown decline in mental health :c
i just want to be numb again,
- frozenyogurt, whatever.forever, solenoid and 1 other like this
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Posted 03 May 2022 - 05:09 AM
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 04 May 2022 - 12:53 AM
|| 5/3/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1430kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 13,001
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
- frozen blueberries (70kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- low sodium v8 with added:: pepper, salt, oregano, garlic and onion powder (60kcal)
- corn thins with avocado and nutritional yeast (155kcal)
- burnt broccoli and seasoned textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (380kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
todays freak out was cause by my newfound fear of developing osteoporosis
(it was awesome i cried for like 30 minutes straight)
an improvement from yesterdays “maybe im going into cardiac arrest” ?
im so tired of my fucking brain
still havent got my period which is just lovely. as much as i hate it…. id also hate to lose more bone density…..
maybe its just my hypochondria but like….. i dont understand wanting to purposely rid myself of my period via restriction. LIKE I WANT IT GONE just uhhh the right way ig (as in im gonna get a hysterectomy one day )
i lost my period for abt 1.5 years and then got it back for like 3 or 4 months ????
i probably exercise too much for it to stay, sigh
(hey btw why are afab bodies so fucked up lmao ???? let me do my LOW INTENSITY workouts without my period fucking off pls)
im scared for if i ever get a DEXA scan really.
i should go back to calcium supplements, i already take some d3 and drink fortified milk at least.
i did grow a whole inch last year….. which is kinda irrelevant (is it????) but also at least i know i was getting good nutrition in my ~recovery~ so hopefully my bone health is okayish
if anyone has tips please share,,,,, i really am trying with this harm reduction
the v8 only tasted okay,
think ill have it only when my anxiety is being really bad- its one of those foods i know im gonna take a bite of one time and immediately throw up cause its suddenly so awful.
having avocado was so nice though,
i used to eat it everyday on toasted ezekiel bread. this was like the low cal version of that (fr corn thins are good though so im not complaining )
the nutritional yeast scares me abit because it has b12 and my vitamins have like a weeks worth a day…..
ofc i know you cant actually overdose that, plus theres no guarantee im absorbing it correctly anyway
EDITED:: i looked it up and apparently b12 absorption rate is super low (and i think lower for when you take a large amount at once ???)
anyway point is i shouldnt be worried lol
my steps have been lower,
i mean really, its still a pretty decent count. im just infamous for placing really high daily expectations on myself and then burning out (i get 17k one time and now my brain is like THAT SHOULD BE OUR NEW DAILY MINIMUM!!,!,!.!,!)
my anxiety has been so fucking bad though
im convincing myself im having chest pains rip. everyday i wonder when the heart attack is gonna come.
also i have a dentist appointment in <1 week so guess ill finally know if my gums are receding
gonna try to avoid getting more invisalign trays because im so sick of them they fuck my mouth up so bad (my jaw was locked for a MONTH at one point )
plus like,,,,, i still have 4 teeth growing in so....
tomorrow im gonna weigh myself, please scale have gone down :’(((
i need SOME positive news out of this.
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 04 May 2022 - 12:59 AM
|| replies
whatever.forever, on 03 May 2022 - 05:09 AM, said:
sorry to hear your mental health has been poor lately :< idk about you but my mental health tends to be heavily affected by the seasons and weather. hopefully the warm sunny days coming soon will lift your spirits just a little bit. <3
honestly im not surprised its so bad right now this has always been a rough time of year for me.
its not even that i really mind the "gloomy" weather (i quite enjoy it tbh), just something about march-may time always gets to me, (ive had alot of lows during those months haha,)
i am looking forward for it to warm up more though hopefully things will improve a little bit then,
Posted 04 May 2022 - 01:30 PM
Honestly I'm not sure what to say but I'm sorry your anxiety has been so bad lately really hope it improves in the summer months like another user said.
Either way I'm rooting for you; better days will come <3
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 05 May 2022 - 12:44 AM
|| 5/4/22
- weight:: 99.4lbs
- bmi:: 17.1
- intake:: 1450kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 17000
- exercise:: 1 hour 25 minutes (75min dance, 10min abs)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- candy (25kcal)
- seasoned textured vegetable protein (95kcal)
- grape tomatoes and spicy mustard (60kcal)
- frozen banana (85kcal)
- corn thins with avocado and nutritional yeast (150kcal)
- veggie burger and burnt broccoli (225kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (380kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
my weight went down a little.
it was a bit disappointing i guess, but maybe this means ive finally broke my plateau
i weighed myself like 20 times and everytime it was the same exact number
i felt so fat today though,
triggered myself into waking extra steps bcs we sat around for alot of my dance class cause SOME people like to get chatty.
i didnt cry again last night. but i did have a panic attack so that was pretty fun.
probably gonna have a good cry at 3am today though, i can sense one coming on.
feeling very stuck right now.
the chest tightness or whatever was less prevalent today. please let it just be my anxiety.
it wasnt really “interfering” with anything (other than my brain ofc) and if it was serious i think i would be more noticeable.
im just trying to be rational about this.
my headaches are back.
i know things are getting bad cause what little appetite i had previously is gone.
im not even hungry- i just eat what i have planned at my set times.
makes me want to low restrict again, but i think thats very counterproductive considering whats been causing my anxiety lately
not gonna weigh until saturday
its easier to stick to my plan with the scale out of the picture.
oh the good news is i finally dug out the ingrown hair.
thank god now it can heal properly and never come back
(context is that ive had it for months- it only recently got infected )
also i worked on the biology stuff im behind on. i think its my favorite subject
i think i might start posting outfit pictures to motivate me to not always wear my depression clothes haha
(which i did today lol….. but in my defense ive been wearing nice outfits for the past 3 or 4 days and i needed a break)
and um its super late as im typing this. just drank a ton of caffeinated drinks and i feel like im gonna pass out im so tired.
im gonna make myself a quesadilla tomorrow for dinner. used to be one of my favorite foods.
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 05 May 2022 - 12:48 AM
|| replies
musicclover, on 04 May 2022 - 1:30 PM, said:
Honestly I'm not sure what to say but I'm sorry your anxiety has been so bad lately
really hope it improves in the summer months like another user said.
Either way I'm rooting for you; better days will come <3
thank you <3
everyones support means a lot to me : )
- musicclover likes this
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Posted 06 May 2022 - 12:46 AM
|| 5/5/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1400kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 13,300
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- stir fried veggies (75kcal)
- seasoned textured vegetable protein (95kcal)
- frozen blueberries (70kcal)
- corn thins with pb2 (160kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- black beans, tomatoes, olives, and hot sauce (190kcal)
- quesadilla and caramel chocolate flower (330kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
oh man i woke up so so so late today,
my mom was PISSED that i stayed up so late…… lol
little ironic she got so mad, cuz this is the first time ive slept late in literal ages. so its not like its a routine occurrence.
plus in my defense every other member of my family was up SUPER late last night, which messed up MY nighttime routine because i cant eat my snack or draw when i have 3 obnoxiously loud siblings running around the house
ugh yeah,
she didnt actually yell at me much so its all good atm
i feel like i ate so much today rip
probably cause my breakfast was so much closer to my lunch cause im not about to skip my Specially. Planned. Meals.
maybe thats a bit sad cause i COULD restrict more…
but also my resting heart rate HAS been higher these past few days, which is helping calm my anxiety down abit
and i don’t want to screw that up
i dont even need to explain myself tbh
just cause i high restrict doesnt make my ed any less valid, etc. etc.
aside from that stuff, today was better than the last few.
i didnt actually cry OR have a panic attack last night so yay
and i took more of a rest day (i mean not really but i didnt force myself to do a shit ton of steps again )
tomorrow my family is making pizza instead of on sunday since we’re celebrating mothers day instead of the usual pizza + movie.
i gotta make my mom a nice card.
- whatever.forever, solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 07 May 2022 - 12:21 AM
|| 5/6/22
- weight:: 100lbs
- bmi:: 17.2
- intake:: 1230kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 13,800
- exercise:: 55 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- zevia soda (0kcal)
- vegan cheese pizza (800kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
i ended up weighing myself again only to get triggered :’)
im at a loss, my weight hasnt budged in weeks-
and ofc realistically im not expecting a HUGE drop. but it hasnt really moved at all….
im thinking if it hasnt changed by sunday ill try eating maintenance for a day.
like actually eating my tdee (which im assuming is somewhere between 1800-2000kcal ? might be overestimating it but hm)
im trying to be calm about the scale stalling on me
i know ive visibly gotten smaller , and i know the whoosh effect is a thing
and also its probably my fault for exercising so much and retaining a shit ton of water
i had an exercise class today which- being the smart person i am, ate less than 200kcal prior to going.
amazingly i didnt die
genuinely would NOT recommend it though, i got super shaky afterwards and thought i was gonna pass out
so well yeah,
despite the bad stuff, i did manage to study and make my mom a card for mothers day
ill post a pic tomorrow when the light is good, im very happy with how it came out.
(now only like 3 cards to go my mom has us make cards for both my grandmas AND my aunt.)
it rained so much today, it was really nice
my favorite thing is when i rains a bunch at night its so calming. id put some music on and draw on my bed until the early morning hours
really bad for my sleep schedule…… but its worth it every now and then
weather like this reminds me of my lw ^^’
yeah anywayyyy
ill weigh again tomorrow,
my siblings are gonna be gone most of the day also, which will be nice (i have 5 siblings lmaoo)
my anxiety has calmed a bit
ive decided i just dont care anymore
dont have energy to think of the potential future health consequences
+ like the earth is heating up, the economy is in shambles. and is that really something i care about living a long enough life to suffer the full effects of ??? no it is not. MAYBE if i actual HAD the chance to you know, live a fulfilling life, id have the will to live
im sorry for being a bit passively suicidal. story of my life really.
- whatever.forever, solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 08 May 2022 - 12:37 AM
|| 5/7/22
- weight:: 99.8
- bmi:: 17.1
- intake:: 1230kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 16,023
- exercise:: rest day
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- zevia soda (0kcal)
- vegan cheese pizza (800kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
yeah, yeah….. my weight didnt go down yet again
not sure what i was expecting really.
ended up moping around in pjs for most of the day until i got dressed for church
(which we ended up skipping cause my siblings + mom were out at a fishing event and didnt make it back in time lol)
i had a dream where my heart rate kept dipping to 30s while i was awake
i woke up and frantically went to check my watch before remembering i dont even wear it to bed lmao
not the best way to wake up.
(ironically my heart rate got weirdly high today ???)
i also had a stupid headache for awhile
my nighttime aligners make me clench my jaw in my sleep really bad :c
gotta talk to my dentist about that
took a rest day today cause i havent had one in exactly 2 weeks and id rather not cause any overuse injuries. though probably unlikely to be an actual concern- cause im not doing super strenuous stuff,
i always have trouble taking days off
but its easier to do on days i eat below my bmr haha,
even if it makes my defect a little smaller i know im still losing.
i want to bake something for my mom,
not sure if ill have time but im gonna try.
probably just gonna go for maintenance tomorrow. ill use that as an excuse to eat a bunch of ice cream lol
……which might not be good cause my dads mom is coming for dinner, and she always makes comments when someone is eating a lot id be so embarrassed if she said something to me…..
thats like my biggest fear is someone pointing out how much i eat…. especially on my high intake days ugh
i just want to have a more laid back day dammit.
also, PS::
just wanted to say, thank you guys for 18 followers. ily all <3
- musicclover likes this
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Posted 09 May 2022 - 12:11 AM
before i forget- heres the card i made for my mom
- solenoid, musicclover and wavy brazilian like this
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Posted 09 May 2022 - 12:36 AM
|| 5/8/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1890kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 15,810
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- tomatoes with hot sauce (40kcal)
- seasoned textured vegetable protein (95kcal)
- frozen banana (70kcal)
- corn thins with pb2 (160kcal)
- burnt broccoli and veggie burger (225kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
- vanilla ice cream (490kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
- (unpictured) seaweed snacks (20kcal), zevia soda (0kcal)
|| thoughts
maintenance was easy enough to hit because i basically structured my meals the same…. just added an entire pint of ice cream on top of it lmaoo
(which was super good btw, not quite as low calorie as halo top but still very decent. tasted mostly like coconut cream,,,, but i love coconut cream so-)
definitely had waaayyy too much fiber though lol (roughly about 70g)
yayay stomachaches here i come
thank GOD i had no ballet or ANY exercise classes in general to go to. i would have been so bloated and horrible looking :’)
at least baggy clothes hide that abit more
actually though i felt pretty skinny today for once
like u know how thighs kinda curve inwards (i dont specifically mean thigh gap exactly ? so maybe this is just my funny bone structure) when you start getting to the really underweight bmis ??
aghhh literally my favorite thing ever
my legs look so thick at higher weights (super unfair. other people get to look so nice and then i look chunky at bmi fucking 18)
downsides of having narrow hips wile being afab, i stg if only i didnt store the weight in my thighs.
also another cool thing, i can almost wrap my middle finger and thumb entirely around the area above my elbow !! that used to be my biggest bodycheck- but i got too embarrassed (??) to do it after gaining weight :c
actually its been so nice because i finally can do some of my old bodychecks without feeling massive and horrible afterwards !! its becoming a comfort again.
anyway crossing my fingers this finally gets me to break my plateau haha,
gonna hold off until wednesday for the weigh so i have a few days to lose the extra water weight from today and stuff
- whatever.forever, solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 09 May 2022 - 09:10 AM
your daily coffee+vitamins picture always reminds me to take mine lol
feel u on the narrow hips + afab thing tho. ugh so frustrating wish puberty actually did something to my hips but man all it did was make me hairy
hope the fiber intake doesn't give u too much of a stomachache! & ur mom's card is super cute
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 12:48 AM
|| 5/9/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1395kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 16,000
- exercise:: 1 hour 35 minutes (75min dance, 20min abs)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- tomatoes with hot sauce (40kcal)
- frozen blueberries (70kcal)
- seasoned textured vegetable protein (95kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- corn thins with avocado and nutritional yeast (155kcal)
- burnt broccoli and black beans (195kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
i was expecting to feel worse after yesterday but i actually felt physically alright.
mondays are my most exhausting days so having some extra energy was nice.
anyway most of the day went okay up until right before dance.
apparently my mom forgot to wash my leotard so, long story short, i yelled at her, she yelled at me.
said it was “my fault” she didnt wash it.
i cried because no way was i going to wear something that had been sitting in the hamper for 3 days.
she ended up hand washing it and throwing it in the dryer 2 minutes before i was supposed to leave.
i ended up cutting my hips a bit because i was so frustrated with the situation.
…..which was really dumb bcs i had to put a bandage on it (and for really minor cuts i dont do that cause the bandage sticks and reopens the cut when i try to take it off) or else id bleed all over my pink tights.
i made it in time though cause my teacher was late today lol
just ended up wearing a half wet leotard. which i mean…. kept me from overheating ig ?
and then ballet ended up being disappointing because my teacher kept getting distracted talking to some of the other girls :/ so we didnt really do much.
(hence i panicked when i got home and did 20 minutes of abs to compensate)
that girl i mentioned awhile ago, the one who kept calling our costumes ugly, was complaining a bunch today. so that made my mood a lot worse
shes really starting to bother me because she acts so entitled ? and everyone just lets her get away with it.
im mentally so tired right now.
decided to weigh my nighttime cereal and it was like 6ish grams more than i thought it was
lol oh well
ill just count it up the extra 25kcal more from now on (and go back and edit my other entries cuz it will bug me)
im not even super bothered ig ? like im still losing so whatever.
maybe i should just use the food scale for everything again, spare myself from this happening again.
honestly i probably wont because i just dont care that much usually
im just so so drained today
and i end up getting super obsessive over the food scale which is fun
calories are so annoying
sometimes it feels like all the energy i put into weighing and measuring out all my food is for nothing because it will never be 100% accurate no matter how precise i may get.
i try not to think about that 🙃
i dont have a point to all this btw
just my thoughts.
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 10 May 2022 - 01:02 AM
|| replies
solenoid, on 09 May 2022 - 09:10 AM, said:
your daily coffee+vitamins picture always reminds me to take mine lol
feel u on the narrow hips + afab thing tho. ugh so frustrating wish puberty actually did something to my hips but man all it did was make me hairy
hope the fiber intake doesn't give u too much of a stomachache! & ur mom's card is super cute
im glad my pictures can be of help haha
actually if i wasnt taking them id straight up forget to take mine as well,
my record is going a week straight without them lmao
puberty was the biggest curse for me. i genuinely dont remember ever caring much about my body or what i looked like prior. but suddenly i was 9 and developing early- it was like my whole body changed in a literal instant, and i couldnt recognize myself in the mirror anymore
(i have a hard time even looking at photos from that time because i dont identify with myself at all, it feels like an entire separate person.)
actually didnt have much of a stomachache after all, which was a nice surprise. guess my digestive track is used to it after years of having primarily high fiber safe foods
(also thanks btw, about the card i mean ^^)
Posted 11 May 2022 - 12:14 AM
|| 5/10/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1390kcal
- steps:: 16,040
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- mixed veggies (50kcal)
- corn thins with pb2 (160kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- burnt broccoli and seasoned textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
yeah today was interesting.
first and foremost: i wanted an avocado today, but it turned brown all the way through overnight >: (
forgot to mention i smashed one of my fingers yesterday. not like bad or anything. but it has a nice noticeable dent currently
even better is now every finger on that hand has one to match
which is weird because im pretty sure i only got one or two or them jammed ????
but also my memory from that exact moment is shit bcs i was in a state of anger/panic for reason mentioned previously.
so yeah
totally not stressing out about that, nope me never /s
i think it would bother me less if i knew for sure what caused it ???
like its not painful
but it has that nice feeling of jamming your finger in between a door or whatever.
it could be an infection which scares me
but worse comes to worse- i go to the doctor and get prescribed antibiotics. problem solved.
i just wish i knew for sure
i spent probably an hour googling possible nail conditions and the only similar looking things involved a: trauma to the nail, or b: nail polish/acrylic nails.
which are likely the answer since ive had both recently.
but i really wont know for sure unless i go to the doctor :|
(which idk maybe. but its not actually painful ? or even irritating, so unless it gets worse there really isnt a point)
my brain needs to shut the fuck up.
other news. dentist appointment today. it went well. no mention of gums, my brushing was great except for some buildup (which is normal for me lol)
also i wont be getting more invisalign trays for at least 6 months !!!! : )
as my very back teeth havent grown in all the way, and uh that’s the area that needs correction soooo, whats the point getting more trays NOW just to end up doing extras later on the teeth that havent fully come in.
so yay
im so happy about that
nothing else really happened today that was significant.
i have a weird bruise on my shin ??? lmao no idea how it got there.
i stg i get so many injuries that im just like where?? did?? this?? come?? from?? ?
but yeah
s pretty much it.
just trying to ignore my fingernails and pretend it isnt eating me up inside not knowing wtf is going on with them.
also i probably lost my period again, fantastic
im too tired read into that right now, ill panic about it tomorrow
- solenoid and musicclover like this
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Posted 12 May 2022 - 12:20 AM
|| 5/11/22
- weight:: 100lbs
- bmi:: 17.2
- intake:: 1400kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 17,003
- exercise:: 1 hour 25 minutes (75min dance, 10min abs)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- cucumbers and raspberry dressing (50kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- dark chocolate heart (45kcal)
- microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
- corn thins with veg cheese (175kcal)
- seasoned textured vegetable protein and burnt broccoli (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
weight didnt go down.
love that.
i dont even care anymore lmao
i kinda suspected it would stay the same because even though ive been having good bms and stuff- ive definitely been retaining water. i can feel it.
i looked smaller though when i put on a dress i havent worn in a few weeks so yayyay
i dont feel like weighing so frequently is accomplishing anything really.
im gonna ~challenge myself~ recovery warrior style- to not do it again for the next week and a half.
idk if ill stick to it but
didnt panic about my period lol
panicked about refeeding syndrome instead
got my resting heart rate up though lmaoo
im feeling very numb today.
i cried a bunch last night for various reasons and then fell asleep next to my cat- which helped a bit cause he headbutted me a bunch.
but im still so so drained.
also my step count keeps increasing which is probably why the scale won’t budge actually.
i went from averaging 10k to 12k to now pushing 15k
ofc im gonna retain water.
which makes the whole situation so ironic.
cause my weight going up triggers me to pace more which ends up making me retain MORE water….. and then the scale keeps on staying the same, the cycle repeats…. .-.
i drew a whole bunch today
ill have to take some more pictures of my art tomorrow because im very proud of myself for actually sitting down and drawing something enjoyable
i always used to make “rules” for how i was supposed to draw cuz i was worried i was drawing things the wrong way ???
i just dont care anymore.
like example: i only ever do lineart for my traditional pieces because i hate doing lines digitally. nothing wrong with that.
art should never be a chore.
theres no right or wrong way to draw.
i had to stop watching art youtubers because they were so triggering and made me feel like i was doing everything wrong
not their fault really. hence i dont watch that kinda content anymore : )
idk what my point of saying that was
i think sometimes i have to remind myself thats all.
also i really need to start playing stardew valley againnnn ugh
i was listening to the soundtrack last night and damn i miss playing. i feel so nostalgic about the game.
just dont have the time to play for 3+ hour straight anymore, sad.
reminds me
when i was at my lw id play terraria for like half the day so id basically forget about eating until mealtime haha
i miss that.
also unrelated but i might be underestimating the amount of broccoli i eat (its the one food i count instead of measure. rip broccoli safe food). but idk if i care ???
ill probably be strict from now on (to you know.... avoid a meltdown from my brain)- but also at least its just broccoli this time lmao ????
i feel like i have to tell you guys or else im "cheating" or something dumb like that
like what is this some sort of ed sins confessional ???
im letting this bother me too much fr
- frozenyogurt, whatever.forever, solenoid and 2 others like this
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Posted 12 May 2022 - 12:24 AM
also the art from today : ))))
top is from 2018, bottom is 2022
- frozenyogurt, solenoid, musicclover and 1 other like this
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Posted 12 May 2022 - 08:29 PM
- melt your headaches likes this
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Posted Yesterday, 12:29 AM
|| 5/12/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1395kcal (rounded up)
- steps:: 14,003
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal and cashew milk (185kcal)
- mixed veggies (75kcal)
- frozen blueberries (70kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- corn thins with veg cheese (120kcal)
- burnt broccoli and seasoned textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg cream cheese (360kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
since the gallery has decided to no longer work ive had to resort to other methods for uploading photos.
as in imgur
which i thought hey why not make an account ??
sadly it requires a phone number which makes me nervous and i felt unsafe about doing- regardless of the fact that they supposedly “dont store it”
so i used a throwaway
unfortunately after creating the account
my brain decided that was Not. Safe. either, so i spent a huge chunk of time panicking about that.
probably just delete the account later tbh
i mean i dont think anything hugely bad could happen ??? and anyway the email i used isnt even tied to my main social media accounts let alone one storing any major personal information.
so yeah, the whole situation is dumb cuz i didnt even NEED to make an account ffs..
ill probably mass delete a bunch of photos from my camera roll, delete my browser history, and clean up all my social media accounts because otherwise i wont feel “clean”
not sure why i do that because none of that even relates to what happened. but if it calms me down…. ?
the really good thing that happened today is that mcr released new music !!!! : )))
im actually kind of losing my mind at the moment im so excited.
i think i might stay up extra late and rewatch old interviews and music videos cause i havent done that in ages.
honestly i think this was probably the best news to have happened today. definitely calmed me down from my many anxiety attacks and now i have something else to fixate on.
i always feel the happiest when im engaging with my interests.
maybe its just my stupid catholic upbringing but- it also makes me super guilty that its technically a “material thing”, and “true happiness” cannot be achieved without god or whatever
obviously i disagree.
but everytime i tell people “oh !!!! this band, or this game or whatever- has made me happier than i have been in months !!!”
i get shot down and told thats not a valid reason to be happy. or that im using it as an “unhealthy coping mechanism” to ignore my problems.
jehsjdhdjjdidj idk why im bringing all that up
im still feeling super happy for the first time in weeks regardless : )
- frozenyogurt, whatever.forever, solenoid and 1 other like this
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Posted Yesterday, 12:43 AM
|| replies
solenoid, on 12 May 2022 - 8:29 PM, said:
love how your style developed over the years!!
thank you <3
my style has been quite all over the place tbh, but i dont really mind so much anymore : ) i think it more fun to be open to experimentation as opposed to restricting myself for the sake of "consistency"
the only phase i regret was when i tried to make my "style" more realistic (think: small heads with ridiculously long necks for some ungodly reason) though i suppose i wouldnt be where i am today if i hadnt decided to draw like that previously
Posted Today, 12:08 AM
|| bodychecks
i never post bodychecks LMAO but i got the weird urge to take pictures mid workout session ????
anyway dont be fooled im not actually skinny and my proportions in general are fucked
also sorry the light is so ugly oops
(ps: dont quote pics or ill actually eat your flesh)
(ignore my ugly ass room lol)
- frozenyogurt, whatever.forever and solenoid like this
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Posted Today, 12:29 AM
|| 5/13/22
- weight:: ???
- bmi:: ???
- intake:: 1410kcal
- steps:: 15,018
- exercise:: 45 minutes (pilates)
|| food pictures
- coffee and vitamins (0kcal)
- cereal with cashew milk (185kcal)
- cucumbers with hot sauce (35kcal)
- black beans (130kcal)
- sour jelly beans (50kcal)
- microwaved strawberries (50kcal)
- corn thins with avocado and nutritional yeast (155kcal)
- burnt broccoli and seasoned textured vegetable protein (160kcal)
- english muffins with veg butter (400kcal)
- protein cereal and coffee (245kcal)
|| thoughts
decided to finally ask my mom to buy some calcium supplements
found some pretty cheap ones that have 100% or my daily requirements, but they also contain TONS of magnesium so ill probably only take half a serve (which i mean, will make it last twice has long haha)
and combined with my cashew milk which has 30%… ill hit minimum 80% of the recommended amount everyday
so yeah
hopefully that will ease my mind on bone health and stuff while i try to sort out my period.
im also gonna get a blood test in august (which is when my next doctors appointment is)
so uhhhh thats great for my anxiety but also super bad for my ed
last appointment i was 99lbs so if they see im 9lbs less uhhhhhh
ill worry about that in 3 months. maybe i wont have even lost the weight by then. who knows.
(if eat eat before hand and wear heavy clothes….. ?)
idk why im worrying about this, i havent even lost the weight lmao
my youngest sister got a stomach bug
so i stayed home from my conditioning class cause i dont want to risk making the whole class ill
really hoping i dont get sick myself cause otherwise ill miss dance
(ofc my stupid brain is like but then youll have an excuse not to eat !!!! you can lose a bunch of weight FAST)
guess ill see how this plays out, so far im feeling okay. but i might wake up tomorrow feeling very differently.
i actually had a decent body image day. currently the only place really irking me is my hips and the top parts of my thighs.
ummm not much else exciting for today. ive been really enjoying doing lineart lately???? insane cuz thats always been my least favorite part.
but its been so relaxing to do ????
i gotta remember to get more pictures of my stuff tomorrow lol
Posted Today, 01:22 PM

also that english muffin plus vegan butter combo

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